YOU Can Be a Crime Stopper . . . Just Make Sure You HAVE The Right Criminal! LOL!
Yesterday, me and another chick from the shelter, an artist, who has some cool art project, ideas for the community, who as all communities are doing these days, struggling to know what to do with the homeless and some of the negatives, like littering and trash issues, that may become problematic, when you don't have a steady place to live, and you are without trash receptacles, and you are already struggling with your backpack, luggage, purse, and perhaps boxes, and a few lunch items . . . and the trash, becomes just another burden, you just don't have the patience, to deal with, while you are trying to get to Social Security, to replace the I.D. you got stolen, for some of the same reasons you can't deal with the garbage in your hands, already overloaded . . . so you trash the trash in a bush or leave it under a tree, but perhaps not the the betterment and aesthetics of the city father's and mother's liking! She, Lisa, wants to gather some of the trash, garbage, castaway items, and draw attention to the needs of the homeless, or a better understanding of the challenges, or something like that, do a mural, or hold an event, perhaps take a small segment of the park, bringing awareness to the plights of the homeless and the city, who has compassion, within, city limits, or just limits, of keeping their sanity, and their compassion! And believe me . . . I GET IT!
So, we are sitting and McDonald's, without a dime, trying to look like we just ate and dumped our garbage in the garbage, and chatting about life, and I was telling her about the cop op, or cop operation, I believed was planned the night before, to take me down, haul my ass off, in secret, blindside me, as the Patriot Act bratz are known to do, and just make me disappear, as is their plan, so the wrong criminals, can take my place! There was this clean cut, 25 to 30 years old, clean looking, either camper or homeless dude, with a nice navy green, Nike hat on, with a white check, for the symbol of Nike, a white shirt, all too clean and nice for passing to be homeless, who was sitting, not eating, with a bottle of water, and messing around on his cell phone, but, practicing my hat magic, and glancing under the rim of his hat at he. I thought, here we go again, I got a trail on my ass. And as is the case with symbols, signs, I stand up and notice, a Tom Clancy, novel sticking out of his backpack . . . he is a fucking little spy! Don't ask me where my federal tax code name, came up with the symbol of Tom, short for Thomas, as a sign of a CIA agent, or just an agent in general, among other signs I have to indicate, that I have a spy following my ass!
But, as is always the case with this constitutionally trained mind, I hold dear to the legal presumption of innocent until proven guilty, and as usual that is at odds with the Patriot Act bratz, you are guilty, until, YOU can prove that you are innocent, saving the state the cost of bearing the burden of proving you guilty, as has always been the tradition, in America, since the days of the Declaration of Independence and the signing of the United States Constitution! While not in a court of law, that is my policy, because I have accused people of taking something, when I have merely misplaced it . . . so I always reserve judgement, accusations, and blaming, until I have the facts, evidence to prove that this person is guilty of whatever it is I am accusing them of. So, I tell Lisa, that the guy, with the navy green hat is a spy, I would guess, but I am not absolutely sure, but he appears to me to be, and all signs, which people don't realize, give away who exactly they are . . . but, still I would reserve a total indictment, until proven. Lisa left, and we didn't have much time to talk, until last night.
Our Little, Blonde, Balding Headed, Spy, In the Navy Hat, Trailed the Wrong Chick, and Later Came Back to McDonald's Were I Still Was! LOL! Gotcha!
Okay, connecting the dots, the dude, left, in close timing with Lisa, but I didn't notice, because, who would think they were following an artist, although she did tell me, that she had noticed, since talking to me, that she thought, that she saw people strategically situated on her way to McDonald's, who by the way, is great, and cool, when you don't have money, or I have been good enough to pull of writing my blog and bluffing them, but over all, thanks . . . she said she suffers from PTSD, and several times, cautioned me to calm down, because she was getting stressed thinking about the people she thought were watching her since she met me, and then she looked at the screen on her computer, and turned it off, she had just pulled up my blog! LOL! And, she needs to be careful, some little dude, met me the other day at the shelter, while watching, Ann Coulter, on of course the only opinion show that will listen to her, Fox Opinion! On the set, they had the time, Ann's Nation or Ann's World! I think the only reason they have Coulter on, is that she has the same hair do as the rest of the chicks on Fox, but her hair is longer, and if they would look closer, she is not a true blonde, you can see her dark roots! But, for some reason, she has become the symbol of Rachel, sister, flight attendant, turned, JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., or ME . . . SCREAMMMMMM, so demeaning!
I thought, in jealousy of her title, because, I know my blog, goes to about, judged on early hit/results, and some that sneak through without the NSA, Mo Box Trolls, trying to snag all the hits, before I get to brag about them! LOL! My pay, is you learning . . . they are all about the MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, which buys, POWER, POWER, POWER! Especially after, that bumbling holding in the Citizens United court case, out of the U.S. Supreme Court, giving first amendment rights to corporations, and denying them to REAL PERSONS, like myself! Oh, the NSA, will let me write my blog, but they get the hits, the results, and the money, and the prestige of being JOANN S. SECRIST, while I am walking down North Avenue in Grand Junction, fighting to prove who I AM! I can't believe, that I can write about local events, local restaurants, and local people, and for some reason, that becomes, Rachel, Shelley, Kay or Sue! What the fuck! Anyway, I said, after I listened to her shpill on her new book, on immigration, having written about the beheadings of the La Familia, Mexican Mafia, and their acid baths and reign of terror, about a year ago. Coulter was making reference to the real terrorists are the Hispanics, next door, not ISIS who is a half a world away. I bet Ms. Coulter's ancestors, migrated to this country or she is a Native American Indian! LOL!
That day, after me and this guys discussed the news, and the issues, I started to walk down North Avenue, looking for a place, I could loiter for about 2 to 3 hours while I wrote my daily blog, crashing on an Internet, at a place that I had no money to purchase their food or products, hey, at times it is tough on the streets, and even tougher, without money, while a million a day is banking in sista's bank accounts, while she divides it out, to the dirty cops, that will set up sting ops at the shelters, or follow me at McDonald's, so she doesn't miss a beat on who I am talking to and whom I am with! How do you be me, or say you were here, if you don't know each and every person, place and thing, that I happened into that day! I am just living my life, and they are living it too! But, I noticed this shelter pest, coming in and ignored him, as he sat at another table while I was typing away in Burger King! After I finish typing, which is an other worldly experience for me, almost trance like . . . I put my head up and noticed a really bad ass looking dude, watching me, and he was sitting with some chick I didn't know, but I noticed shelter, pest over, starring at me with total intensity, and I say him, but didn't get the message. But, I did get my typical gut reaction to the vibe of this dude, and it was assassin material vibes . . . a fake biker jacket, too new, looked like a black cop, with a bald head, like the guys with Fryer Tuck hair do's from Robin Hood, which is most likely the entity that sent him, to stop my writing or make me pay for the writing on the Saturday before!
The Shelter Rat Was Hysterical by That Night! You Had the CIA and the Black Panters On You . . . Black Dude Had A GUN!
When this small guy, nice as can be, and clean, making me wonder if he is on the side of the Hood the Hoods come from, my familia!, but he was freaking out, and I can tell he has been reading my blogs about the Mormon Mafia, because he is all freaked out about Mormons and thinks every bike cop in Grand Junction, wearing yellow shirts and black shorts, is really a Mormon missionary, he said, they ride two by two, and don't go to the wine and cheese tasting in the park, because they will arrest YOU! LOL! But, the day before he told me that, he told me that the CIA and the Black Panters, dude with a gun, was after you. He said, one day following you and I believe you, they are after you, hell. I finished typing, and did feel that this guy, who was, after learning that the chick he was sitting with, was the mean manager, who kicks him out, while the other workers, when she is not there, give him a free cup of coffee . . . compassion lives! But, I looked up, and something struck me as funny, inauthentic about the two sitting together, but if that is a hit man, I am sure, he would have to inform the manager, we are going to blow her away in your eating establishment, but just chill, we have CIA, cleaning crews, to clean up the body and the mess! That is what my CIA, female hit woman, tells me, they do.
But, again, always connecting the dots, using my Intel people, either God, or the shelter people, he told me, that, when I saw him leave, he didn't leave! I guess he went out, and I got the feeling I should get the hell out of dodge, and went into the bathroom, needing it, before leaving . . . the Black Panter, former CIA, on the Mormon payrolls, got up and went, to act like he was going, but, hysteria boy, told me, he just went out and acted like he was leaving and went around to the back of the building and came in the employees door! NICE! But, moving according to my, vibes, I must have gone out the side door, while he was moving into position in the back of the store! I am sure, the dudes have it down to a science, by now, but, hey, with shelter rats, and God, who can be against me, and I walked out free and safe! So, back to the spy in McDonald's and the rest of the story.
The Return of the Spy to McDonald's? Wrong Chick? LOL!
I am a hard one to pin down, through a description, and to make the baby spy feel better, following the wrong woman, lol, most of the cops and spies get it wrong. My face can pass for 35 years old, easy, and I have a ton of energy, which is a much better indicator of age, at least psychological age, than the actual years. I see, people much younger than myself, who are 35 and act 60, while I am 60 and act, move, and look more in the 35 to 45 age range. So, a description by age is a tough one to tell! Ask the Montana judge, who let a teacher off, on statutory rape, because the victim looked much older than 14! He had the National Organization of Women, or NOW, calling for his removal from the bench, so don't mess with a woman's age! I have had 10 cops, K-9 units, had a hard time, in fact let me go, after not finding me on the bus, to find me, and kill me, stop buses I have been on, with the members of the Hood, who you think is me, and them me, that constitutional law attorney, stop a bus, I got out of town on, when the cops, sheriffs took my truck, telling me the only way, SECRIST, that you are getting out of town, after outrunning them 5 times, lol, is on foot . . . why don't you ask those local boyz who SECRIST is! LOL! They know it is the woman who continues to kick their asses, GOKICKBALLS, all the time! Here is part of the treasure hunt, Make a Splash, comes from a bus shelter sign, advertising ad space on bus shelters, with little splashers in a swimming pool. And the inspirational, sign from God, GoKickBalls, good idea, comes from, the soccer yard sign, on the first corner, after crossing the street, legally, of course, on the street crossing after the leaving Homeward Bound Shelter!
Green Burrito, comes from the Carl's Junior Burger joint marque. But, I noticed yesterday, sorry for jumping all over the place, but I am trying to help the possible, if it is a possibility, that there are actual cops, on the right side of this 15 year, poison, identity theft ordeal!, that the blonde haired, blue eyed, slightly built, spy, who left for about a hour, like I said, about the time, Lisa, left, and then suddenly showed up. He sat where Lisa had been, I guess hoping that he left, so he could come back and take her spot in McDonald's, LOL, hoping I wouldn't notice he had been gone for an hour! But, I don't like people, sitting behind me, could stick a syringe in my neck, with air or water, and kill me, so, I moved, and sat, pretending to watch the news, while watching him. He got nervous and after about 15 minutes, left! LOL! Who is watching who? So, Lisa, pulls me aside a dinner, a bit unnerved, and said, that guy you pointed out, from McDonald's, I think he was a spy, because he followed me to about 4 places! He was in a truck, and followed her to the convenience store, the park, the blah, blah, blah . . . I didn't catch the places. So, he left, thinking, that he was following ME, and he was actually, following Lisa . . . someone from sky watch or satilite must have corrected him and sent him back to McDonald's! LOL! And that is the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey used to say!
Now, For the Treasure Hunt of Signs Down North Avenue, Grand Funk Junction, Colorado . . . All Have Significance to Me, and Tell a Story, But, I Don't Fell Like Writing ALL of Them, But I Will Mention Some!
Like I said, My God is an Awesome God, and over the last 15 years, since I was poisoned, told I was going to die, and had time to be pissed off at him, he with a sense of humor, and me learning the code, spent many a long hour working out the details of this code, far more complicated than the spy codes, their encrypted messages, and so forth. But, I have to lay the foundation for you to understand, even the rudimentary signs, and messages, that I get, on a 24/7 bases, enough, that the night before last, on the cop op that was going down at the shelter, when I got up at 2:00 a.m., sneaked out of the place, went to GREASE MONKEY, next door, so I was out of sight, not knowing where to go at that ungodly time of the morning and no money . . . if I had money, there is a canteena or something, I noticed was open 24/7 . . . I like to know the lay of the land, so when there are such occasions as this, where I am out on the streets all night, I have somewhere to go hang out, til the break of morning light. But, lucky for me, Grease Monkey Mechanics, is located right behind the shelter, and I could still pick up wireless service from the service at the shelter, and I sat there all night, watching music videos of songs that remind me, of Fifty Shades of Grey, Lancelot . . . and of course, every once in a while, I marvel at me and God's handi-work, and look at my cool, red-haired, rock star son, Elliot's, videos, going from the time he was about 14 to about 27 years of age, Rockin' the WEB!
I think the cop, or undercover fed, with several of both flavors of cops, who checked in, or played staff, but the guy, who came and shined the flashlight in my face, and only checked our row, is probably pissed, because any sign of weird shit like that, doing something that had not been done the nights before, lead me to believe that they have something up their sleeves and it is not, going to work in my favor! But, I sit in a room and scope out the place, and like getting the lay of the land, I get the feel and habits of a shelter, and know what is normal, has happened for the last few nights, and when something is up and things start to be abnormal, as was the case the other night, and judge by a particular staff member, who is totally anal retentive, and had my cell phone, the other day, when I thought it was stolen . . . and with him, knowing I have been there, and was the night before, said, Oh, so that was YOU over next door with your computer on! I thought it was a guy . . . pulled my hoodie up over my head, cold, and cool, just did a typo . . . but he went out front? I think the night games, the night before made sense now, but he made me blow, and acted like I should not be allowed back into the shelter, since I figured the cop op out!
I told him, I just couldn't sleep, that I had several Dr. Peppers, at my friend's house, that night, and it had me too wired to go to sleep, both of which were true, but that is not the reason I left, it was him, running, up and down, just my row, none of the other women's row, none of the men's rows, making sure I was still in my bed, I am the Ghost . . . I AM LEGEND! And that is not fucking, god-damned lie! Yeah, the woman, who sued cops, killed their legislation and lived to blog about it! LOL! And with over 1,000 attempts, not only on my life, but to lock me up . . . HELL, YEAH, I AM LEGEND! And if you want to check, just send on of your goons over, to Daylight Donuts, which is 4X busier, than yesterday at this time, I would like to think my blog helped the local coffee shop, that is hopping with tons of people right now!
You Too Can Learn My Brilliant Secrets . . . With God's Intel Help! I Am Training The Cop Shops, The Best, Three Years and Counting, They Have Tried to Nab, Grab, and Stab ME!
So, some of these are just cool names, slogans, but some are extremely significant to me, and if you develop a code, such as this, you will attach your own meanings. But, the way this sign thing started with me and God, was . . . I hadn't prayed, still haven't, in 20 years, now 40 years, but I am in constant communion with God, through signs, symbols, messages, and thought. But, lacking the necessary, humility to pray, but with the total humility, to trust and realize that my very breath, liberty, and freedom, day to day, is dependent on my listening to his promptings and reading HIS messages, as I walk, talk, deal and breath each and every day, 24/7, and I am not exaggerating. And I find, he doesn't let me down, and like the stories from the last few days, I even have witnesses to verify, what I was feeling and to validate what happened. But, after I had been diagnosed with allegedly, PICK's Disease, a very rare, and allegedly genetic brain disease, that attacks you frontal lobes, and deteriorates the lobes, much like the early process of Alzheimer's and dementia, I was walking to go get a, you got it, a Diet Coke, and just kicking clods . . . I was a workaholic, general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, a professor of family law, U of U, had my own anger management company, making $500 per hour, for a minimum of a two hour presentation, and writing programs on Quicknowledge, one of the first online educational programs, writing about information I had learned about guardianship/conservatorships for the elderly and disabled, I learned about while staff attorney for the Utah Division of Aging . . . no slouch for sure!
I was down in St. George, Utah, walking from my house, that I owned, as an investment, in the Moon River, Ence Development, on the south side of the freeway, walking over to the Chevron, gas station, at the bottom of Bluff Street, in about 2003 or 2004, while I was trying to sell the house, I bought in 1996, when I got slammed on taxes while staff attorney for the Utah Prosecution Council, an assistant attorney general, and was down in that area, after a friend of big sister hood, mafia, chick, Shelley, was so verbally abusive, and treated me so bad, after I had been diagnosed and was suppose to die, that her friend, got sick of it, and offered to move down to St. George into my house that I had previously only rented out, and good for her, she met a great man and got married, but, she had left, early on, because my father, who was taking care of my financial affairs and money, which was about, $3,800 per month, private and public, disability insurance, and boy did he ever take care of my money, kept all but $25 per week, that I got . . . it is kind of like my blog, I get 1 hit for ever 300 million they get! The Hood got used to stealing my money and ID from way back! When you look at people in a shelter, you don't know, what got them there, and what there story is, so judge not that ye be not judged . . . I should be worth a cool billion, with all the money they have stolen in the last 6 years!
The Start . . . Pissed at God, You Just Want to Burn Me . . . I MAY!
So, the first time, I noticed strange signs on trucks, on license plates, and bill boards, sounds crazy, but, it has saved my life, on many occasions, but I was walking to get a Diet Coke, and it was hotter than hell, and I was cursing God, and being really raunchy, but, I was talking to him for the first time in 20 years, and I hadn't needed him before, Legal Golden Girl . . . not big ass boob Rachel, tall girl the Hood, put in a lawyers suit, and did her hair, gave her a script, but little old Me, wearing black yoga or workout pants, black, cheap ass shirt from Walmart, Black running shoes, with orange ties, and pink and orange trim with a black sweatshirt tied around my waist, and hair a wild and untamed as my spirit! So, while swearing and cursing God, first truck goes by with this on the side, in huge ass letters, about the size of the semi-trailer behind the cab, that simply, said, G.O.D., what the hell, that spells God, whom I used to know and talk to, but, what is this, I hate the motherfucker for doing this to me, I was blaming the wrong entity, but at that time, I was told I had a genetic disease, not a government, hood, poisoning and after all I did, raising kids, going to law school, working my ass, off and trying to save all the victims of abuse, at the very time I was doing the most good, I was struck down in the prime of my life, at age 46 and rockin' the state's legal system, taking care of corruption, and fighting for the people, and now this, bull shit, I hate you, God.
So the second truck, follows shortly after that, that says, and spells out, CRST, or to my mind phonetically, sounds, like CHRIST. And it is funny, when I make a particularly, amazing escape, that truck line will pass down the freeway, or down the streets, or I can see it from the freeway . . . like saying, don't think you did this on your own, basking in your glory, I helped you out a bit! Around that time, I had sometimes watched the freeway, in those boring days, carrying on a conversation with God, for hours, because after I sold my house to the first person who came through, cute house, patio home, and my father kept the $7,000 or so equity I had in the house, putting only $200 down at the time I started building the house . . . but, my father is friends with the Ences, Bishop was an Ence . . . names dates and times of purchase might have been altered, but Sun Title, on Bluff told me my father got the equity! I moved into an apartment, that faced the freeway, and so I would stand in my kitchen window, and got back acquainted with God, through asking questions and watching trucks, go down the freeway . . . yes, I was that bored . . . and I would get answers. One day, after an all day conversation, me thinking things, and God sending trucks, in amazing sequences, and I am sure he was fit to be tied, but he sent by a truck line with the word, JERK!, on the side! LOL! I started to laugh, and realized that God had/has a sense of humor!
This was the best one, though . . . I was just walking around in circles, in the hot southern Utah sun, in an empty lot, near my apartment at the top of I think 1100 East, white and pink, yuck, but almost abuts the freeway, so close, you might be able to reach it . . . but, that day, I was kicking clods, and just walking around, and I said, I know God, that YOU, just want to BURN me! And to my shock and horror, a car went driving by, just at that second, that said, I MAY! That was probably someone's personal license plate, but to me, and just at the time I said that, it was a shocking response from what I had been taught was a loving God, and he really might burn me! As I write that, it has significance to me, right now, Elliot, bass guitarist, of God's Revolver and other bands, was born in May, and I MAY . . . that May baby is mine, came out of my legs, I named him and even bought him his first guitar! And told him not to cause anyone to lose their testimony of God and CHRIST! Funny how life goes in complete circles! I learned that day, that he is a personal God, he knows our thoughts, and minds, and he also, gives me a great laugh, but not that time, every once in a while . . . but, he castises those he loves, so I should have felt loved . . . I am not exactly sure that is what I felt that day, more shocked, but I feel loved, every second of every day! My God and Your God, is an awesome God! We are his children!
Take a Nice 90 Degree Walk This Afternoon . . . ProofPoint!
- the name on a Matco Tool truck, was Steve Mayrose, Rachel's oldest son's name is Matt, so some significance to Matt, or saying that Chris is Matt, and the other name, Steve Mayrose, my mother used to read us the story of Snow White and Rose Red, for some reason, I thought of Shelley, as the color white, because Snow White, has dark hair, as does Kay, and I was blonde; therefore, I was the blonde rose, but Shelley became in this mind game with God, connected with the name, Rose. So, God was telling me, that still, my son, Elliot, born May 3, 1983, was being considered, Shelley, or Rose's child, NOT MINE! Shelley had bastards, and they all have different names, some Southwick, some Anderson, and some whatever? But, Isaac, is Shelley's son, and he is a brunette, or actually light brown haired kid, Elliot is think the RED JESUS! Watch the god-damned videos, you fucking fools! Kay and Rachel have flat faces, my kids, especially, Chris, who looks, like me, in coloring, couldn't be Rachel's kid, nor Elliot with his chiseled face, Shelley's kid . . . and Kay's, is a stretch from hell, adoption aside, she is pug nosed, short, with brown eyes . . . Elliot has blue eyes! I guess that is where ex-husband Don comes in, genetically? Check out Isaac's clef chin, and Don's. It is not complicated at all, they just want to cover past thefts, and make new money on El's music!
- Blue Moose, Rachel's name, if she is still married to Kay Moosman, is the headless, Moosman, and the boring color, blue, is the color that came to represent the Mormon church . . . maybe, blue pocket sized Book of Mormons, paperback, but I hate blue, other than the sky, as long as there is another color like green with it!
- City Rib . . . from whole hogs to hot dogs! I ribbed the city about the library being so far from the shelter, and with no money, I am having to crash, fast food and restaurants to get my blog done, without getting picked up for loitering! But, these supposed, Robin Hoods, think that I am a hog if I take credit for all the things I have done, so being the socialists and communists, opposed to America and obviously opposed to capitalism, because they take from the rich and give to themselves, now the rich, have reversed that and they are the hogs, giving me a mere, 1 to 300 million hits/results, on now 6 search engines with 4 to 5 versions of MY BLOG WRITING, on all 24 results . . . so who is the fucking hogs? And who thinks they are hot dogs, think sexual sense . . . these fuckers think they are HOT SHIT! NOT . . . Brett is symbolically, SID SQUIRRELL, on the lease sign for, BRAY, Real Estate . . . Brett tried to hide the music money in real estate, found four pages of real estate in Utah, under Brett Stuart or Stewart, Shelley was in Salt Lake City, at that time too, living with cousin, Christine Ward, don't know married names. And that is just down the street from Big K, you think, Kay, is me; therefore, Big K, is nothing more than BIG JOANN . . . fabric store!
- Sonic is on the left hand side . . . I would say, that the blog I wrote yesterday, went sonic, like a sonic boom, loud and big! And to prove my thoughts right . . . at the next intersection, there was a red, power, truck, with the license plate, that said, HTS, that could be the phonetics form hits as in kill you, or for hits on the blog! And as times, is symbolizes my son's, or son ic . . . and if they are following these fuckers, they are IC to me! Money, sex, and safety. Blah! Or my son's are also, Sonic, in the sense, that they are MY sons, and what they do will go SONIC, like a loud sonic boom! Fun stuff, and make me think, and gives me stuff to write about . . . if you look at the last few blogs, like the one starting with Oh My Dog . . . that comes from a local yard sign for a dog salon or some pet connected business! Cute, thanks for letting me steal your fun sign and slogan . . . free advertisement is the way I look at it!
- SOLARUS Square . . . SO ARE US? You see, I excuse my kids, they were young, still are, somewhat, if they are swayed, by the OTHER GUYS (funny movie with Will Farrell, Mark Walburg, about the SEC, fraud, FBI, financial crimes--really? Brock? Maybe? Stealing a $357 million case?), the ones who offer titles of nobility, through the Mormon Church, and going toward the British Monarchy, or the CIA, Illuminati Monarch Project! And they are operating that like the network marketing state, of Utah, network marketing capitol of the world, all about capital! Just like in all network marketing schemes, there is a pyramid, where the top earners, are all the first ones who got into the business, and the rest of the crew, gets shit! So, I am sure that there have been promises of making my son's God's, like they think they, Sid Squirrell and Big Kay! on my life! LOL! Just like the British monarchy, they were just William and Kate . . . Chris and Kat, are even better looking, and little "Y" is cutie girl! They are using your families money to make them seem big, using my credentials, resume, to get Kay into an FBI boss position, which she never, never, never, could have gotten without being ME! Brett had his feelers hurt, I won't and wouldn't cat fight over him, when he and Kay arranged an alleged, girl's weekend, at Kay's house in Jeremy Ranch, near Park City, Utah, on Sand Trap Drive or Sand Piper . . . something to do with golf! Kay's back deck, hung over the golf course! Once, Brett said, his favorite place on Earth besides, Half Moon Bay, California . . . where Kay had lived . . . as all the hood, is, was the Epcott Center, at the Florida, Disneyland . . . Rachel's favorite place is California Disneyland . . . because they are all characters, not real, fake, make believe, and CLOWNS! In real!
- Hookah Lounge, Rachel, Ms. alleged, Mormon, righteous girl, who allegedly writes my religious oriented blogs, I am divided up, about 20 ways, but she is the shining star of religion . . . bull shit, she ditched out of seminary, didn't graduate from it, never read the scriptures until she go older . . . she did, however, start going to the temple, what 30 years after I went through, start going once a week with the sisters in her Mormon ward . . . explain them Rachel, I wrote 30 page, master's day level papers, for my master's degree in Ancient Scripture Studies at BYU . . . I just did a typo, BUY, they bought BYU, religion department, Steve Robinson, who would gladly trash me, since his stole my paper on MOTHER IN HEAVEN, all proven scripturally, Biblically, for his doctoral thesis . . . gladly take money to make ME go away and replace me with dim wit, Rachel! Hell YEAH! Rachel wanted to be a friend with her kids, so one of the last times, actually the last time, because I think, it was Rachel's step son, Kyle, who put the pipe bomb on my navy blue, Ford Taurus, that was blown up, within hours of leaving Rachel's house on New Years Eve . . . with Kyle, asking me if I could kill someone, the day before . . . which I thought strange . . . he also, said the FBI had recruited him? He could barely graduate from college and hold down a job . . . but the alleged, GODS, the ones who rely on my families accolades and honors, resumes, cases, blogs, music, to gain status, money and access to the Mormon Church, hell Sid Squirrell and Big Kay, JoAnn, that Brett would not divorce, because Christ and Mary Magdaline, for the new Mo Christ, calendars, posters, after the Church said, they had adopted an official version of Christ! Money speaks, and it is always the MEN who get revelation, like on polygamy and such! But, on New Years Eve, the cool mom, Rachel, smoked Hookah with the kids, and the square auntie JoAnn refused . . . I am sure that, those identities have been switched around, and I was the hookah queen, the one who wrecked her car with neighbor Wendy, and drove the car onto Rachel, then My, old house at 3770 Sugar Leo . . . changing IDs, since 2000! I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, or even simulated drugs . . . I don't do the cool mom, friend, routine, that is why Rachel wants to claim my kids, she fucked up her own! Remember I am at the shelter . . . now, the Shelter Rat, did accuse me of sitting out smoking, on Sunday morning, and I said, I don't smoke, he said, I know it was you, or you have a twin who was smoking! He is probably, on the payroll, now, as they all are . . . just like A,B,C, they meet me, and then the hood contacts them and they side with the MONEY!
- Hair We Are . . . in the strip mall with Hookah Lounge, Western Union, Today's Image . . . the description above is Rachel, so far from the way I raised my kids! I am sure Rachel, haven't seen her since my car was blown up, but I am sure she has the Fox Opinion Girl and Ann Coulter Hair! And Hair's Rachel! LOL! I just sneezed, that is my sign for Tissue! Or Is U! No, I am reading signs, walking down the North Avenue to wherever . . . Neverland! LOL!
- A Taste of Heaven Catering, that is what I wrote about on Sunday and Monday . . . I am here at the donut shot still, cops have been doing "U" turns, right in front of the donut shop . . . maybe afraid they will learn the TRUTH about who is who! Mo Jo, image, hair girl, fox girl, is a liar! As are the rest of the HOOD!
- KWAL Paints . . . Kay Wall Paints, the word, wall, sign cops . . . that is really key . . . because, every damned thing I do, they paint me over, with one of the cops chicks, I am allegedly dead, retarded, in a nursing home, where they tried to put me, believe me, they have tried to make me disappear, every day, every second, and they have the personnel, equipment, tools, and money, while MINE, to do it! Let's say, that my house is orange, green, and every time I do something, it is quickly painted over blue! or Mo versions of ME!
- Fresh Roasted Chilis . . . or Fresh Roasted Shelley's! LOL! That is a mobile food trailer in the parking lot, in the same strip mall as A Taste of Heaven Catering!
- Alsco Truck . . . Al's Co . . . Frank of Interpol, or international police, who came in, along with Shelley to kill, Allan Rex Bess, my client from Parowan, who I intended to marry, was replaced by Frank, Delta Force Intelligence, who was to work with the local Iron County boyz, and replace, Parowan Police Chief, Griffeth, who was a friend of mine, with Kent Wade, a former Marine, veteran, worked in Internal Affairs, and refused to listen, read, the 20 pages of all the facts, evidence and examples, of why, I thought that there was a fake Allan, a government double, with a shit load of evidence, easy, and this fucker, would not listen because he was purposefully brought in and hired, with the Mayor firing Griffeth, who was a friend of mine, so they could to the big take down on JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D. who sued the County for $56.7 million, and the National Guard, in the Lamoreaux case, with 3 Iron County Sheriffs being in the National Guard, involved in the murder of Misty, Tristan's wife, my client! The real, Allan Rex Bess, had a picture of Misty Lamoreaux, on his wall, and when I told him, I was taking over the case, Allan, wanted to help. He and Tristan, connected, over Allan's tattoo of riding with the Vogos Biker gang . . . the fake Frank aka Allan, had a fuzzy version of a tat, that he claimed was the one Allan had, but that is easy to replicate, and it had been some time since I had seen Allan's, since he was DEAD! Tons of evidence, even DNA, ProofPoint, to show the new police that they had the murderer of Allan Rex Bess, right here, and the murderer of the girl, who was murdered, and found on the town square corner of the Mormon Church . . . I was there on the scene, after being at the grave yard, mourning the death of my, supposed husband, while living with the murderer, who was trying to murder me, so Shelley, whom he moved in when I had gone to Montana, and tried to block me using the woman who had been Allan's only witness on the case I did, I am sure she testified that Shelley, whom she became acquainted with, while Shelley and her lazy ass son, parked there sorry asses, at my house, using all my NEW stuff, burning holes in my carpet, and taking over the music room that I made for Elliot and his band to come practice at . . . Isaac stole $30,000 worth of music equipment, and tried to hide it at my house! Shelley acted like she owned the place, and probably does, with the fake Allan, Frank and boyz, stealing the house and that fucking, Judy Daly, the witness, the first woman I met in Parowan, and after talking to her, while Misty and Dennis, David Doddridge were looking through the house, that allegedly had been traded with a condo in Vegas, for the Parowan house, I was asking Judy about Allan, whom I had not met yet! What a fucking piece of shit bitch, Frank aka, even told Chief Wade that Judy was his sister! Allan's sister, Lina, was dead, a long time before . . . hey, chief, don't let me confuse you with the FACTS! After the cops, tried to fake Frank's dead, suicide, to get me back into Utah, I went over to the Police Department, and if front of all the secretarys, in my signature rapid fire way . . . in no uncertain terms, put him in his place, and told him, why the suicide was staged! Cell phone calls made on Allan's or allegedly Allan's phone, three after the time of death, no feces or release of bodily fluids, and the pipe he allegedly hung himself on, was not big enough to hold a chimpanze . . . that man, evolved, to less than an ape! Frank threw temper tantrums like a fucking two year old! The ninety year old neighbor told me that the cops were hanging out over with Allan/Frank all the time, there were no cop cars, and no ambulance! Office!
- Untouched (Fiji) truck . . . went by right after, and yes, I am untouched by all this bull shit! I also thought of the statement, No Man is an Island . . . I have been, alone, fighting all of them!
- Raven, next came by a van with a Raven painted on it . . . like it was Raven's crew, that were on board to fuck with me in Grand Junction. Ravenrathburn . . . was Shelley's email address when her and Brett started this shit! And yes, the Raven in getting burned by my wrath! What a fucking piece of shit, cunt, asshole, and loser! Good grief, how in the hell did I get this fuck as a sister? What the hell . . . the school bus kept driving by, with the words, First Student on the side, and yes, Shelley has been the first student of mine . . . so much so, that she wanted to be ME! They say, imitation is the highest form of flattery . . . so what is taking over your whole fucking life? Now, I am sure the cop op was to take Shelley down, one of Allan's, my clients friends, actually two of them, created a bikers's bike, called the TWISTED SISTER, and they were on the cover of all kinds of biker magazines, back in the day, it was orange as I recall, but I am sure that, now I can't remember anyone's names, but I saved him from the Mexican Mafia, when the prosecutors were trying to force him into a controlled wired buy, of drugs, but he pushed the camera away when he purposefully threw the keys at it, blocking the real view of the cartel member, but they were strong arming, shit, can't remember, to testify, or they were going to get his daughter for drugs, and she was just getting ready to graduate from Southern Utah University in veteranry science! I was asked by him to come to court, and help him . . . I told him to take the 5th, but he testified and I freaked when I saw the defendant's sister, turn to someone in the courtroom, sitting by his mother, and put a hit out on my friend at the time, Joe Hudichech was his name, he lives out in Paragona, and makes custom bikes.
- Wrigley Field Sports and Grill, I did an Internship with Americans United for Life, the summer between my second and third year of law school, in Chicago, at the same time Rachel and Chris, lived in Shumberg, with Stephanie, and Rachel was pregnant with Matt . . . allegedly Chris, my son, tons better looking, my son, smarter, and they think that because Matt is fat, he is mine, or I am Rachel now, and Rachel is JoAnn, because thin parents, don't have fat sons . . . both Matt and Scott, are fat, or Scotty had lost some weight, but they are total beefy boys, Chris is too thin, or Greta said, and all his family told him to put on weight. But, hey, before the mob, the hoods got me, I was fucking thin, much thinner than Rachel is now, or the last time I saw her! Believe me, they, the hood, just took my life, and divided it up, buried it, with one sister or another, or an ex-friend attorney, or that bitch Kelly who is taking credit for my CHEEK case! I had not idea, when I got the internship, that is was as prestigious as it is, the attorneys from there are always used as expert witnesses, or were in the Justice Sonya Sotomayor's Senate confirmation for the U.S. Supreme Court, that I took 32 pages of notes on, brushing up on con law! Or Constitutional Law!
- Magic Home Improvement . . . was on a truck, that went by yesterday . . . I have given you facts, evidence, examples, now fucking check things out! DAMN IT! God I am sick of this shit!