NOTE: Not surprising . . . little Ms. Kay Burningham, lives in California again, Santa Barbara this time, and my computer, keeps, going between Pacific time and Mountain Standard time, go figure! Really, Kay, you dumb bitch! Kay either has access through the NSA, or Google, who is my alleged, service provider of my alleged, single account! FBI, follow this fuckin' lead, whether you are taking down your boss, under my name and resume! I went in and changed the time, which kept switching back and forth, between Mountain time where I am, either in Colorado, Utah, Nevada or Montana . . . I bought this computer, in Montana! I set it on auto settings, just last week, when the clock changed, probably after I wrote and posted my blog, so it looked like little bitch Kay, aka, JoAnn S. Secrist, so it looks like she wrote and posted, her time; she is fucking with my computer, to make it look, like she is the one, writing this blog! Like I have said, these bitches and serving bastards, ride piggy back, they, all the girlz, play me, and jump back to their separate life . . . I don't have a double life to fall back on, I have been, am, and will always be, me, JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., sitting in Durango, at McD's, my temporary office, for right now, until the cops get their protective dander up, and go after me again! Isn't it their job, cops of all levels and flavors, to TELL THE TRUTH!? I give you permission to get my computer history and times . . . blog postings have always been off, sometimes up to several hours, up to 6 hours . . . travelling Kay? I haven't been out of Mountain Standard time, since I went to Seattle, a year ago, January, 2014, visiting Miles and Star, or Karen! So, there is no blog, that should show something other than that! We are talking about a billion or so hits per day, on 6 search engines!
Last night, at the Durango Community Shelter, yes, it is me, not by evil twins, here, as I always am, when I write, where I am, it is actually me, not the NSA fabrications, through box troll, bull shit, just little old me, writing, about the love festival of people I need to protect, from the cloak and dagger world I live in, that they are dragged into without knowing, and are vulnerable to attack, and one of the main targets and tragedies of my activities, trying to save, your constitutional freedoms, rights, and liberties, in this god-damned, camouflaged Patriot Act world, masquerading as national security, of total bull shit! . . . but, we watched, Napoleon Dynamite, the movie, the sleeper, that rocked the movie industry world, being filmed, just about 35 miles, from Preston, Idaho, where I was living, when, I knew, Logan resident, and sister, Shelley Southwick Anderson Yeman, and her asshole son and daughter-in-law, along with Isaac, in and out of jail, were stealing Elliot's music, just shortly after Elliot and Chris, came up to visit, bringing a copy of God's Revolver, "Little Black Horse Where Are You Going with Your Dead Rider?", CD, and I had to hear it again, I couldn't believe that this was my son's music, and it reminded me, more of something the Door, had done, and the the dusty, dirty, gritty, amped music, has been compared to the older band.
Savage Bear Attack! Mom and Dad Out of Way--SOS!
Me, Chris, Elliot, and Isaac, were in Isaac's, blue Cadillac, he had just bought, and wanted to take me for a ride to get me out of the house, and so I could hear El's new CD, Little Black Horse . . . because I was in a cast with five bones broken, with two shattered ankles, on my left leg, from a bike accident, up Logan Canyon, but, I about had a heart attack, when I heard, how good the CD was, and I knew it was solid gold . . . I may not be a musician, or a rock or music critic, but I know good, music when I hear it, and I had just heard it . . . a far cry from Parallax; however, I used to just think, Old School Parallax was just screaming and yelling, with kids, jumping around in a mosh pit, getting crazy, until I one day, in the last year, as I wrote about God's Revolver, Old School Parallax videos, started to come up, and Blake, was a charismatic, magnetic, and loved, as any lead singer--with this little band kicking out a new CD every time I even saw Elliot, who usually had a CD, always using cousin on dad's side, Craig Secrist to draw covers, as he did with Little Black Horse, Craig is a tattoo artist in Salt Lake City, Utah. Great artist, check out cover of Little Black Horse Where are You Going with YOUR DEAD Rider! on YouTube or home page on Internet.
Blake is now deceased, and I am more and more convinced, from the report from Elliot, who was the first one on the scene, and brought the cops to the scene of the alleged accident, to me, the kid from Reno, outside the cave and the one who contacted Elliot . . . I believed blocked the entrance to the cave, stopping the four kids inside from getting out! Another Shelley and Isaac connection, very suspicious, since Shelley, used to live in Carson, Nevada, when she and Don Anderson, also a musician, were married, and where Isaac was born, I think . . . and with the Mormon Church covering both Carson and Reno in boundaries . . . but from the news reports, and interviews, as fake and strange, the Reno kid said it was like a movie! for god sake . . for the main guys that were on the scene, with 80 mourners and fans, waiting for firefighters and cops, who took 6 fucking hours, before they even attempted to get the bodies out of the cave, Elliot got the cops there at 4:00 a.m., with plenty to make a rescue attempt, or plenty of time to make sure that the four, were asphyxiated, from lack of oxygen in the, now called, Provo Death Caves!
Elliot, who had preformed in the concert the night before, and both of my sons, were asked to come that night, to the cave, as they had after many concerts, may have been the targets . . . was freaking out, crying, screaming, that he would go in and get them . . . he was threatened that if he stepped across the "crime scene" yellow and black tape, he would be arrested! He had played in Parallax, with Blake, originally, Chris' friend, for 7 years, just getting ready for all hard work to pay off, underground grunge music scene was hitting big time with bands like GREEN DAY hitting pay dirt, and Elliot had long been wired into the music scene in Boston, New York and even Canada . . . he knew how to market, he just didn't count on the Mormon Mafia, a murderous cousin and his mother, who were both jealous as hell of their sister and cousin, using computers, and eventually, the NSA to take down his bands and neutralize his parents! and even him!
Sinister Plans from the Get Go . . . Take Both Parents Out of the Way First . . . Isaac Knew All Bands, All Band Members, Knew the Music Was Great--Close to Elliot From Birth, Spy Inside, Jealous Former Band Member, But Either Left Out, or Left Before Maraloka Got Going, Rockin' God's Revolver, Theft of Great Music!
Mormon family, with a hatred for black sheep sister, who wasn't controlled by the family, the faith, or the state, bad ass for a long time, pissing off cops, of all levels and flavors, fighting daily to bring back the U.S. Constitution, that the evil twin America, had been working since, 1976, to bring this rebel country back under control through the alleged, mask of the Patriot Act, loyalists to Britain, world bankers, with goals of a one world order, under Mitt Romney, marketed as the Mormon President for the World, BCC, UK documentary, with little Kay Burningham, the day after she forged, my name on court documents, and settlements, on the $357 million securities case, that was to help fund, Mitt's presidential campaign, in March of 2012, with the program running, March 27, 2012, just one day after the case, was allegedly terminated, by a Mo, Judge, fucker, who could resurrect the government who had not only defaulted, not knowing what to do with my brief that was filed, in person on the way to the United States Supreme Court, because, first, the federal courts had given Shelley, access to my federal courts, e-filing account, forcing me to either go through her computer, which amazingly could e-filing it, after I emailed the brief from my computer, which was later, stolen by government arms, of all flavors, to Shelley's computer, that could easily file, my briefs, that were once so easy for me! Department of Justice, are you fucking smart enough to connect obvious points?
In Mormon Utah, Church and State Are One in the Same! Mo Family!
Elliot's Dad out of the blue, was fired as planning director in Provo City, by a newly elected mayor, who had some grudge against some employee, Richard/Zeke, supervised, for something that happened, allegedly, two fucking years earlier at a planning and zoning meeting! I had already been poisoned and neutralized, and was suppose to die, nice, for one of the top attorneys in the state at that time, being recruited by the Republican Party to run for attorney general, and would have been boss of all the cops in the state, but I had my eye on the new, alleged 4th Congressional seat in Utah, I think they waited, until the next census cycle, because I was a shoe-in, for either office . . . but she, Mommy Dearest, said, referring to Zeke getting fired . . . that had he been an active Mormon, this would never have happened, as if the Southwick family had an insiders track to knowledge of what was going on . . . neither, Zeke, nor I, starting back when I was about 21, were particularly, the standard Mormon issue, of sheeple, buying the program, as my dad would say, in lock step with other members, starting early in our educated, marriage, father with a masters degree, me juris doctorate, from BYU, lol, and we had been religious scholars in our own rights, and involved with many of the intellectuals in the Church and regular attenders of the Sunstone Conferences, held at the same time as BYU Education Week, and we were subscribers to the Sunstone Magazine and to Diologue, a more mellow version of scholars in the Church, coming out of BYU.
I had killed asset forfeiture legislation of cop and prosecutors, in 1997, followed by taking out the whole Medicare/Medicaid, fraud unit, getting 9 either attorneys and investigators fired for violating constitutional and federal regulatory agency rules! Dennis Crowl, had been a former, colleague of mine, in the Criminal Enforcement Division of the Utah Attorney Generals Office, and the nicest guy you ever wanted to meet, so his firing was not something I sought, nor asked for, but I teamed with Frank Myler, who ended up challenging Mark Shurtleff, who ended up being elected, now under indictment, but a Boy Scout, Eagle Scout, and member of the Mormon Church, so don't count your breath that, for corruption charges, and due to me--seeing an article, in the newspaper rack, in the library, in Missoula, Montana--FBI drops probe against Swallow--oh, fuck no, not going to happen, and I wrote my blog that day on all the Shurtleff/Swallow shit, damaging indeed, coming from the person, who trained him, to take over my job, as assistant attorney general over the DMV, or the Division of Motor Vehicle, and both he and Frank also asked me to be their campaign directors, but, not until they asked me first if I was going to run for AG . . . no, Congress . . . but, prior to those days, Frank and I had man-handled, 27 attorneys, cops, agents, investigators, FBI, telling them, through a manual, one of three famous, manuals, telling these fuckers, just who, to whom, when, where, and under what conditions, the feds would investigate the physicians in Utah!
I was the only woman in the room, with 27 men, and I was definitely the prime mover behind the force of the constitution down your fucking federal throats! Bad ass on steroids . . . payback took 8 years of my life, and clit cut off! THE CONSTITUTION WAS WELL WORTH IT! That was at the end of 1999, same year that I had refused to negotiate on asset forfeiture legislation, earlier in the year! And you think that for one fucking second, sisters, other attorneys get credit, FUCK NO!
You Want to Talk Axis of Evil . . . Family, Faith, and State! And I Am Talking, State . . . as In, Enemy of the State--Local, State and Federal!
Just this morning, in the Durango Herald, there was a picture of a red-haired, homeless guy, that got my attention, but he shirt, was green, one of the symbols, for my family, our colors, green and orange . . . brain like a sponge and a computer, complicated as federal tax code, can't remember why on the green, but, deep orange is because of the color of my carpet, in Ogden, where Elliot was born, in 1983, while I was attending Weber State College/University, half the time while I was pregnant, but my focus, as was his father's, was making smart kids, not necessarily rich kids . . . which seems to have come true in blazing colors, with the money following; however, just like a statement by the founder or one of the founders of Browning Arms, told me once, while accompanying one of my four children's class, on a field trip through the very wealthy man's home, up on the avenues in Ogden . . . I asked the man, who lived behind an electric, iron gate, and it seems like he may have had body guards, but, hey, that has been 30 years ago, so . . . but I made some comment, like, what is it like to have this much money, and he said, the real challenge, is holding onto it once you get it!
That statement as proven prophetic, both for me and my son, and I would think for his sisters and brother, who did electronic music, with surveillance cameras and recorders, NSA, equipment, just as easily accessing or easier to get computer generated music of son, Chris' computer, whom, was much more low keyed about his music, but spent a ton of time too! With the new age of Hip Hop, electronically generated music, was and is big time, with me hearing, only once Chris' music, and thinking it had been pirated and sold to Rehanna (?). I know that Maraloka's music was used on a Dodge car commercial . . . now these same fucks, that decided that I didn't have big enough boobs, or that Elliot, in the same bent as TV news magazines, want to market a particular brand of woman or musician, I am sure decided that brown haired, dime a dozen, back street looking boys, like Isaac, and a dozen dumb blondes, like Rachel, with monster fake boobs, would sell better, that smart, talented, real, authentic, mom and son . . . a marketing thing . . . well, they were wrong, mom attorney, has the largest blog on the web, and son's band, when written about it good for about 100,000,000 hit bump! LOL!
With the help of the MORMON NSA, these fucks are controlling my blog, taking the money, dividing, cutting, burying in the deep web and dark internet . . . making it is easy for me, and endless for Elliot, but hanging on to the money, once you make it, with the AXIS OF EVIL on the other side, with all the people, the resource, the access, and the power . . . holy shit, it is amazing that I have been able to trace what they have been doing! Since OCTOBER 9, 2013, just about 20 DAYS after I started to write . . . pushing Elliot's bands, trying to make up for lost time, fame, recognition and record purchases . . . but that was a piper's dream . . . they read my blog, saw the growth connected with GR, and other bands, Elliot was in, and took advantage of NSA tools, and stole that TOO!
Now, I know that little Alexandra Maughn, down in Amerillo, Texas, hearing me trash, loser Isaac and loser mother, on my blog . . . with all Shelley's kids being born and raised on computers, her main form of entertainment for her poor kids, are both good at computers and total criminals, like mommy, just like Jesse and Tiffany Anderson, who were making "Bandit" copies of pirated God's Revolver music, with stacks of CDs with only that one word on it, doing bank runs every night, and with Shelley, Jesse, Tiffany, and Isaac, the spy inside, working with Brett and Kay, taking out credit cards, and setting up banks in several states, all losers with no money? . . . were making total bank! Stealing El's music worked so well, that the gang of criminals, decided to branch out, being even more brazenly criminal, and putting together a whole fake band, to market worldwide, with mom and dad, totally neutralized. I knew what was going on, as early as the Napoleon Dynamite Days of shocking Hollywood movie producers with its popularity and success on a budget of I think about $60,000 . . . God's Revolver, another brilliant and entertaining red-head, was doing the same in the music entertainment field and so did they!
Like In Napoleon Dynamite . . . After His Totally Fun and Cool Dance, He Exits the Stage, Before He Gets to Hear and See the Thunderous Applauds of His Classmates and the Student Body! Same as Elliot and His Music!
Pedro wins the elections, as seen in the movie--the students are not stupid, and can see the difference, experience the difference, in fake Summer, very much like Rachel, and her Ken boyfriend, who are shocked, when the whole fuckin' student body, stands and claps for Napoleon, rather than her, and they vote for Pedro, because of Napoleon . . . much like Isaac got to be the rock star, that Elliot was and should have been, Isaac was dependent on El, not the other way around, and likewise, Shelley was dependent on me, but I didn't need her sorry ass, nor Kay's, Rachel, Sue, Tiffany, Hope, Kellys or any of the alleged, cool, girlz club, as fuckin' fake and stupid, as their male counter-parts, in COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE communities, an oxymoron of the MORON Church . . . but I don't know, if Napoleon, and I know Elliot, ever finds out, and the movie doesn't show whether the STAR, ever gets to know, he is a star, other than a girl, cool and able to see the difference between, class and character, in Napoleon, verses, ironically, enough, his brown haired, cousin, loser, that grandma wants out of the house, that is pushing, non-other than boob jobs, through his, MUST BUST, just like the Shelley and Isaac, Rachel crowd who are fake as hell, and with everything fake from their teeth, to their boobs, to their music, to their alleged wealth, ill gotten gains, to their fake law licenses to their fake blog . . . ALL MINE AND ELLIOT'S!
Judged on Elliot's massive appeal to rock star followers, and to the huge ass number of hits I get, each time I write about either his band, their music, generally, averages, a hundred million, . . . the rock star has been born and his face, glorious firey head of flames, is still stealing fire from the gods, and bringing, SUPERNATURAL MUSIC to the masses. I have not heard his new bands, and I am sure that Elliot, will just let me know when he gets them on the Internet, because, I loved the music so much, that every time he would either give me a CD or mail me one, I would pass it on, so some one could hear how very great my son's music is. One other strange, slip, son-in-law Dallas a key player, and also, El's former girlfriend, Rachel, said, after I showed him all the great reviews and articles, and the real bad was killed, but the music lived on through frauds, but got heard, but he said, referring to Elliot, "I guess he is your son . . . "
Like reluctantly, he didn't want to recognize or acknowledge that any part of me, had anything to do with the son, who's band, even when that fuckin' little bastard and bastard he truly is according to my family, Shelley's boss, sired that fuck, that it was Elliot's music, and, he is, in deed, MY SON! Do you seriously think for one second, I would fight, as if Shelley, for nephew, Isaac, Jesse, Ty or Alex? I know that the cops, the family and the fucking Mo's, have tried to pass, welfare chick, Shelley off as me, and that is why the cops go after me, thinking that I am that bitch . . . do you seriously think, I would trash myself that bad! I fucking love myself, my kids, my grand-kids, my son's music, every last song, lyric, and look of it, in fact, about once a month, going through all his videos, with permanent smile on my face, loving the shit out of my baby boy, who is now, 32 years old, as of May 3, 1983!
MOM, ME, MOM, by Maya Angelo . . . Suggesting Two Mothers . . . Why Would the Girlz Club, Admit El, Was not The Club's Son . . . They Would All Go To Prison! They Break'em, then Remake'em! Patterns!
Yeah, no matter what the spin doctors have told Elliot, about me, that I abandoned him . . . hell if it wasn't for me, you would not be listening to his music! I bought him his first red electric guitar, told him, not to cause anyone to lose their faith in God, thus, maybe a motivator, subconscious power of suggestion, 10 years later, for name, God's Revolver . . . I keep typing the word, "bot" and he most likely was . . . Elliot was only 5 year old, when me and his father divorced, memories lapse, fuckers poison, undercover agent girlfriends, sleeping with my son, tend to have more sway on his heart, than mom, at this time, and the government pattern is to break you and remake you . . . so, SON, you think they are your saviors, THEY ARE THE ONE'S WHO BROKE YOU! and your mother's blog, that revealed the real YOU, actually saved you, they just stole the blog . . . and he was young! I drove both Isaac, Elliot, and Tyler, members of the first band, Purification . . . and purity is what I have a passion, for 3 solid years, almost every week end, about a total of 300 miles, twice each weekend--had I been married, to you/his father, I never would have done that, and Shelley NEVER DID DRIVE THEM! Not ONCE! Don Anderson, would on Sunday afternoons, at least, once in a while, meet me at the duck pond at Weber State University, but that too was rare . . . and grandpa, complained and told me to stop driving those clods around, interesting that he never made money, except on me and my son!
Now, and only now, that I have blasted Elliot's face, his music and his bands all over hell and back, on my blog . . . they knew they had to get my kids involved, or they couldn't keep making money, Isacc wasn't and couldn't cut it any more and neither could fat, Ryan Chambers, the first fill in, red head for Elliot! No, I can fill in hopefully criminal prosecutors and investigators, non-Mormon, because, Mo's wont' take on Mo's . . . but, I knew every step of the deceit, but couldn't do anything about it, but, it is great, they thought, even while I was going to the U.S. Supreme Court, that I was brain dead! LOL, my brain is like a fucking computer, I marked every step that I could either see or find, and can tell you even to this day . . . and I am not that GOD_DAMNED BITCH SHELLEY, FAMILY, CHURCH and STATE WELFARE QUEEN . . .and I would be totally self sufficient now, with my billion I have made, in cases, and blogs, or with their fuckin' hands out of all my job applications, interfering for fear they will be discovered!
This Whole Thing Is Mormon Spy Shit . . . Switched Back to Birth! I Don't Exist or I Get Shelley's Shitty Life, Kids, Blah! NO THANKS! I am JOANN! SHE GETS HER SHIT! Sitting Right Here, In Playplace, McDIs's, Durango, Colorado . . . . River is Running Wild and Free This Morning!
Just like in the case with the legal position at Montana State University, it took me two fucking days to get a damned application filed, with half going on line, my resume, couldn't attach, either to the email, and all kinds of trouble . . . and this is not the first time . . . I applied for the position at the University of Montana, for communications director under the President of the college, Englestrom . . . or whatever. He was on my email for about a year, but that email was stolen, and taken over by the fucks that steal everything and give Shelley access to whatever is mine and my connections . . . but, I am sure, one of my doubles either got the job, or the job application was blocked! I am either totally qualified or way over qualified! But . . . that is spilled milk and the past, so, whatever . . . the job in Missoula, just asked for a bachelor's degree . . . I would have been a great asset, with legal issues and Department of Justice breathing down the Universities neck, and probably was with my blog, still supported them, and fought, telling legal analysis, that helped the college, so . . . I serve were I can, and see my law license as a license to serve, never worried about the money, still don't!
You Do Poor So Well . . . And We Do Rich So Well, This Relationship Works! Don't You Think? No, I Have Never Been Poor . . . Shelley, Brett, Kay, Have All Been Poor, NOT ME, Until They Stole All My Work!
Similarities with History of Grand Funk Railroad
I know that Elliot, busy as hell, maybe touring with his other alleged mom, who would have done and did anything to steal your music, money, fame, fortune and believe me, it would still be Isaac, Ryan, and others, in the fake band, making your music, rather than you . . . so, enjoy the fuckers that broke you, and ignore the mother who supported, encouraged, defended, promoted, and discovered their treachery . . . Elliot is not with HIS birth mother, who is sitting writing this blog in Durango, Colorado! Elliot came out of these legs, not Kay's wimpy ass, tube legs, or Shelley hairy ass, or Rachel's tucked tummy, or Sue's fuzzy pussy, just because she has red headed daughters, three, all her sons have brown hair . . . don't be fooled by the ones who hated your family, then were green with envy, when we left the Southwick brew, and ventured outside the family into the world, and because stunning successes!
Watch the Grand Funk Railroad, documentary, history, and progression . . . a promoter who took 16% of the proceeds, and the three members of the band only got 6%, tax collectors, and other challenges, but nothing compared to YOUR Challenges by people who allegedly loved you, when in reality, they HATED YOU, YOUR MOTHER, YOUR BROTHER and SISTERS! Now that you are a success, and their success is tied to yours, due to my blog, which they take credit for . . . they have no choice but to bring you on board, but that was only later, when they knew I knew what the fuck was going on with the family! Your job is to honor your father and mother . . . not the other way around, so your days would be long on the land . . . they will kill you, if they can and take 100% of the proceeds of your music and bands!