Life's Short. Climb a Volcano!
Motherfucking, Huge Ass, Shell Oil . . . Being Blocked By Kayaks in the Port of Seattle, Comparable to Good Cops Trying to Stop Shelley and Cyber Crew, from what MY MONEY Will Buy!
Anyone, watching the news, knows that Dutch Shell Oil Company, just pulled or tugged, or hauled, one big ass oil rig into the Port of Seattle, Washington, breaking city, rules, regulations, ordinances, environmental concerns, and allegedly is leaving it there for awhile, against any one's permission, and eventually, taking up to Alaska or the Arctic to drill for oil. Now, all the other oil companies, pulled out of that area, due to the problems with global warming and other oil spill type concerns . . . but not mega monster, Shell! This rig, dwarfs any skyscrapers on the Seattle Skyline, so what the fuck is the big deal, say the oil company? We are fucking, god-damn oil company, and corporations run American politics, after Citizens United, U.S. Supreme Court ruling in 2010, where corporations are now considered, persons with first amendment rights, and the rest of you amoebas, shut the hell up! The Pacific Trade Agreement is coming, whether you like it or not, whether you, seaweed fuckers, want it or not, unless Elizabeth Warren can out argue the Prez. (Note: great article in the Daily Inter Lake, A4, Thursday, May 14, 2015, by Brosten--American people being left out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership). YOU GO GIRL! We are sick and tired of corporate America, coming in, and telling the government, who was created by WE THE PEOPLE, to protect our rights, our jobs, our homes, our lives!
This monolithic monstrosity, blue and gold, is taking up the whole damn Port of Seattle, and a brigade of kayakers, are taking to the water, in an act of civil disobedience, with a line, of environmentally conscious people, doing what they can, if not to stop the bastards, and for good reasons, that I will get to in a second, but at least to make a statement, against the, not so out of line, concern for what, the ugly fuckers is doing to their pristine port, but to what it might do to the Arctic waters, and by way of refinery gases, going into the atmosphere, increasing the destruction of ice capes, glaciers, melting the ocean waters, worse and at a greater pace than they already are! Shell Oil, already had the Culluk Oil Rig, up in Alaska or that region, and it was a billion dollar disaster, never worked, tipped over and eventually had to be just left as a junk of environmental debris, trashing up the ocean, and left, or I believe, eventually, it was towed to China and sold for junk metal! So, these brave, tenacious, kayakers, good luck . . . the bigger they are, the harder they fall! TAKE THE FUCKER DOWN! The mayor of Seattle, said, that this rig, is everything, the people of Seattle are against, against what they believe, and who they are as Americans!
Sweden Peace Activist Group, Doing Some Civil Disobedience or Making a Statement Against the Proliferation of Russian Military, Naval, Submarine Build Up!
I think it was Sweden, verify, with Rachel Maddow, but Sweden, feels the need to do some escalation of their military spending, seeing what Russia is building up next to them, or at least a close neighbor, not following the good neighbor policy for nations, and some activists, put some contraption, a gay, nude rendition, genitals and all, underwater, must be between some strait or somewhere they think, Russian subs, will be going . . . but the hands point either way, and the penis can go either way, and the sign says this way if you are gay, and the other way if you are straight! LOL! I am sure the Russians, will not quite know, what the hell is blocking their subs from entering territory they shouldn't, with this gay swimmer, directing traffic under the ocean surface! Gotta love it, anything for PEACE . . . I dig!
And here in America, we have one of our presidential contenders, Jeb Bush, brother of George W. Bush, supporting big bros, going into Iraq, even after we have come to learn that it was the worst, foreign policy decision, of this century, created ISIS, and got us into this mess of terrorists, worrying about refugees, from Syria, and that whole Mid-east region, with a bunch of lunatic recruits in this country . . . probably being funded by the CIA, to terrorize this country, threatening on American soil, just in time for the Congressional vote on the fucking Patriot Act, Homeland Security, spying program funding . . . and protection for covered agencies under the Patriot Act . . . creating the problems, that I am going to get into in just a minute . . . think, sinister, creating job security, a bloated unlimited budget, for this kind of shit!
Setting the Record Straight, On the Origination Cite of this Blog, and the Blogger!
Just to set the record straight, I, the one and only, JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., with no sisters, who are attorneys, and Kay is a dumb ass attorney, that didn't do anything of note and worth, until she stole my cases, and took credit, through, taking on my name, when Brett, ass wipe from hell, refused to divorce my name, resume, kids, their music and accomplishments, and continues to insist that some, short, dog looking bitch in heat, with a bastard dog, who will fuck anything that walks, trying to pass her off as me! Good God, but I am sitting here, at McDonald's, on highway 93, in Kalispell, Montana, just had a complimentary or promo pomegranate smoothie, a coupon I got on the Eagle Transit bus, yesterday, and without a dime in my pocket, and quoting, from the McD's, slogans . . . One rich pour . . . they are referring to coffee, but I am ONE RICH POOR, due to this fucking prick, who I ditched, he hooked up with all the bitches, that Utah polygamy thing, you know, that these bitches have to buy into, because they are man-made, and I am self-made, with the basic ingredients from God!
The Shell Oil comparison . . . just one of the symbols for Shelley, who is part and parcel of the Kay and Brett show, along with dirty cops, family, Church, and whom ever ill take a bribe . . . using my money against ME! The Dutch company, with the Shell label, is perfect, my ex-husband, the father of my four children, went on a Mormon mission to Holland, or served in the Dutch Mission . . . symbolic of my family, not Shelley's . . . her husband Don, that claims he is not the father of any of her children, but took care of all of them, since Shelley . . . not Me, sitting here at McDonald's . . . was a shitty mother, and fucked anyone that walked, just like Kay and Brett . . . you know that bird of a feather, fly together or all get in bed together, in one way or another! LOL! I won't take credit, nor want connection with the rig in the Port of Seattle, but the monstrous, gold pile is symbolic of my gold making abilities, at about, a million a day, on my blog, not to mention all the other cases, water compact, medical marijuana, and tentacles spreading out from the roots of things I have started . . . Shelley is the cops gal, making money, hand over fist, for being Me, of course the losers are going to support her, she, through being me, and having access, to everything I write or do, is making rich men and women of anyone whom will play the pretend, Shelley is JoAnn GAME!
Just setting the record straight! Government WHORE, cops gal, that Shelley! A fucking rat ass bitch, a wanna be JoAnn, since the first second I was born, December 17, 1954! Shelley is 13 months older than me, and abdicated the first child spot to me, because she was always buried in a book; therefore, I took on the traits of the over-achieving first child, and the wild ass second child, who rebels against the first child . . . a rarity, almost polar opposites in the same person! ME! With my money, she is a huge, ugly, obscene as the blighted rig, fucking up the Port of Seattle, where she used to live, with Rachel, or in Bellevue, because she was always, always. always, the family welfare case, from the second she divorced, Donald Anderson, back in about 1983, when Isaac was born, the same year, she got her first boob job! Banner year for that gal! LOL!
Shell's Name on My Gold, is All Part of the Asset Forfeiture Payback for Me Fucking with Cop & Prosecutor Legislation and Cash Cow!
So, this is how this game goes down, I killed asset forfeiture, you know the 20/80 split, now with the feds, taking their cut of your assets, just like the mob in the days of their rule in New York and Chicago! Now, I was just doing my job, when I killed the legislation, that had gone undetected through the Utah and other state legislatures, for about 10 years, or somewhat, since the early 1980s, according to the associate press . . . you see, that shit, legislation, like the Patriot Act, was being practiced, long before Congress passed the legislation, you and I just didn't know about it, the crime was the discovery, not the crimes the cops were committing and the violation of your civil rights, it was getting caught, ask Edward Snowden, and myself! I took the asset forfeiture, legislation, tore it to shreds, line by line, back in 1997, and did bulleted, notes, under each, unconstitutional, part of the legislation. Once your property was taken . . . by way of example, you had no right to a jury trial? Well, I beg to differ with you, both the United States and the Utah Constitutions, provided and secured that right, that of a jury trial of your peers in a public setting! Now, what would be the interest in no jury trial, or right to a jury . . . secret, secret, secret thefts, this was a fucking cash cow for the cops! AND GUESS WHAT IT IS BACK, REARING ITS UGLY HEAD AGAIN . . . making criminals of the cops, oh, so much better than criminals on the streets . . . a, no, much worse, because the criminals if caught, go to prison . . . cops just pad cop coffers . . . Buying big boy toyz for their agencies!
Now, cops for almost 20 years, since I did that . . . they want you to believe Shelley did that, just like the recent article in the St. George, Utah, Spectrum, a Utah State Bar sanction against attorney, Bryan Adamson, who tried to bury, the Cheek et al v. Garrett et al, $56.7 million lawsuit, pretend it was merely a squabble or head butting with Scott . . . guess, Shelley the non-attorney did the case; I filed against Garrett the county attorney, the cops, a judge and DCFS . . . all settled out of court, making everyone rich, but me, the one who did all the work . . . CINDERELLA . . . this was a cumulative hatred for me, starting in 1997, with asset forfeiture, with cops, never figuring out why I took them on and killed legislation . . . I took a god-damned oath, just like you did, to defend the Constitutions!
That piece of shit legislation back in 1997, violated two solid pages, on constitutional protections . . . like no right to a jury trial, and that was single spaced! I don't know what the fuck, Constitution, the cops, the judges and the prosecutors, signed off on and took an oath to defend, preserve and protect? But is sure wasn't the same one that I used to kick the shit out of their legislation with a two hour screaming debate, taking down 9 assistant attorney generals, and two U.S. assistant attorney generals! And the legislation, again, with legislators, using my arguments, only took 10 minutes to kill it in the the Utah Senate!
I find, if the Star Chambers, and their players, are exposed, their motives revealed, and the facts laid out, most legislatures will do the right thing, and kill, totally, shockingly unconstitutional legislation! But if they only get half truths, and the facts are undisclosed, like that the cops get to keep 80% of the profits from their thefts, unlike you and I could do . . . I am sure that Shelley, aka, JoAnn, saw the errors of her ways and thinking back in 1997, and changed her mind, and sees that asset forfeiture . . . are you following my line of reason for Shelley being me, because in 1999, when cops approached me with a compromise piece of shit legislation, only violating half of your rights, I refused to speak, and passed the mic, killing the compromise bill . . . I don't compromise on constitutional rights and protections . . . Shelley would fucker her own soul to get money for cops, her power base and clear way to remaining ME! Montana just put into law, what Utah has been doing to circumvent all state controls over the assets of your family, friends, and citizens, merely by some cop with a vested interest in your money, cars, houses, boats, and house furnishings, getting the keep 80%, if they turn over a 20% cut to the feds, who are on the take also . . . cops, of any flavor, this is theft, robbery, conversion of property, and it is wrong, plain and simple, like Shelley! . . . song on . . . DON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN!
THIS group of fucks will lead you, cops, astray again, and I WILL CUT YOUR BALLS OFF AGAIN! I PROMISE!
After taking down the cops and prosecutors, legislation a second time, with a thousand or more cops watching, TV cameras rolling, Judaical Committee watching my reaction, and the painting of the founding fathers, on a mural behind their heads, as Bill Wright, the Senator, who carried the legislation, asking me to be involved, knowing damned, well that a compromise or reform bill would not pass without my approval, Bill finished his shpill, and gave the microphone to me, back in my Barbie Days, and I simply passed it on to, some no name kid, named Arnold, who, being a non-attorney, beat my cousin, Meg Nesbitt, a prosecutor from Ogden, on a skiing violation . . . ticket for skiing beyond the avalanche markers or something like that, but my silence, conveyed my sentiments, more than any words could . . . the legislation was dead in the water, and Bill was so humiliated, he quit the Senate! and politics for years! Are you starting to get a picture of why, I am sitting in Kalispell, without a dime in my purse and Shelley has a bank account, that should be mine, but uses it to present herself as me . . .because I am fucking known nationwide for my slaughter of asset forfeiture legislation . . . they, cops, needed Shelley aka JoAnn . . . to be on their side, or they would get slaughtered again for constitutional violations!
So, as a result of my very oath preserving of the Supreme Law of the Land, defending it and protecting it from the cops and prosecutors, exposing their bull shit, every dime, into perpetuity, I make or my posterity makes, son's, God's Revolver music . . . 2008 Hard Rock Band . . . cop fuckin' kids, get the role, Shelley's piece of faggy shit, Isaac, took Elliot's place, and also his place, most likely at the Berkeley School of Music, in Boston! Sue, sister, had Mormon connections to fuck that one for Elliot and get an inferior product and musician, like Isaac . . . having Isaac play guitar, next to Elliot, a musical genius, is like having Shelley do anything next to me, in the law, a piece of shit cheap imitation! I know, instead of Shelley, sitting on the computer 24/7, to steal my blogs, I, have almost written, 500, I will stop for one week and let her write, not steal my best . . . they are all on my computer, or better yet, we will have a write off, and a music play off between our sons . . . experience the difference! They are like taking a fake Rolex watch over a real one, or a Zirconium diamond, exchanging it for a real diamond, and saying you are more satisfied and value it as much as the real! They steal and you honor the thieves! There is no honor among thieves!
Under this auspice of asset forfeiture, following the slaughter, that was followed by me taking out 9 federal agents, attorneys, and investigators, as general counsel for the Utah Medical Association . . . you see that helped me train for saving doctors nationwide, by finding these fuckers were again, violating docs statutory and constitutional civil rights, to steal assets! This newly created crew of bandits, were violating their own federal regulatory rules, to threaten docs with bogus, faulty warrants, failing to give them the mandatory 24 hour notice . . . you know, one of those little pesky due process deals that citizens of this country get, before you deprive them of life, liberty or PROPERTY! This just sharpened my teeth, for saving the financial planners, nationwide, from the cops, same motus operendi, or MO . . . same drug forfeiture tactics, get the little fish to roll over on the big fish, by threatening docs and planners with criminal charges, fines and prison time, allegedly under administrative or civil charges, with criminal implications, without any constitutional protections! Basically, taking records and files, and looking for crimes . . . shaking down doctors and planners, for about $100,000 each! And if they fight it, take their licenses, post them on the Internet, and taint their reputations! NICE, little asset forfeiture boys and girls. FUCK THAT GAME . . . THAT IS SHELLEY'S, SHIT!
Google & the Loche Ness Monsters
My payment for being the fucking awesome, constitutional law attorney, bad ass con law chick that I AM . . . is not only to have all my assets, earned, forfeited, but my children's assets, unless they join them . . . that CIA tactics, are break them . . . then come in as their saviors, and remake them! Fuck you Fuckers! My children, given, their spouses are paid to fuck their mother, will have to decide for themselves what they will do . . . they know I love them more than life itself! I don't think the fucking cops, brain washing is going to work, neither with my grand kids, they have my DNA, cruising through their bodies and souls, they know me through quantum physics, and know they are mine, not Sue's, Rachel's, Shelley's, or Kay's . . . who I am sure love my products better then their own shit kids . . . I don't blame them, but I hope they love them and my kids rip their fucking hearts out, after using them and taking them for all they can get out of them! When you fucks, fuck up your own kids, you don't get to come in and claim mine . . . illegal immigrants, paid under the table, Kay, do not a mother make, while you practiced law while your kids were young, Brett ignoring his own son's, or Frank's gay son, I am sure he would hate, those Republicans, and he created, along with God, don't get to call my children, your own!
But, their forfeiture games don't stop there . . . they spread to apartments, jobs, friends, and anything I touch, they want to take from me . . . just recently, I applied for . . . lol, the Missoula's Children's Theater truck just verified, the actors, being either my kids, or that my kids are acting like the fucks are their parents, to satisfy the cops their spouses, or save their mother's life! Back in March, I believe, I applied for a job, at the Montana State University, as legal counsel staff for the college, having the attorney thing down to a U.S. Supreme Court level, having worked in both government and trial work, and having taught at three colleges, in addition to helping my son-in-law, who was expelled from Dixie State High School, aka, maybe college, masquerading as a university, so I have experienced this job from ever angle, upside down, backward and forward, to the point of almost a joke, and easy win, and they would be crazy, as Annie said last night, not to want you . . . I know the college system, from all sides. The only draw back, would be, maybe a bit of intimidation! But, as has been the pattern, these fucks have access to my gmails, my computers, my cell phone, and they know every move I make, every call I make and every online application I fill out . . . now in the past, they have taken the jobs, I apply for, themselves, but they are occupied being me, so this one, maybe, didn't go to an insider . . . but, I knew they would fuck with it, and me, no surprise . . . can't let this chick out of the bag, she will eat us alive and how do we explain her W2 form and taxes, if we have been her for the last 15 years? Other than stealing her work, and taking credit, for all intents and purposes, we are her!
The Expected Result . . . No Surprise, An Interview Would Be the Surprise!
All of you, would use the Google search engine, have noticed, that each day, there is some cute, graphic that depicts either the holiday, the whatever, or just cute stuff . . . so, I didn't hold out much hope, to actually start being a tax paying, legitimate attorney again, getting off the disability rolls, that have allowed me to write this blog, thank God . . . so fuck these assholes if you are complaining, this is not the first job, they have interfered with . . . in fact, that secretary and I had to do all kinds computer, email, gymnastics to even get the job application to her, because the Mo NSA, and the hackers, who have a vested interest in not being discovered as stealing my identity, have 24/7 computer watch on my shit, and every once in a while I can get off their glaring watch . . . dad, is in his 80's, as are two of his brothers . . . this is a family affair . . . with all players making money, JOANN'S money, so we all have an interest at stake! Always hoping to return to normalcy, after the last three years of living like dirt, since two houses, a cabin and five vehicles have been taken, and all hopes of life, as an attorney, dashed, other than my blog, which they steal . . . I didn't have much hope, but, my fears and suspicions were confirmed . . . all they, the army of helpers they have, is send the FBI in and say, she is under investigation, or cross the emails, send me the rejection they take the interview . . . double docketing cases, double results for everything . . . one for me, and a different one for them . . . you saw the numbers of the two blogs from the same brain!
Of course, as a matter of course, I get the nice, thank you for your application, blah, blah, blah . . . expected. But, God, my Intel man, is always there with the explanation, now this is not rocket science, maybe a rocket in the pants of the FBI, but I close the email, to get on Google, search and go to my blog, and the graphic for the day, is none other than, the Loche Ness Monster, check April 21, 2015, the day I opened the email . . . remember, the Untouchables, Elliot Ness? Symbolic representation of who had fucked up the job, not the college, what else could they do, even if they wanted to hire me, they would be told to stand down! Got to protect those other female assets . . . you know, the 6 other flavors of JoAnns! I am waiting for the day, that the fucking, good cops, much like the kayaks, blocking the Shell Oil rig, small but mighty for right, take down the Loche Ness Monster, the Mormon Church, the hacker from Hell, Shell, and the rest of the Mormon Mob, Men in Black, and others, with a vested interest in holding me down, like, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and prison time, but the men would probably enjoy, from what they have requested sexually, getting butt fucked, at least Brett, Frank, Jack, Tony, Michael, Jerry, who, like the Swedish water boy, swing both ways . . . Isaac? I knew there was a reason, you got to be Elliot! Is my boy, Elliot Ness? Could be, fuck'em son! They kept you down too!
The Book Deal . . . Rachel the Barbie of the Moment, ME!
Rachel is not smart, but she can mesmerize a crowd with those big honkin' fake tits . . . their eyes, go right to her chest for a distraction, because the face if not that great, but all put together, she can make up a good package, for promoting MY WRITING! Dana someone on Fox, is just promoting her book tour . . . she is a ditsy blond, much like Rachel . . . but, my gut instinct, and Intel, from God, is that, my rivals, but not writers, who have collected the best and brightest of my blogs . . . are doing what they did when I wrote killer, constitutional analysis and coverage on my nationwide famous cases, on emails, and they are going to put Rachel, passing herself of as me, again, pushing and making money on MY BLOG Postings! Now, why would I think this . . . well, back two or three years, when I was regularly stopping in Cove, Utah, up near Logan, where both Shelley and Rachel were living, and where Brett and Kay were also, and I was going back and forth from Montana to Utah, trying to close out my cases and clients in Utah without getting ineffective assistance of counsel, even on bribed clients, who I knew, like Kay Lynn Reilly and all of them, who were bought and sold, but who were used to get me back to Utah to try and arrest me with some bogus ass warrant, so the gals to have free reign on my life, and work, Rachel, after talking to me for some time, said, Jo, why don't you write a book . . . they always want to steal what I have already done, and have me do more work, leaving the current product, and earn more money they can steal . . . I, like asset forfeiture, am a cash cow for these fuckers.
I told Rachel, that I was just going to take my best emails, which were leading the nation in defending financial planners, and dealing with dirty cops and prosecutors, with an average email, before I started to blog, or even knew what it was, would go to about 10,000 readers and recycle back to me, via, someone spouting my own quotes to me, while I smiled, education, education, education . . . all free of course, and I would take the best and compile a book, with what I had already written. The great thing about email, is that, they can steal my computer, but I can steal get to my emails, even though they stole about 20 accounts of those also . . . but I had some good shit and worth putting in a book of my writings.
THE VERY NEXT DAY . . . MY EMAIL ACCOUNTS WERE CLOSED AND STOLEN . . . I believe in my heart of hearts, that Rachel, represented herself as me, and a book was put together, if it hadn't already been, at the time she said this . . . she freaked out, told the fuckers that steal everything, and they took all of it off the Internet! I believe, a book deal was already in the works, but they were doing it, not me, and just about the time I was going to . . . Elliot, told me, because I would always send my 4 kids copies of everything I wrote, so I had duplicates, just in case, my accounts and emails got stolen, I could go back and get them off my kids computers, and they had my words, my thoughts, etc. One time I asked Elliot if he saved or read my emails, he said, yes, and one day, I am going to publish a book, called, My Brilliant, but Crazy Mother! LOL! There is at least a half compliment there! LOL! Sounds, like the counselor, my parents hooked me up with, after I was diagnosed to die, allegedly the best in St. George . . . Gary someone, and after meeting me and talking to me, he asked me to write a book with him, on abnormal psychology . . . calling me, brilliant, but lazy . . . rhymes with crazy, hey maybe we have something here! LOL! As long as brilliant remains in the equation, I am fine! LOL!
Just my gut feelings . . . my blog, was promoted in the dark Internet and the deep web, or under some other name, more acceptable to Republicans, the flavor of la familia . . . minus the swear words, probably under a modified version of my title, like bad ass constitutional law girl, oh, that is my niece, Meg Schmidt's, baby version of mine, not to be confused! LOL! Another wanna be, JoAnn, go for it, but do it under your own name! For God sake, 6 or 7 JoAnns are enough for one world! LOL! My Mormon patriarchal blessing said, my name would go down for good from generation to generation . . . but, I want complete control, I don't trust the fraud broads . . . nothing is more precious than my GOOD NAME . . . easy virtue for them! My Intel tells me there is a book of my blog, by whatever name, that is coming out and the tour is now . . . oh, the ways they get asset forfeiture money, now days, simply exhausting . . .
Forgot that one of the top ten reasons I hate cops, is that . . . they would take a T&A chick who can't even write an email, let alone a blog, and promote her as a constitutional law attorney! Boobs, boobs, boobs, . . . hey with $50,000 in plastic surgery, I could look better too, but I am too honest for that, Kalispell Athletic Club works for me . . . don't want compliments, I don't deserve . . . would go to the plastic surgeon! LOL! Little did I know, that rather than going to law school, taking the bar, having 5 statewide jobs, teaching a three universities, writing award winning manuals, having kick ass kids, going to the Supreme Court, having the largest read blog in the world, all I had to do, was visit the plastic surgeon! Shit, how stupid of me! Two months of pain, exchanged for 20 years of JOY! NO THANKS! There is no short cut to success . . . fat chick as I am! It ain't over til the fat lady sings, and I haven't sung yet! LOL! Fuck the spandex! I know my yoga pants were almost bannned or became a crime in this state, but I am working out, earning a good body, the one, that the poison robbed me of, thinking I was going to die, so, don't count your chickens before they hatch! Thin, I am better looking than all your cop chicks! LOL!
Have a Great Sunday, Day of Rest, By Whatever That Means to You, Church or Not, Boating Works . . . But Have Some Rest, That is Wise!
P.S., Raul Castro, President of Cuba, Fidel's brother, met with Pope Francis, and said that he was so impressed with the Pope, me too, that he is going back to church! He used to be a Jesuit, which is interesting, because the Saint, that Francis took is Papel name from, was, Sir Francis of Assisi, a Jesuit Priest, back in the 1500s, I think, on the year? But, that is cool! I dig God, my Intel man . . . helps this crazy, lazy, but briliant blogger! LOL! Eat your hearts out sistas! LOL!