Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Cowgirl, Wanted, Dead or Alive vs. The Fighting Irish!

Happily, I awoke to the morning news, that the Senate failed to get enough votes to pass the Keystone Pipeline bill, giving the new Republican contingency, time to think through, jobs and environmental issues, before gang raping, Montana, North Dakota, and Nebraska.  This is a big deal, and needs more thought, than wham, bam, thank you mam!  I know that former Governor, Brian Schweitzer, my spelling is wrong, I am sure, but he was almost out of office, by the time, I planted, my ass here, so forgive me, but he strongly supported the pipeline, and so, I think the people, who trusted him, which is much of the state, just jumped on the bandwagon, without thinking all the ramifications of the monster Canadian, pipe, allegedly bringing jobs, taxes, and prosperity to Montanans, like so many before them have done, later finding out, that the deal wasn't all it was cracked up to be.  

I know my blog, on the pipeline, two days before the vote, was not a popular position, but one that at least needs to be considered.  This will buy some time, and maybe some of the new members of the House and the Senate, well, might reconsider, or at least work for a bill that contains, provisions, that guarantee, that we are getting all that is promised, protecting American interests, new explorations and drilling, oil reserves, and those oil outfitters, that are currently planning on putting in 60,000 more holes, out in the Bakken Oil Fields, that really is giving people from this area, great paying jobs, a future, and some security, rather than just a fly by night operation, giving jobs, for a few months, or a year at best, or possibly, bringing in a Canadian crew, that already knows the ropes, is on the payroll, and is loyal to the motherland, Canada, not America . . . as much as we love Canada, and their shoppers!

President Obama, As Unpopular As I am in These Parts, Is Wisely Waiting to See, What Nebraska Courts are Doing, Before Violating the 10th Amendment, and Agreeing to the Keystone Pipeline, Prematurely!

The day after I wrote the blog on the Keystone Pipeline, Paul Harvey, and the rest of the story showed up . . . the article, that inspired me to write the blog, mentioned that the Prez. was waiting for the final reports on the pipeline to come in.  I was assuming, as we all know, that assuming makes an ass of you and an ass of me, that the report was some type of EPA, or Environmental report, with a preliminary report, coming out a few months ago, with Republicans and some members of the Democrats, hearing that there was no blaring environmental concerns, so far as a cursory look was concern; therefore, everyone, jumped on the bandwagon, and voted, without any thought, much beyond that.  For those of you, who love the 10th amendment, and state's rights, hating the very mention of the federal government, should be glad, the President, a fellow constitutional lawyer, like myself, is actually waiting, until Nebraska courts, make up their minds, on issues that have been raised, and challenged, can be addressed, with the thought, that there are those, at least in Nebraska, who have concerns about various aspects of the pipeline, and the path through their state.  Patience is a VIRTUE!

It might behoove, both Montana and North Dakota, to seriously think about the big picture, the long run, the pluses and the minuses, before hanging me from the nearest tree!  Hatred runs deep, and ignorance, wide, but I think, I may actually have had an assassination attempt, last night at the Good Sam Shelter, that has housed me and fed me, wonderfully, for the last week or so, with overall, great company, minus a Marine or too, who jumped down my throat today, after I cheered that the pipeline bill didn't pass, and criticized me for being a very smart woman, who just couldn't see, that we are never going to open up the capped off, oil reserves in this country, let alone, drill in that big ass oil reserve that was just discovered in Texas, or when I mentioned that the USPS or whatever the hell, the company, who is doing the drilling in the Bakken, is actually, planning on fucking 60,000 new holes!  Far be if from me, to confuse you, knowledgeable gentlemen, who made fun of me, asking about an earthquake or tremors, with the facts, that there are things, facts, examples, and statistics, that the President may be privy to, that we, your common JoAnn Blow, is not, and therefore, we might want to set our limited understanding of the whole issues aside, and get more of the facts, but at least consider, opposing arguments, to get a better feel for what is best for America!

Thanks to the Gentleman, Artist, Who Had My Back Last Night, and Frightened the Guy, Standing Over Me With a Knife Away!

You know, this is goddamn, fucking America!  People are entitled to their point of view, regardless of what the majority think, believe, value, or hole near and dear to their hearts!  I can't help, that I have an opinion, and generally, a pretty educated, or at least researched, thought out, and backed with evidence and facts, position, that happens to offend you . . . buck up, or shut the hell up!  If you can't beat me in court, in the legislature, in Congress, or on a blog, then, simply, deal with it, even if I am a woman!  Good God, it amazes me, that whomever, the Republicans, the Democrats, depending on the issue, who can't even articulate, why they feel, or voted a certain way, other than is was the popularly held opinion of their lame ass neighbor, and then get pissed at me, taking the time to think the issues, through, while maybe not as thoroughly as I should, at least I gave a rat's ass, and took the time to present my side of the arguments and let you see if you can counter them . . . and getting pissed, attacking me, through a back handed compliment, that I should be too smart to think the way, I do, is just not that persuasive!

Again, I taught, argumentation and research at a college level, for at least 3 to 5 years, and had more than one class, and, if you want me to consider your arguments, remember, that the most persuasive elements of an argument, are facts, statistics, and examples!  When you can present a coherent argument, that is substantiated with some of these elements, not huffing off, in a rage, then I will listen.  Reasonable, and I underline, and emphasize reasonable, as conditional, people, agree to disagree!  Therefore, I am very open, and will even, publish a blog, with your arguments, because, I am neither here, nor there, on the pipeline, just wanted to get people to consider, a few issues that I had with the project, that is here to stay, once that ugly fucker is in place!  You may want to factor into your thoughts the fact that, Montana's economy, is largely supported by tourism, with $3.7 billion, being pumped into the economy, in the Flathead alone, as I recall, get a piece of it!  Depending on where this big ass snake is located, may just be a blight, that tarnished, the spectacular views, of this splendid state!  Don't sacrifice, a few tax dollars, over the years, with the bigger income producer, being at risk . . . again, I don't know routes, size, but from what I see, the pipeline is above the ground, and a large eye sore!

Breakfast #2--Granite Peak Grill--Great!

While I love the big chain restaurants, go to them all the time, write blogs, even got the personal touch, from two McDonald's employees, who specifically, came in and welcomed me back to Playplace, the kids hangout, in McD's, it must be that after being raised in a family of 10, and having a family of 6, my own, I am much better at writing blogs, with total chaos around me, rather than writing in the quite of a home, or library, where silence is the order of the day, but, while each restaurant, has its place and venue, get out a try, the Granite Peak Grill, where mother and daughter team, are the owners, the chefs, and the servers, with more than food to serve, but friendship, astute political views, and a local, fun flavor, to their food, being, just down home, good old American food!  Today, I told them what I wanted, and they served up some, catch all breakfast, with everything, Dan's Bacon, locally produced, awesome, think, tasty, and just the way I like bacon, and ten times a good, as IHOP's, although, I do like their sour cream and fresh fruit crepes!

They use fresh, local ingredients to craft real food, scratch made food daily!  Locally, owned and operated, serving the Flathead community, with your help!  Ask mom and daughter, how they are helping your local community every month!  I know that these two, as far as possible, only buy the freshest, and locally produced ingredients, to bring you the best flavors, while everything is hot off the farm, ranch, bakery, meat block, or whatever, using foods, produced and grown, within the shortest distance, and just miles from their restaurant, everything is always great.  And, when you support, the local stores, I have heard that the money, circulates, at least 7 times within the community, to keep the money, flowing to other small business owners, who are the backbone of the job growth, and building the middle class, with the idea, that when the middle class, does well, the economy does well!  We should all be cognisant, of helping, in any small way we can, in this period of economic return and growth . . . one man, can't do it all, nor should he be blamed, or get no recognition for a job well, done!  

I know that they are already hiring new staff, and I hope they don't mind me giving out their number, but, you can contact them, at 406.755.1709, and find them, across from McDonald's on Idaho, in Kalispell, MT, at 111 U.S. Hwy 2 West, Kalispell, MT, Westbrook Sqaure!  Sorry, in previous blog, I put Four Square, shopping mall, next to Sears; dine in, call ahead & drive up! Gluten free and vegan options.  Granite_Peak_Grill@, like us on Facebook!  I have been addicted, ever since the first bite!  All dips, jellies, jams, syrups, dressings, etc., are made fresh, and I think, they are going to offer them for sale for Christmas gifts!  They have a bakery too!

Love INC. & Love Lives Here!  Great New Community Stuff

Love INC, or Love In the Name of Christ, is a newly formed, at least locally, group of 10 churches who have pulled resources and funds, this group, that I think has a national equivalent, for any communities, who are interested in getting something started in your community, with a director, paid by all the churches, to combine to serve the communities in which they reside, or serve, in this case, Whitefish & Columbia Falls.  The coordinated effort, is combining to take care of the needs of the poor, the homeless, the widow and the fatherless, you know, doing the work of Christ, through, love and charity, performing the tasks of pure religion!  The word charity, in the New Testament, is the pure love of Christ . . . and it never fails!  Store up for yourselves, treasures in Heaven, better than those that dust and rust corrupt!  These guys will help with babysitting, trips to the store or doctors, home repairs, and also, teach skills for better living, to help those who are struggling, and some from no fault of their own.  Kudos, what a great service!

Love Lives Here . . . I just got a quick glance at the front page article in the Daily Inter Lake, or my daily news source, and daily addiction, but I am somewhat familiar with Richard Spencer, the racist, who is recruiting and giving Whitefish a black eye!  The guy has gone on national TV, and touts Montana, with Whitefish Lake, I believe in the background of his hate video, and tool for gathering up ilk of his kind, who are intolerant, hateful, racist, and discriminatory, against anyone, who doesn't think, act, behave, or have skin color, and sexual orientation, like their back wood, ignorant, and ugly selves . . . it is good, I am getting out of town, ASAP, before I am booted out.  But, while this group, claims to be patriots, that could not be further afield from every principle, tenant, concept, idea, and goal of the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution, they claim to hold near and dear . . . so fuck'em!  They should ask themselves, if they are furthering the cause of a more perfect union, domestic tranquility, general welfare, common defense, justice for all, prosperity for all, that their posterity, as one nation under God?  Or are they just spewing hatred, that is embarrassing, and so far from what the general population of Whitefish is really about, trying to create an atmosphere as, the new LOVE INC., promoting love, not hate!  Think about it!  Like the Patriot Act, you are the antithesis of what you claim to be, really taking away rights, freedoms, liberties, of all who don't look and think like yourselves!  Take is to 'em city council, Mayor!

Richard Spencer, of the National Policy Institute and the sons of anarchy, can believe anything they want, kind of like with religious beliefs, but when those believes, turn into actions, and cross with the laws of this country, especially, the United States Constitution, kind of like the 14th amendment, meant to stop discrimination and hate, for minorities, and suspect classes, is just one of those laws, with statutory and federally protected civil and constitutional rights at stake--affording all, due process and equal protection, and I will be the first constitutional law attorney, with a U.S. Supreme Court Bar license, to fuck with your asses, if someone wants to sue you!  I hear ISIS is recruiting . . . like is attracted to like . . . 

Only In Montana . . . Tiny True Tales of Mischief, Mayhem & Mirth, Law & Disorder Police Reporting Bests!  $9. 95

Everyday, in the Daily Inter Lake, newspaper, there is a law enforcement update, or report of the prior days activities, and incidents, from here in the Flathead . . . and believe me, there is not a day that goes by, that I don't split a gut, laughing, at the calls that come into the sheriff and the local cops, and whoever writes them, has to be the funniest writer, unless, that are just taking them straight from the officers reports . . . but, they put Dave Letterman to shame!  Each month, there is a large insert, called Law & Disorder, with the funniest, strangest, and most bizarre calls, and reports that the cops get.  I, could not believe it when I first moved here, not only at the low level of crime, but the comic stuff that people call the cops for . . . I would classify most of this stuff, as harassing the cops with cellphones!  LOL!  These little devices, that people have attached to their hands, that would have to be surgically removed, if there was an emergency, a real one that is, are just to fucking available, and it is good, that the cops, have a better attitude and more patience, that I would have, going absolutely ape shit, like I did property managing, in Salt Lake City, and Tucson, Arizona!  Are you kidding me, you are coming to me with this bit of drivel!  LOL! 

They are so funny, and entertaining, and beyond hysterical, many, shocking to the sane mind, that you will bring endless hours of entertainment, and fun discussions, by purchasing a Christmas Gift, shocking stuffer, or possibly a toilet reader, with 10 years of Law Enforcement Roundup . . . put together for the cops, long term fans, and for their new fans, as well.  LOL!  Locals can purchase the books, as I am going to, at the Daily Inter Lake, located at 727 East Idaho Street, Kalispell, MT., or perhaps, you could order them over the phone, by calling 406.755.700.  Support your local cops, they deserve it!  LOL!

It is All in the Spit . . . Kissing is a Chemical Reaction . . . Pass some LOVE along!  University of Utah, Professor, Study on Why We Love the People we Love!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Intent + Motive + Action = Crime

Due to the NSA, blanking my personal Chrome notebook out, and blocking me at other locations, until I went incognito, and I am actually sitting at a computer at the library as long as that lasts, so this will have to be brief, and to the point, which is not my strong suit, brevity, that is.  So, in criminal law, the defendant, actually, an officer of the law, has to have mens rea, or intent to commit a crime, and actus rea, or an act in furtherance of that intent, and generally, there has to be a motive attached, like in most criminal law cases, drugs, money, sex, and in this case, it may simply be racial discrimination, abuse of power, and the jury may or may not find that a criminal offense, surely not part of his duty as a law enforcement officer.

These cases are tough, because, you are dealing with the reverse of what you would traditionally think of in a case, with a criminal defendant . . . which, would normally, put Michael Brown, who in this case, is the victim, and Officer Wilson, an officer, acting under color of law, as the defendant.  So, you have to be ready to do mental gymnastics, to be able to follow a case like this.  I do believe, in analysing the Trayvon Martin v. Zimmerman case, which is even more squirrelly, with Zimmerman, being nothing more than a Neighborhood Watch volunteer, and the fact that he was a block supervisor and wanted to be a cop, does not take him to the level of being a law enforcement officer, the read dudes, told him to stand down, and they were on their way, everyone from the judge, to the prosecutor and the defense counsel, and the jury, who often takes their cues from those alleged experts trained in the law, also had a hard time with the reversed roles of the victim and the perpetrator of the violence, or Zimmerman, who should have been treated no different that any other defendant, and it didn't hurt that his father was a well know judge in the area.  ly

So, at least, Wilson, is a 6 year veteran of the Ferguson Police Department, trained and tested, so to say. and in this case, it will be critical for people involved, to separate civil and constitutional rights violations from, or actions taken in furtherance of enforcing the law, temper aside, and committing an actual crime, to which he can be held criminally liable, and see jail time.  I do, however, think it paramount, that the parents, the friends, the witnesses, the community, the state, nation and world, get to see a trial, not some closed door session with the grand jury, appearing to protect the officer, by letting him testify in his own defense, which is seldom done in a grand jury inquiry . . . so right off the bat, I would say the county attorney is taking risks of injustice, or the appearance of injustice, not charging and taking the white cop, to trial, protecting him from the actions, or inaction's he took that day, not to mention the rest of the police department, the militarized cops, the blocking of FFA flights of journalists and news people, the delay, or orchestrated release of tapes, statements, evidence, etc., making it look, like the cops were circling the wagons around one of their own, rather than handling it in a professional manner, making the public wonder, what the Officer had to hide, and of all the awful acts, leaving Michael's body in the street for hours . . . what's up with that?

Remember that anyone, is innocent, until proven guilty, and the jury must find the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt; in addition to that, if Officer Wilson, followed well established law, like the constitution, and policy and procedure of the department, he is immune from punishment!

Anatomy of Injustice

I am taking this information from the book, by Gary A. Haugen, the founder of International Justice Mission, and former U.S. Attorney General, in the Department of Justice, in the Civil Rights Division, The Good News About Injustice: A Witness of Courage in a Hurting World.  I am just going to outline this chapter, or part of the chapter, that I thought, might add some insight for you the reader, the criminal justice system, the legal system and add to the knowledge of the public, and hopefully keep everyone honest, in the process, of this situation.  This will be from my notes, and in outline form:
  • Two components of injustice: violence & deception
    • violence laid bare
      • the first element: weapons & brute force
      • the second element: the power behind the force
      • the third element: a claim of legitimacy
    • deception exposed
      • people who abuse whatever amount of power they have and lie about it.
        • bullies in a community--using the limited power they have to terrorize those weaker than they are
        • sometimes the most exalted and esteemed people of power and authority in society--those are the ones we are dealing with when we confront injustice carried out from on high
        • therefore, those of us who have been raised with respect for authority and a deference to government officials must be careful, and observant, if we are going to seek justice, accustom ourselves to the unsettling reality that some of those who have power and authority are not only capable of abusing their power but are capable of going to great lengths to lie about it
        • we are not called to gratuitous disrespect for those in authority, quite the contrary.  We are to render to them their due, pray for them and submit to their authority as they exercises it in accordance with the law of the land, falling within the policies, procedures, and long held beliefs and customs of doing what it right, constitutional, and legal
        • but at all time, remembering, that rulers and authorities remain fallen creatures, human, even corrupt and capable of great and dire crimes
        • we must obey the law, rather than man, or giving deference to any class or category of man, including law enforcement
        • we need to uncover the victim's truth
        • let the evidence tell the story
      • how deception conceals violent coercion
        • the oppressor will try to deceive others about three issues
          • the use of force--that is, who was hurt, what force was used and who used it
          • who was responsible for sending those who used the coercive force
          • whether the use of force was legitimate or lawful
        • the oppressor will try to deceive others about several issues:
          • what violence, if any was used?
          • who, if anyone, ws hurt?
          • who used the violence?
          • who sent or exercised authority over the one who used the violence?
          • wAs the application of violence lawful or legitimate?
    • Violence & Deception: Oppressor's Tools to Prevent Rescue
      • oppressors use violence and deception as tools not only to carry out injustice, but also to keep rescuers from going to the aid of the victim
      • remember that injustice is the abuse of power by the strong over the weak
      • if the victim had as must power as oppressors, they wouldn't be vulnerable and wouldn't be abused
      • if perpetrators thought that their victims would be protected by the power of excellent, robust law enforcement, they probably wouldn't dare enslave them or hurt them, steal their property, etc. 
      • the rule of law provides a countervailing force that can protect the vulnerable from abuse
      • indeed, it can put enough power on the side of the victim, the vulnerable that the would-be perpetrators will not attempt to abuse them at all . . .
      • they must keep their victim isolated from those who might bring countervailing power to bear on the victim's behalf.
        • to do so, they will use their two favorite tools, violence and deception
        • their victims are alone, unprotected and utterly vulnerable
    • we overcome the deception of the oppressor through rigorous investigation and asking the difficult questions, so we can know the truth.  We overcome the violence of the oppressor by bringing this truth to a greater power than the oppressor . . . we need to
      • get the facts
      • substantiate the facts
      • collect all the related evidence
        • documentary evidence
        • testimonial evidence
        • physical evidence
      • seeking justice has four methodologies
        • victim rescue
        • victim aftercare
        • perpetrator accountability
        • structural transformation . . . change the system, clean it up

Learn to do right!  Seek justice, encourage the oppressed.  Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow! (Isaiah 1:17)


Monday, November 17, 2014


The Earthquake Has Hit, Fix My Computer!

  • started morning, writing blog at McDonald's, on Idaho, in Kalispell, Montana, 6:00 a.m.

    • I finished around 9:45 a.m., I think, but as I read the Daily Inter Lake, there were several more articles, dealing with environmental issues, so I added remarks, or a post script, Nick's alleged last name, since I can't remember, then I was going to add, that there was actually about 1,800 miles to the Keystone Pipeline, rather than the thousand, then the computer went black, and hasn't worked since

      • I attended the Flathead Federation of Republican Women, who had a legislator from Montana, show us how to use the computer method of communicating with a representative, and gave us tips on how best to get their attention

        • I went to Roseaur's Grocery Store, to see if my computer had been restored, but it had not, now at library, just my computer wouldn't work, then as I shifted from one open computer to another, that one shut down, then, to cover their asses, all shut down . . . the NSA, or whomever they want, like sister Shelley, to have access, take credit, like sister Rachel, who would be very embarassed, having claimed to be me with legislators, even appearing at the statewide training, on Constitution Day, that I was originally suppose to speak at, aka, JoAnn S. Secrist, then I spoke the week after that, September 27, rather than the 17th, as orginally planned . . . she is a straight party girl and my double, among about 4 others!

          • I am so sick of this I could scream!  I got the business card of Senator Janna Taylor, from Senate District 6, up here in the Flathead, or at least, she was at the Republican Women's meeting and luncheon . . . I am working with her, or someone, but she is talking to others about getting an expungement statute or law on the books in Montana, or trying to get one . . .

            • Congress in D.C., Senate Intelligence Committee, You Need to get the NSA under control, rogue agents, wasting resources and money watching me 24/7, for a bunch of bimbo chicks their banging to steal my money, blogs, cases, kids, etc., with one or all working for the rogue CIA

              • Sincerely, JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., you should be thankful that someone takes the time to write about the issues in Congress, like the Keystone Pipeline, agree or disagree, food for thought!


"The upper classes are merely a nation's past; the middle class is its future!

I Thought a Fat Cat Jumped on My Bed!

Yeah, I felt the earthquake Friday morning in the wee hours, and I took crap for it, for a day, until the Sunday Daily Inter Lake Newspaper, came out with its, Shake, Rattle and Roll, headlines . . . thanks for coming to my rescue!  This old Marine was chiding me about the fact, that I woke up and asked everyone at the Samaritan House, during breakfast if they felt a quake or a tremor during the night.  Sarcasm was the order of the day, oh, you were just bumping the bed against the wall, doing what?  Or what was your roommate up to in the other room . . . are you on drugs?  Every time I passed this guy, he would come up with some smart ass comment, trying to get my goat, which is hard to do, because generally, I just consider the source . . . I hate being right, 97% of the time, and the other 3%, I don't care about!  LOL!  I couldn't wait to slam the newspaper down in front of this guy, who was eating crow, big time.  He said, what are you going to? do frame it, referring to the newspaper article, front page, bold headlines!  Yeah, I am going to frame it over your head!  LOL!

My 4th husband was a Marine, and just how do you think an attorney and a Marine living under the same roof went over . . . you are right, about like the discussion over the possible earthquake, and just as in this case, I was always, always, always, right!  It is more important for me to be right, than happy!  LOL!  And guess where the Marine is . . . he faked his suicide, to save face, for all his cop buddies, he was colluding with, to force, the Run Away Bride, of Allan Rex Bess, aka, Frank of Interpol, to stay home, willing to lock my ass in jail if needed, with total cooperation with the local cowboys in the Iron County Sheriffs Department, who were defending their mean ass narcotics cops, against this one bad ass con law chick, who sue their asses for $56.7 million for civil and constitutional rights violations while acting under color of law . . . yeah, it was ugly! 

But it was funner than hell too, and I wasn't the one who faked a suicide, making 3 phone calls after the time of death, neighbors never seeing a body, cops, or an ambulance, and other signs of a staged suicide, highly evident, especially, with no death certificate, and him collecting veteran's benefits!  LOL!  And who might you say, won, this War of the Roses, Michael Douglas & Kathleen Turner, great movie!  Well, sophisticated thinking in politics, is just as unlikely as a Marine and an attorney getting along in a marriage, or living under one roof!  LOL!  Our home was like a battlefield, every time I came back home, he had taken over the kitchen, then, the front room, the bathroom, when I had relegated his smoking to the basement or outside, but hell, I had cases in 5 states, and was up to court, every other day in Salt Lake City, Utah!

Republican Gang Voting in Unison vs. President Obama, A 6 Year Nemisis

Well it looks like we are heading for what the news refers to as a showdown, whatever that means?  Now, I don't know about you, but I fucking don't want a showdown, a battle, a fight, a war, in Congress, when there are big time issues that need to be considered, when allowing the Canadians, to run a monster metal or whatever pipeline, through Montana and South Dakota, to Nebraska . . . ugly, ugly, ugly!  So, Montana is one of the most beautiful places on earth, in my opinion, and we are going to allow, another country, not a U.S. company, taking oil, out of Canada, via, a huge motherfucking pipe, laying on top of the ground, from all the pictures I have seen, and white trash America for the Canadians to make money on oil?  I just don't think so, call me vain, but right now, America is one of the top producers of oil, and will continue to do so, I have heard, and don't quote me on this, the top producer of oil, by the year 2020!  

Right now, there is a glut in the oil market, with prices, for the first time since, who knows when are down below $3.00 per gallon, which is great news!  Do we really want to glut the market, and water down the prices for American companies, the greedy assholes they are, with $60 billion dollar profits, but, at least they are Americans, and do we really want Canada, along with that comes the Brits, who remember, are their mother country, our allies, but also, earlier in history, our foes, we can't be too careful.  Do we really want to be dependent on any other country, when we have great oil reserves in this country.  Just the other day, and again, I can't validate or give veracity to my sources, but someone told me, maybe the Marine, so be careful, but he does watch TV a lot more, controlling the remote at the shelter, so he sees more news, but someone told me that an oil reserve, was just discovered in Texas, that makes the Bakken Oil Fields of Montana and North Dakota, look like nothing!  So, why in the hell, do we want Canadian oil, companies, or control over our soil . . . and I don't care, how much fucking taxes they pay, we need to just quit giving tax breaks to the oil companies in America, and we could cure the national debt, but, that would be asking the Republican gang, to actually concede to the President for the good of the country, and tax their damn favors, the rich!

Big Concern, Access, Around the Damn Thing?

So, we have this, what thousand mile pipeline . . . and, from what I have seen, it is all above ground, burying the hideous monstrosity, would be cost prohibitive, so, how do we travel across, over, under, around it? What is the proposed route, is it going through Glacier National Park, or other amazing parts of the state?  Or are you going to follow, Utah's dumb ass lead, and do, kind of like they did, putting 800 oil drills or pumps, in the middle of the Uintah Forest, and on one of my favorite places on earth, up on Mount Baldy, that I have loved and hiked since I was a child?  Oil pumps on the way to Moon Lake . . . why not, hell, it is all the more money for the state of Utah, kind of like the toxic waste dumps, the rich fat cats, and Energy Solutions, polluting the west desert, outside of Salt Lake, building an basketball arena for the Utah Jazz, in exchange for taking vitriol tailing's, waste, and toxic materials from all over the country, with nobody else stupid enough to take the shit, in exchange for a few years of basketball arena, then, like the Copper Kings, industrialists of the olden days in Montana, just took the money and ran, back east with it!

In all seriousness, how do we get passed this thing . . . what will it do to travel in the state, cut western Montana off from eastern Montana?  The fourth largest state is already big enough, so just where is it entering and where is it going, and what will that do to transportation in the state?  Who is paying for underpasses, overpasses, tunnels, or bridges?  The tax payers of Montana, to have the honor of a gas pipeline through their state, benefiting Canada?  I know, that the Flathead loves the Canadian shoppers, and rightly so, they bump up the economy, but do we have to take a pipeline in exchange, what is the deal, what are the back room, smoke-filled sacrifices we are going to have to pay for just WHAT?  What are we getting, just the Republican mantra, the way of the rich man, or are we thinking, from all angles, from outside the money box, and looking at how many jobs, for how long, and is is worth it?  I have heard that the 40,000 proposed jobs, will actually only amount, really to about 4,000 jobs in the long run, and who will get those jobs, people who have been with the company, Canadians, just staying in temporary trailers, as long as there is work, leaving us with the blighted scenery, no jobs, a pain in the ass to get around, and no money for oil?  We need someone to do a cost benefit analysis . . . in the long run, it may not be worth it!

The Republican Position . . . Jobs & Energy Security

Now, I would venture a guess that the President, the people, and even the Democrats in Congress, are all about more jobs and energy security, as if the President hasn't been harping on alternative energy sources, domestic oil, and other sources, making us less reliant on foreign oil, especially oil from the Mid-East.  I would also agree, that I would prefer to purchase my oil from Canada, our neighbor and an ally, rather than purchase our oil, from an Arab country; however, if the option for obtaining oil is between a Canadian company, and an American company, buy U.S.A.!  Someone, besides me, who is not trained in economics, or oil exploration and acquisition, nor future energy sources, oil exploration and extraction, and geo-related issues, needs to look into this further.  I think the Prez. is all about all of the things that the Republicans want, but as what sacrifice . . . with a steady job growth, taking the country back to the unemployment rate, prior to the 2008, economic melt down, that was caused by the policies of a Republican president, who took the reigns from President Clinton, who handed him an economy and a job market that was unprecedented in American history, post-WWII booms!

We all agree, but, what are the President's concerns, and thoughtful, smart, constitutional law attorney, who thinks from outside the box, worried about climate control, the environmental issues, and is waiting for the environmental impact studies to be completed, before making a final decision, whether to veto the bill for the Keystone Pipeline or not, that is what we pay him to do, think, and then, in the act of the executive branch, in an act to balance power, veto any lame ass act of Congress!  The Republicans may be flexing their muscles, after their win, a few weeks ago, thinking that the Koch Brothers buying congressional seats, with the aide and help of the Citizens United ruling, of unlimited campaign contributions, as free speech for the corporate greedy asses, who see dollar signs, $$$$$$$$$, with the pipeline, always, ignoring the environmental issues, kind of like, BP oil, leaving an oil ring on the bottom of the ocean, off the coast, the size of New Jersey, kind of environmental protection!  That was just discovered, conveniently, after the elections!  We need to think, think, think, in a sophisticated manner, that will benefit generations, not just go for the almighty fucking dollar, there are bigger issues at stake, like our air, water, and soil!

To the Republican Dominionists

Okay, there is a segment of you, who are hard core creationists, and shun all scientific evidence, that goes contrary, number one, to money and American greed, and number two, to your alleged religious beliefs. You believe, that man was given dominion over the earth, the water, the fishes of the sea, the fowls of the air, etc. So, why in the fuck, don't you give a rat's ass about the environment?  Science aside, just your God given responsibility of being the alleged higher species, with a brain, why don't you use it.  I don't think, the Book of Revelations, in the Bible, woe, woe, woes, are going to come from God, a vengeful and angry God, they are going to come from BP oil and their buddies, Exxon, Chevron, Texaco, and carbon emissions from the rest of us, you know those little vehicle engines that are lending a hand to global warming . . . I grew up, for a time, around the Los Angles area, when I lived near earthquakes of Christmases past, in Northridge, where the earthquake of when, I can't remember, hit the elementary school I attended, and the college just up the street on Zellza Avenue, spelling, don't remember, but I do remember taking field trips on the bus, into the LA valley, and the whole way to out destination and back, we all had to put our heads on our forearms, so the air pollution didn't harm our health!

In the Bible, there is to be a time, when a third of the fish in the sea will die, a third of the birds in the air will fall, etc.  Well, I remember several times in Australia and I think here, that a huge number of birds just dropped out of the sky.  Could it be due to car emissions, air pollutants, or chem-trails?  And didn't a ton of sea life die, being covered in oil, ducks, water fowl, and there had to be fish dead.  Every so often, we see whales beached, far from their normal migration patterns, just flopping up on the sand.  There is another scripture, that says, in the Book of Revelations, from John the Revelator, a great song by DePeche Mode, that the Mother Earth would groan under the weight of man . . . what in the fuck do you really think that means?  I would venture a guess that the earthquakes, a rare occasion in Montana, are due to the fracking in the Bakken Oil Fields!  Oklahoma had 700 earth tremors, due to fracking, another debate I had with some asshole, that doesn't give a damn about the environment!  I think God, knowing the beginning from the end, knew damn well, that greedy whore mongers, or money grubbers are going to bring down the world, with their avarice, lame ass attitudes, John, back 2,000 or so years ago, just didn't know how to describe what would cause the earth to groan, with weight, just that it would happen.

End of timers, birthers, and creationists, training lawyers at Christian universities, in biblical law, rather than constitutional law, the EPA, came in a forced LA and other cities to clean up their air!  There have been times in Salt Lake City, another drill, baby, drill state, when I have pulled into the Salt Lake Valley, and the air looked like mud, a bowl of mud!  Yes, we want less government, but there are some things that government can do best, and only government can do, like force health insurance companies to insure people with pre-existing conditions, open the capitalist markets, for competition in health care systems, driving prices of insurance down, if we are smart enough to keep that system, with health care that can actually follow you around the country, or give you liberty, to not be tied to a job, simply to have health care coverage, giving you the liberty to start that new business, you know the small businesses that create the greatest amount of jobs, the ones who get hit by taxes, while the big guys, like Amazon, and Walmart, push for the Market Fairness Act, eliminating their mom and pop, company competition!

Nick & Big Sky Environmental Group, Blocking Coal Trains

I met Nick, at least two years ago, on the bus/shuttle, going from Las Vegas, in route to Kalispell, somewhere around Salt Lake City,  Nick Englefinkle, or some strange last name, sorry Nick, is well known around Montana, for organizing environmental groups to fight key legislation and issues, like the number of coal trains, passing through Missoula each day, and one time, getting arrested, a common occurrence for this group, recently for holding hands, and somehow, either impeding a coal train, or getting so close the train had to stop, with the small group of protesters getting arrested, and I think jailed.  Which they tend to just laugh off.  But, Nick and crew, invited me to a city council meeting in Missoula, with Mayor Engen, for a final vote on whether to allow more coal trains per day, to cross, literally, right through the city, as it does in Helena, about 72 times a day, going up, I believe, to about 93 coal cars a day.  

I wasn't intending to say anything, but as usual, I have an opinion on everything, so after a registered local nurse got up and addressed some of the health issues, related to exposure of coal dust to the lungs, and other parading of the potential horribles that we don't really want to think about while we are making jobs and money, often raping the environment, and injuring the health of our citizens, years down the road, I took the stand, and told the city council, that I had a home, in Parowan, Utah, one of the epicenters of the towns and people effected by the nuclear bomb testing in the Nevada west desert, the pink clouds, that people made picnics, and took their kids to watch, later developing cancer at an unprecedented rate, birth defects, if not outright sterility . . . all you men, who want your quivers full of arrows!  The Biblical equivalent of having a shit load of children, to populate the world, like the sands of the sea, and Abraham!

I challenged the council, to make their decisions, not based on what we want today, but what this decision will do 5 years from now, 10 years from now, and 50 years from now, the time it took for the nuclear fallout to get to the people of Parowan, Utah, and other southern Utah residents.  A woman sitting next to me, said that her husband had worked for the railroad for 40 years, and all the coal cars have covers over the cars . . . what the hell do I know about coal, so I told this woman, put your two cents in, that might make a difference, coming from someone who thinks in hybrid fashion, can we make both sides happy, that sounds like a viable alternative, cover all the coal cars, stopping the amount of exposure, cutting into the railroads, profits, but making them be good neighbors, and good companies, taking care of the people who hear the sounds, deal with the dust and get exposed through enemy air-born illnesses!

Well, several months ago, on a nice beautiful fall day, I left the Spokane bus and train station, and the air was clean, crisp, and cool, the water on the lake in Cordelane Idaho, was sparkling, the green pines, majestic, and the air fresh and pure . . . but as we came into Missoula, all the sudden, and even before that, but there was a marked change in the air quality, it was dingy, dirty, smokey, and not cool, nor pretty, just ugly.  And all the passengers, on the bus noticed the drastic change . . . my first reaction was, the coal trains!  As we came into town, there was a train, with well over 100 cars, and car after car, had exposed coal, and all the sudden, what Nick and crew were fighting became more than just a side of an argument in the political arena, and the reality of the coal dust to children and college students, not to mention, the frail, older population, became a real concern to me.  I would say, as I neared downtown Missoula, and noticed, that the first 25 or so cars, did, in fact, have covers, but after the attention span of most Americans, especially those of the Sesame Street generation, you know the ones, who are fighting the coal trains, with a 15 second focus, would, look at the trains coming into the town, and say, oh, yeah, they have covers, what in the hell are those nut bag, environmentalist talking about!  Was this a sneaky joke, or what?

I believe, I heard, in passing, or on the bus, that a railroad train, tipped over in a river, or something like that, down, in Missoula . . . just like me looking crazy for bringing up the earthquake, before anyone else, could substantiate it, Nick, has long fought this war, to protect the environment . . . this guy has a masters degree in something like, natural resource management, perhaps he has some thing to say, worth listening to!  Like I say, I love the young people, they are the revolutionaries, and so many times, like in Vietnam, they were right, a war, we didn't need to get into, for the reasons we did, with many more casualties than we were told about until about ten years later, America, stop killing your prophets!

Delayed Gratification is a Characteristic of Success

Do we risk, our health, environment, our lives, our childrens' lives, and their childrens' lives, for a buck today?  Even for jobs, as much as we all want people to work?  We need to think, long term, from 16 positions around a table, getting the most people or players to the table, taking into consideration all their conditions for buying in on this Keystone Pipeline bill.  This is fucking complicated, black and what thinkers need not apply!  Nick also protested the Otter Creek Coal Mine, that will take out ranches and farms in the area, with 1 in every 5 Montanans, making their living on a ranch or a farm, with the coal mine possibly polluting the water the cattle drink, meaning, we are getting tainted beef!  But the company paid the state of Montana, $85 million dollars, to start mining, I think, I listened in the legislative session, and came late, but it cost the state of Montana, another coal, baby, coal state, and rightly so, with many jobs depending on it, but it cost the state $40 million, just to put the road in to the coal mine, as part of the state road system the state has to maintain.

And with further research, this was or is a company from back east, bringing it, its own employees, again raping the Treasure State's natural resources, not providing jobs, and shipping coal to China!  Oh, hell no . . . but, at least last week to the surprise of the newly formed Congress as of January, acting like the American people voted them in as a clear statement, that everything they wanted, was the will of the American people, hell, they just didn't do anything for 6 years, and like the alleged duping of the electorate, got elected in record numbers, like they did in 2010; however, maybe, that is because, they didn't see you do anything but fight with the Democrats, they new, that with or without Congress, President Obama could act through executive order, therefore, moving forward with our without Congress, but giving the Republicans a chance, to actually do something controlling both houses, but with the Prez. able to veto their stupid acts, like the Keystone Pipeline!

The Democrats Have Not Gone So Extreme, 31 Backed the Bill, While 161 Rejected It . . . Republicans All Voted For It!

Rachel Maddow, another smart chick, of MSNBC, showed a graph, before or after the 2012 elections, of the course, of both parties, who used to be just right or left of center, back in the day, when they just saw things from a bit different position, but till very close to the center line politically speaking, but Maddow, showed the red and blue lines, indicating, the fact that the Democrats over the last 20 or so years, had remained, about where they always had, politically speaking, just left of center.  The Republicans, however, had gone off the charts, off center mark, and were out in a field of never, never, land, so far from center, that their fellow Dems in Congress, just could not side or vote with them, making reaching across the isle, so far, that it just became a showdown, shut down, or stand still, inert and lethargic!

We, the American People, have put some power in Republicans hands, a balance of power, the way it is suppose to be, this is not the okay corral, and you are not cowboys, we sent you to Washington, D.C., the entertainment capitol of the world, and we expect better than drill baby drill, pump baby pump! The United Nations, and I am as skeptical as the rest of you, with Agenda 21, sustainability, and all, and this is coming from conspiracy central, me, just came out with their 13th study or report on global warming and climate change . . . now, I have published on this blog, the results of talking to two local physicists, who totally believe, that nature, not man, is responsible for the ice melt, and the glaciers melting, with only 27 of 125, that really concerns me, as evidence of global warming, but, they said, it took 1500 years to melt the first ones, therefore, those 27 will remain for a long time.  But, I think we owe it to ourselves, to at least consider that man, is somewhat responsible, like the two greatest users of coal, America and China, who just signed a deal to try to cut back on the amount of carbon emissions they are emenating and emitting into the atmosphere!  It is a worthy goal, we can all do something to help, green is the color we want, clean, fresh, water, air, and soil.

We are all in this together, we all rise and fall together, what China does matters in America and visa versa, so we need to work together for a cleaner, better, kinder, more cooperative world, to save the planet!

Rubbing it In, Republicans Control Both Houses In Montana Too!

I had to laugh, Daily Inter Lake, article, After-hours GOP caucus meeting raising questions . . . Lawyer says gathering of legislators violated state law.  I love his quote, "It's no surprise Republican leaders are hiding in smoke-filled back rooms to keep their out-of-touch, reckless agenda from he people of Montana!  I can't agree with him more.  The Republican majority, held a secret meeting at a hotel in Helena, and claimed, when questioned that they didn't violate any open-meetings laws, sunshine laws, or transparency laws, because they met off Capitol Hill, or not in the building where the legislatures meets. REALLY?  Are you kidding.  Any law that is repugnant to the Constitution, is void, and any law or act in this case, that is consistent with the letter and spirit of the Constitution, is constitutional!

The Republican majority, is meeting, making plans, and getting a head start on the 2015 legislative session, they were, in fact, acting as elected officials, for the state, and doing, or conducting official state business if you will, regardless of the place or time!  I always think it best to take the moral high road, and that is to abide by the basic tenants, principles, concepts, of liberty and justice.  Holding little meetings, at a hotel, as if that washes the fact that they are colluding together, against the Democrats, or if this wasn't some coupe, they would just wait until open session to work out the details of proposed legislation, laying out the bill, the issues, and the arguments for all to see, read, think through, kind of like our American system facilitates!

Now, if they were just getting together to meet the new members of the Legislature, there would be nothing wrong with that, a nice luncheon, on state money, okay, but discussing the 2015 legislative session, NO, in fact, you can tell, the other is tongue in cheek to, work sessions, outside the hallowed halls of the legislature, should be on the dime of the elected officials, who are just having lunch together.  Really, just avoid the very appearance of evil, not in the hear no evil, see no evil, or speak no evil manner, but in a open, fair, candid, transparent, sunny, meeting, without the smoke filled back room, wheeling and dealing.  Keep it all above board, in the light of day . . . if what you are doing, can't withstand the light of day, don't fucking do it!

The Keystone Pipeline is Huge . . . Think, Call Your Congressional State Delegates, You May Come UP with the Winning Argument, FOR or AGAINST!


Local newspaper articles, just from today . . . EPA newsletter raises concerns; Rock Creek given air quality permit, and Jewel Basin sale trimmed down . . . once this stuff is gone, it is gone! 

Sunday, November 16, 2014


The Great Convergence

The national Human Rights Campaign gave Missoula a perfect score of 100 points for inclusion of lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender people in its municipal laws and policy.  The study is based on 47 criteria that fall under six broad categories.  They are: non-discrimination laws, relationship recognition, municipality's employment policies, inclusiveness of city services, law enforcement and municipal leadership on equality matters.  Awesome, that is beyond impressive, not only are these people members of this city, state and national and entitled to full rights, fellowship and friendship, under the law, but to not afford them all that all citizens of this country are entitled to, violates, the 14th amendment, due process and equal protection, along with uniform operation of law!  Way to go Missoula, a perfect score is way cool!  Mayor John Engen and your city council, should be congratulated and emulated!  Good job!

Stillwater Christian School students will  make a brighter Christmas for 157 children around the world with gift-filled shoe boxes.  Kindergarten through eighth grade students participated recently in Operation Christmas Child, a program of the nondenominational evangelical Christian nonprofit called the Samaritan's Purse.  Students also raised $700 to help cover shipping costs.  This is when to get the kids, to make them caring, loving, serving and involved adults, who share their blessings of prosperity in this country, with less fortunate kids, throughout the world, who are lucky to get food at night.  Kudos to the adults, the program, and all who are giving the gift of love, to children all over the world . . . we are all children of the same God, with the same Savior . . . and it is more blessed to give than to receive!

Children of God . . . Common Traits

Last night at the Samaritan House, a vivacious, outgoing, and fun group of young adults, came from a church, to serve a great dinner, share conversation, and generally engage in a great evening.  As more young people, came to serve, that are even staying at the transitional housing shelter, I thought, having had several other groups, of equally serving, caring and sharing young people, and I am sorry I don't know which churches they were from, since there are a ton of them in Kalispell, and new churches cropping up all the time, which is a great sign of the atmosphere of the community, but I thought, wow, there is no difference from one church group of kids, or young adults, from another, and they remind me of the Mormon youth from Utah, being more familiar with them than others . . . so as the young people finished their service, and came a joined us in sharing the evening, I asked them, what church they were from, having had little contact with the Mormon Church since I have been in Montana for the last, 2 or so years; and one of them said, we are from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!  No wonder they reminded me of the kids back home in Utah!

I know that I am often mad, criticize, and bash Mormons and Utah, but that is in the political arena, not the religious side of the Utah equation.  There always needs to be a separation of church and state!  If you lump state and church into one, there is a chance as political differences, systems, and preferences rage, the tender testimonies of your youth and children, are not confused one with another, and can hold to the truths of their faith, believing in Jesus Christ and God the Father, without, getting that tangled up, with politics as usual . . . you know the old saying, don't discuss politics and religion with family and friends! And there is a damn good reason for that!  But is was fun, knowing the comings and goings, the foundations, idiosyncrasies, insider jokes and stories, having been raised in a common denomination, starting at a common place of understanding.  I love the youth of any church, I find them open, teachable, willing to change, and thus, very refreshing, and the group last night were no different. 

Older Generation, Not Allowed to Enter the Promised Land . . . Why?  Think About It!

This morning at Fresh Life Church, Pastor Levi was talking about Moses & the Children of Israel, either be allowed, or not allowed to enter the Promised Land, and those people who were alive at the time Moses, led them out of Pharaoh's chains, and who made the golden calf, and partied while Moses was on the mount with God, getting the 10 commandments, were not allowed to enter the promised land, and they were marched around in a circle in the wilderness, until every last on of the old guard, or the parents, die and were buried in the spot they dropped in, and for Moses' anger, he also was not allowed into the promised land, but the kids of these people were, even though they complained a bit, Joshua and Aaron, were allowed to lead them to their destination of a land of milk and honey!  Unless you become as a little child, you cannot enter into the Kingdom of God, or symbolically you can't enter into the Promised Land, with Moses, being a prototype of Christ, leading God's people to their inheritance.

We as adults, can't be so entrenched in our prejudices, discriminatory thoughts, and exclusive behaviors to become unworthy of entrance into the land of milk and honey, so to say, or the Kingdom of God.  When God, says, Judge not, that yea be not judged; love your neighbor as yourself; love the Lord your God, and your fellowmen, he means it!  Most of the revolutions in the world, come from the youth, and all that I have seen, generally are getting to or striving for something better or higher than the generation before them.  I know that we consider the Golden Generation as the greatest generation, and they did many great things, but I would say, they were more of a physical nature, buildings, bridges, businesses, but the kids today, are open minded, and getting closer to the ideals of the Good News of the Gospel of Christ, and of the ideals set forth in the U.S. Constitution, the Preamble, creating a more PERFECT UNION!  And that is why we need not look to the past, or we may turn into a pillar of salt, like Lot's wife, and look forward, with a bright light and belief in a better tomorrow, reaching tolerance and love, unknown to mankind, ever at any time in history.

Young Pastor Introduces Me to International Justice Mission--Thanks

The author of the book, Good News About Injustice: A Witness of Courage in a Hurting World, by Gary A. Haugen, the president and CEO of International Justice Mission (IJM), a human rights organization based in Washington, D.C.  Prior to founding the IJM, he worked in the civil rights division of the U.S. Department of Justice and was director of the United Nations' genocide investigation in Rwanda. Haugen is a graduate of Harvard University and received a J.D. or law degree, from the University of Chicago.  He is also the author of Terrify No More and Just Courage.

In 1996, one year before IJM became operational, several colleagues and Haugen, asked seventy Christian ministries serving globally in missions and relief and development to be the church's eyes and ears in the world.  These ministries represented tens of thousands of Christian workers in more than a hundred countries.  When asked in our survey, every single ministry indicated that they had workers serving in communities where people suffered injustice and abuse in circumstances where local authorities could not be relied on for relief.  These seventy ministries named the following categories of injustices as the most widely observed:
  • abusive child labor
  • abusive police or military
  • child pornography
  • child prostitution
  • corrupt seizure or extortion of land
  • detention or disappearance without charge or trial
  • extortion or withholding of wages
  • forced prostitution
  • forced migration
  • genocide murder of street children 
  • organized racial violence
  • public justice corruption
  • state, rebel or paramilitary terrorism
  • state-supported discrimination or abuse of ethnic minorities
  • state-sponsored religious persecution
  • state-sponsored torture
Of course these are just words on a list.  It took the stories from those Christian workers to give them meaning.  The book is great, and will raise your social, ethical, humanitarian and Christian determination to see that these things are changed.  You only know what you know, so learn and make a difference, PLEASE!

The Bible Declares the World's Need For Salvation & Justice

The way of peace they do not know; there is no justice in their paths . . . no one who walks in them will know peace.  So justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us.  We look for light, but all is darkness.  (Isaish 59:8-9)

This is a quote from the book, page 63, Biblical Christians understand that Christ has called us to be his witnesses to the uttermost parts of a very dark world--a dark world of injustice.  Preparing our minds for action in the world means coming to grips with the notion that the world we are sent into as salt and light is a world that needs salt and light precisely because, among other things, it is full of the corruption and darkness of injustice.  All those old Scriptures about the world, which always seemed rather melodramatic when I [Haugen] heard them in my suburban church as a kid, turned out to be much more worthy of my attention than I ever knew.

There is Uncommon Courage for Common Christians:  The Gift of God's Word, can do much to curb the abuses, violence, torture, theft, and death, in this dark world.  You can find this organization on the Internet, and get involved, if you find it in your heart to do.  I know that many of you are concerned about the streets in America, with exactly the same problems.  I don't think God cares where you serve, he just cares that you do, in deed, serve your fellow men, women and children, in whatever way, means, and funds you can.  I guess the charge is, Just do something . . . 

Movie I Watched, Free on YouTube, Child Slavery & Prostitution . . . Something Garden?

Anyway, the title of the movie is not important, but the message was, startling and different, with many of the issues, brought up above, again, I am not mentioning this by way of criticism, just in bringing awareness, so those readers will be more aware, and do anything they can, to further the fight against injustice both in America and in the world at large.  In this movie, a cute, upper middle class, blonde, blue eyed, little girl, was kidnapped, and put into child pornography and prostitution.  She was told that her parents didn't want her, and these new guys were told by her father to take care of her, allegedly working for him.  She is taken far from home, and there is a young black boy, who is also inducted into this prostitution and pornography ring. 

The two children become fast friends, turning to stories and fantasy, to escape the terrible conditions of their captives, making tents, paper animal cut outs of stories, and learning to rely on each other as family and for survival.  The story skips, after showing the horrors of the life they are forced into, to a point, where both teens are out on their own, and still as deep of friends as they can possibly be, still living on the streets, and pimping themselves out, but living in a dangerous world, of drugs, money, and street life, with all the violence, threats, and dangers.  Eventually, the young girl, visits a shelter, and leaves her long time brother/co-captive/survivor . . . at the shelter, John Malcovich, is the counselor, and he questions the girl about her background, and then shows her a picture of her picture as a missing child, and told her, that her parents were not dead, that they looked and looked for her.  She breaks down in tears, and wonder if her parents will want her after everything that she has been through . . . he assures her they will.

In the next scene, a social worker takes her home, her parents welcome her with open arms.  She also learns that she has two new siblings, that her parents decided to have, to replace her, or fill the void.  It is Christmas time, she looks at this mother, father, and their two young children, and you could almost see from the look on her face, that she just knew, that she had seen too much, done too much, and she almost looked at them in their naive, almost childlike state, of complacency, worried only about their children, their concerns, and getting Christmas presents.  There is a look of disgust in a way.  Where you can see, that it is not them who needed to accept her, that was easy, they were so simple.  But, rather it was her, who needed to accept them, and she could tell, that she was, so far beyond, or so distant, from the reality of their little sterile world, worrying only about their immediate needs, and that of their family.  She goes up to the bedroom and gets her jacket, leaves, and goes to find, the only real family she had, the black young man, who loved her and understood what she had been through, even went to it to.

We Need to Get Out of Our Little Sterile Worlds, And Bring Light Into a Dark and Scary World, That Can Be So Much Kinder, So Much Safer for Everyone, and It is Love for All our Fellowmen, that will Do It!

Saturday, November 15, 2014



I walked out of the restrooms, at the Kalispell If Library, on a couple of occasions, and out of the thousands of books, on the shelf, the one with the huge title, with red block letters, SEX, jumped out at me.  Of course, I ignored it, and went on my merry way, reading the newspaper, or writing my block, rarely ever picking up a book.  So, on the second or third time, that my eye, went straight to the book, I picked it up and did the speed read, looking at the titles and subtitles, on the table of contents, and nothing really jumped out at me, so I put it back, thinking that I didn't have a library card, and blah, blah, blah, thinking of every reason not to read the book.  But being the psychic researcher that I was named while in Chicago, while working for Americans United for Life, or AUL, I decided, that beyond the curiosity on the subject, and always looking to improve my skills as a lover, wife, or whatever, I felt that I needed to read this book, and do it justice.  Now, there was nothing earth shattering, nothing really new, and nothing that shocked my senses, but it was, real, down to earth, common sense, which is where I want my world to be.

I first came across the concept of the term, soul mate, while searching for answers, to what happened to me, when I met a particular guy, while I was, apparently, not as happy, as I thought I was, with four children, around the age of 28, and starting back to college, at Weber State University, in the early 80's, probably around 1983, because I started attending night classes, while I was pregnant with, Elliot, my youngest son. About one year after he was born, I ventured back into the classroom, and on the first day of school, I walked by a group of young men, and I was young and fit, but that didn't seem to be the attraction, maybe. As I walked by, one of the guys, followed me into the classroom, that was completely empty, and he came and sat down right next to me, and said, Hi, My name is Mike, what is yours . . . at that moment, I couldn't remember my name, I felt like someone took a knife, and tore through my flesh, cut my heart out, threw it on the floor, and stomped on it!  I managed, to get my first name out, JoAnn, hoping he didn't notice how awkward, nervous and stupid I felt.

Love at First Sight . . . It Really Does Exist

I was much like I am now, back then, kind of sarcastic and cynical, pooh, poohing, all the love songs, that say, you took my breath away, I can't breath without you, you had me at hello . . . as pure crazy shit.  But, after class, trying to ignore, Mike with all I could muster, I went straight to me best friend's house, and asked Janis, my self outside of self, if she had ever felt, love at first sight, or if she believed in it?  She told me, it had never happened to her, but, she could imagine that it was a possibility.  The next time class was held, I waited, until the last second, which is uncharacteristic of this anal retentive, perfectionist, at least back in the day, to see where Mike parked his ass, making sure, that he didn't sit by me again, EVER!  From that moment on, I suppressed all those emotions I felt, that first day, and actually forgot about them, denying really, that it was anything, more than a passing fancy, he is extremely good looking and still is.  

With that behind us, we became fast friends, competitors, vying for top grades, the best papers, and eventually, we were both, named honored humanities students, and outstanding English majors.  At graduation, I didn't even bother to go say good bye to Mike, who had made a bigger deal about, many things, like wanting me to take a cooking class with him, or asking me to judge his business proposal, obviously, because he valued a smart person, like me, opinion, nothing more.  He would always ask me about my marriage to Zeke or Richard, couldn't be happier, great, cool, etc.  He tried to get me to read this book, called The Broken Covenant, which I refused to do.  He wanted me to go to law school with him, and I said, yeah, like I have 4 children at home, not going to happen.  Mike, even called me, and was willing to take a year off law school, allegedly to play in a band, and where did I think he should take his summer, internship in the field of law . . . why is he asking me this?  I was in 100%, total and complete denial!

Ayn Rand's FOUNTAINHEAD . . . I Am in Love with Howard Roark . . . Mike, I Guess I Am Kind of Like Him . . . Only in Your Dreams Sweetheart!

One year, while Mike was in law school, at BYU, where I also attended, starting a year or two after Mike left, but, again, in total denial of any deep seeded feelings for this, off the charts, handsome, soon to be attorney, I was attending a BYU Women's Conference, and decided to pay him a visit at the law school, which I was familiar with, due to a family scholarship, that I had attended the interviewing process and award ceremony, on several occasions.  Mike was busy, distracted, and said he would meet me across the street at the Wilkinson Center, maybe for lunch, cool.  In the mean time, I purchased a copy of the Fountainhead, loving the philosophy of objectivism, the characters, and I did have to admit, to some extent, the personalities, of the main characters, did, somewhat remind me of me and Mike, but I would never have admitted that to him, in 10 million light years, because, I was still, happily married.

Betrayed by myself again!  I gave Mike the book, like he was going to have time to read it, and said that I was in love with the main, male character, Roark.  He retorted back, I guess he reminds you of me, or something along those lines . . . only in your dreams . . . Mike, didn't say a word, and got up and walked away.  Right then, someone took a knife, and slashed, and burned through my heart, the second time, with this guy!  I started to cry uncontrollably, actually weeping, just as it started to snow, turned into a blizzard, while I put my sunglasses on, to hide my tears, and my red flushed face.  During that visit, Mike told me that I was too ambitious, meaning, you are not the type of wife, I am looking for . . . he had never been married, and I was 8 years older than he was.  Fine!  He knew me, again, better than I knew myself, I was too ambitious, got accepted to law school, a year later, and called to tell him, and he was pissed as hell, because, by this time, I was divorced, and he is looking at another three years, already approaching his mid-twenties, which is old for the Mormon Church marriages.  Mike, yelled in the phone, I hope you have fun in law school!

The Law is a Jealous Mistress & Master . . . 20 Years Passed

Last year, out of the blue, I had three dreams with Mike in them, which shocked the hell out of me!  Dream (1) I just went to visit him at his law office, and I was dressed, just like I had in law school, so I was dressed in the time period, when I last saw him, thin, cute, nice clothes, but a very casual visit, nothing earth shattering or strange, just a talk . . . but, it appeared to take both of us, back to the place we were, when we lost contact; (2) I don't recall what that one was about; and (3) I had a dream of all the parade of the horribles, from his life, as per women, his abusive mother and sister, where in the dream, and I was just standing there watching, more as an observer . . . the three women who had ruined his life?  So, I looked up Mike's law firm, very successful, and to my surprise, had written a book, and done legislation, and had some very similar battles, issues, and fights, that I had, but in the area of construction law.  Like is attracted to like . . . the Kabbalists believe that, and so do I, and the more alike you are, the greater the attraction, in my mind.

I was too afraid to call Mike directly, for fear, that something bizarre would happen, and I look like shit, so, thought, take the chicken shit way out, and write him and email, which is did.  Soon after that, Mike's secretary, who must read his emails, called me, and we talked for about 30 to 45 minutes, just like we were old friends, and I was trying to dig up information on Mike, but she wouldn't tell me anything.  Did he marry, Nancy or Patty, she wouldn't say, those were the candidates at the time, I blew him off for law school.  I started to think that Mike was on  the other end of the phone, and he was just listening, as I filled her in on my life a bit.  On another occasion, I was in Las Vegas, going up to Utah, to do some legal work, so, I decided, I didn't give a rat's ass what I looked like, and I just wanted to see him, for old time sake.  My hell, it had been 20 years, for God sake, so, vanity and pride aside, I decided, nothing romantic was really on the table, as, why not, visit.  Again, his secretary told me he was busy, and flying somewhere, and needed to go. Whatever.

Funny Dream With Mike In It, Just Last Week . . . He is Still a Mystery to Me

I would guess, that Mike reads my blog, just out of curiosity, or I would think that from the dream, due to the content.  And, I think I had just started the blog, about the time I had the last dreams, so, there is good likelihood, and I also, emailed everyone, when I started the blog, and when Google, or the NSA shut it down, early on.  Here is the very simple dream:  Mike is dressed to kill, in a very expensive suit, even nicer than any of the ones in his pictures on his website, and he is tan, which he is not tan in any of his pictures either, actually he was more handsome, than I had seen him in a long time.  Here is why I think he reads my blog, because, there was this woman, standing next to me, at the same airport, that I had called him from, a year earlier, and she was fat, and as ugly as a mug-whump, whatever that is, just a little troll, like looking woman, very non-decrepit hair, frumpy dress, and about as dull as you could imagine.  But, I have to hand it to the Mike in the dream, but he actually leans over a kisses, this woman, with more than a grandma, or friend kiss, directly on the mouth, and he was kissing her over and over, but not liking it too much, but seemed to really be trying to like this woman, and find some spark of attraction!  LOL!

I am just standing there, wondering, if this is a case of mistaken identity, or that I am a victim of my own creative writing, or self deprivation, and some how, I have conveyed this message, that I am far uglier than I actually am.  I never really interfered in the kissing, but I did stand there amused, to think that he might actually think this woman was me, according to my own self description!  LOL!  And that was the end of the dream.  So, what does that all mean, nothing!  I didn't call him, write him, just found the dream, somewhat amusing, and thought, now would be a great time to go pay a visit, because, Mike has an idea in his mind, that I am absolutely hideous, and so anything is going to be a step up!  LOL!  And, I am going to St. George for Thanksgiving, and will most likely end up in Vegas, during my stay, hit the Blue Martini for dancing!  What do I have to lose, and Mike is in for a big surprise, I may be fat, but I am still attractive--when I was young, the next door neighbor, a very beautiful woman herself, told my mother that I had the most perfect face, she had ever seen . . . and it hasn't changed all that much from the time Mike saw me, or so I think.  But, with two guys trying to pick up on my yesterday, one giving me a ride to the library, saying a beautiful woman like you should not be out in the cold, when I told him I was waiting for the bus, with my imaginary boyfriend driving and wanting to see him, before the long week end . . . so who cares if I see Mike, right? 

I think for right now, this new guy, whom I have had a crush on for at least a year, going from just wanting to sport fuck him each morning on the bus, to motivate me to get to the gym each morning, until the first morning I was going to carry my fun plans, into effect, there were at least 25 students on the 7:00 a.m., run! What do these guys think, this is PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION OR SOMETHING!  With that plan going up in smoke, with the law of attraction kicking in all the time, like a fucking yo yo, with him the puppet master, I leave, then I come back, I leave again, I come back again, and so forth and so on . . . he fits me much better than Mike, however, he is living with a girl friend, so, whatever.  The book, as I see it, or I would not be hanging around this long, states, that we have a course to go on, relationships, marriages, and all kinds of lessons to learn, feats to do, and changes to make before we are actually ready to meet our soul mate, and they may actually be in another relationship when you meet them . . . great taste is messy!

I am always open, to whatever, I am willing to wait, until someone else comes along, that might match me better, and in the mean time, I will just have fun, go to Vegas, go dancing, hook up with two of the guys I met, that wanted to marry me, last time I was there, and see where the roads in life take me.  This guy may never get out of his relationship, and I am not dumb enough to think he might actually get out of it for me, he strikes me as the family man type, has some great things going on with her, they have fun family traditions, and they share a house, and kids, responsibilities, and I am, again, older than he is; however, I was first attracted to him at a purely animal level, and just wanted to fuck him, but riding on the bus, we have gotten to know each other better, and the more I know, the more I like, I am getting to the soul of this guy, who he is, what he thinks, love that he loves to garden, to can fruit and vegetables, I love the way he treats his mother, and he might care how I think about that too, because after she rode twice on the bus with him, and I got to joke around with mother and son, I think she knew something was up, at least on my end, she may read the blog, or seemed to know me, and each time, which is several times a day, he stopped to pick me up, Mom, gave me a big grin, like she could tell, that I lived her son!

One of the songs, that was playing on the radio, while the three of us were talking and laughing, was So happy together . . . and I think we would be!  Love is patient, love is kind, love is long-lasting, if it is meant to be, it will be, I can wait.  Or maybe I won't, who in the hell, but God, knows, certainly not me! LOL!  I have learned to let life take its course, and love who is placed in your path, because they might just teach you what you need to know, so when you do find your soul mate, you are ready, for the relationship, that is right for you, that you will grow the most in, and find the most satisfaction, not only sexually, but in every other aspect of your life.

What You Resist, Persists . . . Never Say Diet!

My normal course of affairs, is that once I find out that a guy is married or in a serious relationship, it is totally hands off, which I have done . . . but, he is not married to her, so the door is somewhat open, but I am still respectful, and to tell you the truth, he has made me trust men, more, that there are guys who are honorable, and really are faithful, because, at one point, and I was just toying with him, because I thought he was an undercover cop, trying to watch what I was doing and where I was going, and he was a bit meaner, before, but he turned to me, and said, You need to get a car!  He doesn't realize that I had 5 fucked up with cop shit, and they are just not like replacing a shirt or something, and they stop me, every time I try!  Now, there are two reasons that he would want me to get a car, if he was undercover, and he was sick of the wheels on the bus, going round and round, all through the town, and wanted to get off duty, or he was liking me, and didn't want to see me every day.  So, I decided to bug him even more, just popping in and out of town, and then, showing up in unexpected places, to see his reaction, which, was generally, surprise and asking me where I had been, happy to see me, or doing a complete double take, when I showed up in town, after being off on another adventure, for a few months, or weeks,

Resistance is one of the key principles, of the Kabbalah SEX book . . . and let me tell you, it works, the more I resist, just grabbing him, and doing whatever, I want with him, the fucking more I want him!  It is kind of like going on a diet, like a can't do, but the second, I tell myself, I can't have food, the more I want it when I wasn't even hungry . . . the fact that he has a girlfriend, is a big deterrent for me, because, if I was with him, I sure as hell would not want some bitch on the bus, stealing my guy; therefore, it is hands off, but I can't keep my eyes off of him, and he is starting to miss stops, looks a me, wears sunglasses, to cover looking at me, and the other day, he grabbed my toes, through my shoes, and ask me what I was doing, and I said, trying to trip you up . . . I was turned on the whole bus ride!  Do I want to touch him, hell yes!  Do I think it is wise or a good idea to touch, him, NO!  The last thing I need it to get into a three way relationship, and get my ass shot off from some jealous girlfriend!  LOL!  My solution is generally to leave . . . so, as of next week, I am out of here, before, I do something, I will regret, but resistance, from cheating on a spouse, or a lover, or, in my case, cheating with someone, is one of the key elements of getting to great sex, so, whomever I end up with, I will wait, and they recommend, marriage . . . resistance, that was part of the trouble with Mike!  Shit, so for being good, it brings me closer to them?

Adam & Eve Started This Whole Mess

This is the theory behind the Kabbalah, and the way to have enduring, passionate and loving sex with the same partner, once you find the soul mate partner, and you are not just passing through a relationship, for what you need to learn from that person, leading you one, after the reason for the relationship is fulfilled, and all of the sudden, that draw, or the attraction, the sex, or the power of the relationship is gone.  I kind of look at it as, ships passing in the night, at some point, you match up, or are next to this ship, however, if you keep going, you have missed an opportunity, for growth, for loving, for growing, by not, turning your ships in the same direction, and going for a while together.  I don't look, at divorce, or a break up the way most people do, I look at it, as a fulfillment of a common goal, teaching, learning, marriage or a relationship is not even about the couple, generally, unless it is in that soul mate realm, or getting back to the other half of ourselves, kind of the good, better, best match, where the most happiness can be found . . . not that the others were not great for the time, even the best for that time in your life, or at that stage of development for the time, but, they may not necessarily be, the other half, the one, who is like you, as in the law of attraction, but the time was well spent, and worthwhile, and accomplished the goals, the events, the improvement, that may prepare us for that one great one . . . I used to think that, the Kabbalah says that, and it might have convinced me, that there really is your perfect other half, that just being the difference between male and female, is enough to keep the game interesting, but also, the more rewarding, comfortable, and loving.

The Great Metaphor: From the Garden, to Earth, Back to the Garden

There is a scripture, that says, when looking at the creation of Adam and Eve, that God created he them, male and female, in his like image . . . I have a personal belief, that the Book of Proverbs, in the Old Testament, refers to wisdom, and makes it sound like that is God's wife, to me . . . I was there before the fountains, before the waters, before the creation, as one daily in his delight . . . wife?  What does Eve partake of, the fruit, for it will make you wise.  Back to Proverbs, a good woman, is better than gold and silver, and just as rare, but her treasures will make you all that your are suppose to be, take you back to the Garden of Eden state, where the Kaballah, states, that the male and the female were one, the same, connected, and together, that the fall, which needed to happen, was a separation, of the male from the female, and we spend all out time on earth, trying to find that one, reconnect, and make the two gender halves, whole, finding the state, that will bring us back, to the most light, the highest pleasure, the most amazing sex, and the happiest state, that was our condition before the fall of man!  The great mystery, is that, and it really is all about SEX!  The loss of innocence, but the ultimate fulfillment, a human being can have!

The Adversary, or Satan, the Snake Is Real . . . Keeping the Symbolic Adam & Eve From Getting Back Together, Using the 1%, Tempting Them to Resist The Real, or the 99%, the Soul!

I have been brutal, with the tits and ass, scenarios, because, that is not where it is at, not where happiness it at, not where lasting pleasure, or even amazing sex is at . . . it comes from finding, through the law of attraction, your soul mate, who just might not be the sexiest, or have the best body, but matches you in so many other ways, that sex, will continue to be satisfying, because you love the person so much, through respect, desire to hang out, feeling at ease and happy when you are around them.  How do they treat others, your mother, your child, your friends, what are their values, likes and dislikes . . . as the book says, if you don't have the 99%, the 1% is toast, after just a year, no matter how great looking someone is.  There is an example in the book, where Michael, was bored in his marriage, so he started to flirt with his secretary, then that turned into an affair, then he ran a modeling agency, and he started having sex with all the top models, then two and three at a time, to get a buzz, after than he needed drugs, and you get the picture, porn, animals, S&M, torture, to get that over the top sexual high.  He said, that the sex as amazing, but in the morning, the models, made him sick, he hated them, they disgusted him, and the high, now created a new low.

Finally, Michael, got into studying Kaballah type sex, resisting, porn, masturbating--all forms of cheating your soul mate or partner of the time, distracting light and energy away from the relationship . . . it takes energy, that can go into a better experience than you hand, because, there is something mystical, about the sharing process, doing sex for something other than self-fulfillment, and resisting, there it is again, the selfish sex, and putting those energies, that light, that is what the book refers to as the sperm, or the ejaculation, light, a bit sexist, in parts, with the male being the higher energy, the female the lower, and the cum, as the all giving life . . . guess what, without the woman, you couldn't give birth or create either, her juices are equally as important, but he was using the light bulb analogy, with the positive and negative charges, but the woman is always the lower, the lesser, the negative . . . hell without Eve, Adam would still be sitting in the garden, still be innocent, and you would never have had SEX!  That God for EVE!  And men, stop blaming the woman for everything, Adam partakes of the fruit, willingly!

Keeping SEX Great . . . RESIST It!  12 Days Guys for a Period

The Kaballah, recommends that when a woman is on her period, or menstruating, that the man or husband, should abstain from sex for 12 days, giving 5 days for the normal time of a period, then he should go another 7 days, after that, and see what happens.  Michael, our subject and his wife, Marlene, I think, had a hell of a time, doing that one, the guy was ornery, mean, frustrated, and a royal pain in the ass, so to say.  But he said, that even the first night, that they were not suppose to have sex, they started wanting it, more than they ever did, in years, kind of like kids again.  All the old feelings that you first felt, when you met someone you liked back in the day, when you were young, and just a touch of the foot, turned you on, even more than sex, after the numbing down and fire died with someone, it can come back!  Great news for couples, but he said, after he got more used to resisting sex, he started to dream about it all night long, just like he did when they were first dating, and started just loving the hell out of his wife, where before he had been very selfish.  He couldn't wait to touch her, and all the reasons he married her, came flooding back . . . she said, he was much more kind, considerate, and nicer, than he had been in years, when he was totally focused on satisfying all his sexual urges and desires, the magic came back, and the marriage was like it was the first year they were married, when they had sex all the time, but for the 12 days . . . luckily, I don't have a period anymore! LOL!

In all seriousness, after I had been married for about 10 years, or so, I saw an Oprah, with a doctor, who advocated that if couples lost the attraction or the fire for each other sexually, they should resist or abstain, from having sex for a week or so.  I told my husband we should try it . . . never day, diet!  It didn't take 10 minutes of laying in bed and we were fucking all over each other again!  So, from personal experience, it really works, reverse psychology.  So, all the trappings of sex, the black dress, the boob jobs, the penis extenders, all the sexy underwear, and all, are going to get you up, but that doesn't last.  Now, that is not saying that it would not be great to have the 100%, but that is about as realistic as whatever.  I know, I can think a guy is hot, and he treats someone bad, or is an ass to me, and that feeling is dead in about two seconds . . . I don't tolerate much.  


  • Sex is the most powerful spiritual tool known to man.
  • Foreplay is a vital aspect of lovemaking, according to Kabbalah.  Kissing, for example, is a powerful way to merge souls.  Why?
  • Breath is essentially an aspect of a person's soul.  When breath is commingled through passionate kissing, the two souls unite.
  • And it cannot be simple little kisses.  The kissing must be hot, passionate and wild!
I will second that with my whole heart, mind and soul.  There was this attorney, who wanted to take me out. This guy was worth $40 million, his share of a worldwide company, plus he had a good law practice.  I was not particularly interested in him, nor his money, and did everything I could, to warn him, not to kiss me, expect anything from me, and that was that.  Then, he said to me, You know what I miss most about being married?  No?  I miss my wife's breathing while we are kissing.  I love to kiss, and consider myself, an expert in good kissing, but I had never thought about the breath, or someone's breathing.  He said, do you want me to show you?  Why not . . . I focused on his breath, the kissing, paying attention for the first time in my life, and let me tell you, it the kissing was hot, passionate and wild, and some other stuff too!  

Again, personal experience, I must have connected with his soul, rather than his body.  He had a gut, and I was in great shape at that time, and was not willing to give him the time of day, even though he was good looking, so I have my shallow side too, but, my hell, he was to some extent a soul mate, in the law, and many other things, and we even entertained getting married . . . but, I got poisoned and some fucking judge lined him up with someone less ambitious than myself, and she stroked his ego more, but, I wouldn't be so sure, he doesn't regret that now, a bit.  Oh, which leads me to another really important point, EGO!

We Need to Make Decisions According to Happiness, Not Ego!

One of the main points the Kabbalah makes in, we have to let all ego go.  If we are stroking our ego, we are going to chose the 1% over the 99%, going for the trophy wife, Fabio, the bad boy, who is hot, but doesn't have anything in common with you, other than sex.  We marry to make our friends, the guys at the shop envious?  Who has to live with the chick?  If you don't have anything more than looks, hot body, and they don't clean a house, do a dish, take care of kids, help care for an aged parents, get along with the neighbors, are totally selfish, or spend too much money, and all that jazz, so much for the sex.  If great bodies, looks, sex, and such were such a draw, none of the movie stars would ever be divorced!  The couples, that I see make it, they golf together, ride motorcycles together, have fun with friends and family together, work in the garden, the yard, share a passion for travel, reading, old cars, or whatever . . . they dig being with each other!  

Resist the thought, that while sex is what it is all about, sharing, receiving and loving, is all part of sex, and without it, kiss the sex good bye in about a year, on average, going for the next, then the next, then the next high sexually, never lasting, until artificial stimulants are needed, or twisted sex, or wife and husband swapping, or swinging . . . you have to go through the 1% to get to the 99%, or the 7th Heaven, the Garden of Eden, the soul mate, with sex, then being the most powerful spiritual tool known to man.  I was shocked to find, that this book, on SEX, is actually in the religious section!  But if it is put in its proper role, that is exactly where is should be, sacred, focused on satisfying the partner, before our own selfish desires, or making them, in violent or depraved acts, get us off!

I am always interested in one of the movie star magazines, People Magazine, I think, there is a section called, Love Lives . . . and rather than always looking at the couples who are getting divorces, or their marriages are falling apart, or they are cheating on each other, they show couples how are actually very much in love with each other, and that is a great service to people, to know, that in this world of sexually explicit, tempting, high voltage, gratified selfish desires, that there is a better way.