Friday, September 5, 2014


The Bizarre Case Of Tristan Lamerauex, Small Town Punk

As usual, I read the local newspaper, the Spectrum, and this was right about the time I got my license reactivated, when I decided, that I hadn't died yet, so I might as well get busy about the business of living, and I remember reading about, what was merely dismissed as, a domestic killing, husband killed young, 23 year old wife, Misty.  I didn't remember the facts, other than just that.  I was living at 3770 Sugar Leo Road, in my sister, Rachel Hickey's old house, taking care of her kids, fighting her ex-husband, and his asshole attorney, Brian Adamson, and also taking care of sister, Shelley and her family, coming and going.  I had already sued on the Brock case, was deep in defending Shane Clark, and Travis Braun, in the Cheek case, and handling Haylee's, juvenile cases, and working on the civil rights case, but there was a lull as there is in federal cases, and state cases as well, so I had some time.

I dropped in at my favorite watering hole, at the Chevron on Pioneer Road, if I remember . . . only lived there for a year and a half, so, memories fade, but the street that sister, Rachel, as a Bloomington, town council woman had lined with trees, posted a flag, and got the Duty to God Award, for her son, Matt Hickey.  But, Jared, Tristan's younger brother had overheard me, talking to a friend or someone, and the fact that I was an attorney, came up, and he asked me if I had heard of the Lamerauex case, and I said, wasn't that the case where the guy, killed his wife in a domestic dispute?  Yes, that is the case.  Would you help my brother, who was the guy, husband and now the defendant in the case, he is unhappy with his public defender, and rightly so, and even more so, when I tell you what happened.  I said, sure, I was kind of a specialist in the state of Utah on domestic violence, so I might be able to help, self-defense, or something like that . . . okay!  And I am not Kay; I am sitting right here, overlooking Spokane Falls, in the library, right here in River City, literally!  Kay is probably fucking Brett, or hanging out with Mitt Romney, somewhere?

Drug Deal, Japanese Mafia, and Neo-Nazi's

I meet with Tristan, the kind of kid, you wouldn't give a plug nickel for, as my father would say, kind of goofy looking, and with a story that would blow anyone's mind, and the greater majority of people, attorneys, would totally have dismissed his case, all together as a complete lie, totally bogus, and just some kid with brains on drugs, which his attorney did.  Guilty, until proven innocent with him, threw him under the bus!  So, at first I took notes, and was so lost in what he was saying, that I didn't know what to think, but, in a strange was, the story was so far fetched, that it only could be true, someone could not have made this stuff up.  I was in shock, but, as the case rolled out, and having had off the wall dealings with the government myself, like being poisoned, and them stealing my life, plus 8 years, and trying to do it again, I went with him, and followed, his lines of both reason, fact, alleged fiction and went where the evidence took me.

The Oasis Motel, Mesquite, Nevada--On the Way to a King's Concert in Vegas

Just a bit of background on Tristan, he had gone to the Arizona prison, for a burglary, at about age, 17, and he, got out about the time he was 21.  While he was in prison, he joined the Christian Brotherhood, but basically rolled, as he said, alone, without the protection of gangs, like the Aryan Nation, Sons of Anarchists, or the Hispanic gangs, can't remember their names that well after 5 years, I think I met Tristan in 2010.  But he studied all the gangs while he was in the prison, and started to formulate, the gang structures and who joined with who, he watched, learned, thought, and prepared.  But he was basically, a lone duck.  Now, I want you to remember, that this is the case, that brought the feds, reigning down, hell fire and brimstone, and got my other client, Allan Rex Bess, murdered, replaced by a government double, but not so close double that I, thinking it was Allan, married, Frank, of InterPol, instead!

Allan, promised me he would help me on Tristan's case, and he said, Tristan was very respectful to Allan, who had driven with the Vago Biker Gang, and he recognized the tattoos on Allan's arms; Tristan had crosses, his mother's name, and other Christian symbols, in several tattoos on his arms, but they had a moment of two respect for each other in a hopeless place, and now that Allan was out, he was going to help me with the case.  He had a newspaper article on his wall, with Tristan's wife, Misty on it.  By that time, I was convinced Tristan was innocent, and several cops, weekend warriors with the National Guard, had been ordered by the FBI, and Marines, to kill Misty, and blame it on Misty, after what appeared to be a botched attempt to make it look like an attempted suicide . . . you don't shoot yourself in the head, 5 times!  And generally, women are too vain, to mess their faces up with a gun shot to the head, so they opt for pills.

Allan was a Marine, served Intel in Vietnam, allegedly, of course, Frank, claimed, to have served too, but there stories started to cross, Allan never saw battle, he was too valuable in the office, and was pissed, wanted to fight, and Frank, the government's version of Allan, claimed he led 83 men into battle and only 52 came back, had they listened to him, like he wanted me to listen to him, they would never have died!  One of the red flags, that I was dealing with a double, who was taking his life as a soldier, and blending it with Allan's, much as Kay, a BYU law grad, but worked in torts, or personal injury all of her career, until she decided to claim my, far superior career, much more rewarding and dynamic!  But the gal, the government brought in, to be me, with Frank, behind her all the way, including taking credit for the Lamerauex case . . . that implicated the National Guard, the FBI, the Marines, and the Iron County Sheriffs Department, three deputies, so the feds were brought in to stop me, steal the case, offered Tristan a deal, after he got stabbed 13 times, when some guys from the Aryan Nation, read the brief I wrote, mentioning the fact that Tristan was working with the FBI and Marines, spying on the Hell's Angel Biker Club and several factions of white supremacists.

The Drug Deal that Changed Tristan's Life

Tristan bought drugs from this Neo-Nazi, guy at the Knight's Inn, in St. George, about two weeks earlier. Now, he and his friends, were going to a King's Concert in Vegas, and the Nazi, told him to meet him in Mesquite on his way to Vegas, and he would sell him some drugs.  Tristan booked in on down through the gorge, and got to Mesquite early.  He found the room, and the door open about an inch, and he burst in. NSA, just tried to yank the last two paragraphs!  I hit the undo arrow, back!  When Tristan got in the room, he was greeted with semi-automatic rifles pointed in his face, two members of the Japanese Mafia, and the two Neo-Nazi's . . . he held his hands up in the air, and threw the money on the bed, and said, I just want the drugs, nothing more.  He mentioned that he had friends waiting for him in the car, and he felt that he would have been killed right then and there, had his friends not been down in the car.

Tristan Saw Blueprints of Nuclear Missiles and the Cities They Would Take Out!

Tristan thought it was his last night to live, after seeing the blueprints of the missiles, and the range of cities they could effect; he decided to eat, drink and do drugs, for tomorrow he is going to die, and the guys decided to skip the concert and just stay in Mesquite.  When Tristan returned, strangers had come to his mother's house looking for him . . . he didn't know what to do, so he went to the Army Recruiters, and told them about the missiles.  He had always wanted to be in the military, but they just dismissed his information, or so he thought, and left, a bit disappointed, they must not have believed him.  But, as I heard this fact, I asked Tristan, why would the Japanese Mafia be hanging out with the Neo-Nazi's?  He just looked at  me and said, WWII.  What, that was way back in 1947 or something, so what's up with that . . . the allies are pissed they lost the war!  You have got to be kidding me, and they are going after America now?  Yeah.

That was my first of many lessons on gang warfare, and I was not dummy, needing an idiot's course in this, because, when I was with the Utah Attorney Generals Office, and over community programs, Jan, the AG, wanted me to develop, with the help of the governor's staff, a video, brochure and program to fight the rising gang problem in Utah, so they sent me to the Embassy Suits, in Colorado, Capital City, and I attended a several day conference with people from around the country to listen to experts on gang wars, signs, and turf wars.  What I knew, compared to Tristan, was like a kindergarten degree, compared to a doctoral course.

Eventually, the FBI and the Marines, contacted Tristan, while he was walking on the Dixie State College, at the time, campus, and asked him if he was ready to serve is country, and while the recruiters had told Tristan to get his high school diploma or GED, these guys, said, this is a different kind of service, and they asked him to infiltrate the biker gangs, and the white supremacists.  I do, believe, that Frank was called in, who maintained that Tristan was guilty, totally different than the real Allan, had, as he claimed, been undercover and infiltrated the Hell's Angels, Tristan referred to as the American Mafia, brutal, mean, made his uncle, cut off his dick, and forced his grandfather to eat it!  But, I think the government pulled Frank in to do damage control, keep Tristan and me, under wraps, and kill the case, against the National Guard!  I believe that Tristan, who was in the gang unit, told me he was put there to die, begged me to get him out, go to the Mexicans, the Russians, the world leaders, because there was going to be some stuff go down, that they needed to know about!  I am still not sure what he was talking about, but he had worldwide gangs pegged!

The Government Brought in the Best, So, You Know Something Big Was Going On!

Facts that would substantiate Tristan's claims, that this was an insider's job, that three guys in the sheriff's department, who were also, National Guard, were the ones who killed his wife, not him!  I saw, there violent reactions, when I tried to get to the jail, to get Tristan, who hadn't seen me, since he was seeing doctors, to determine if he was competent to stand trial, and he was doing all he could to appear crazy, but he failed, they wanted him gone, that is why they framed him in the first place, he said, oh, so they used me, got me in deep shit with Misty's brothers, who were all friends with the deputies involved, and her brothers, kept telling Tristan, if he didn't kill Misty, there was speculation that she had slept with one of the Marines, who was working with the National Guard, to put down the insurrection and rebellion of the groups of white supremacists, who were going to go to war, with the Hell's Angels, who are all about America, with the Nazi types, wanting just what Hitler wanted, white's only nation . . . they wanted to cut America in two parts, one that was inter-racial and the other that was, multi-cultural and racially integrated.

I saw Tristan's files at the jail, and he actually had an FBI number, so I believed his claim to have met with them, and he often told me that they had a chip in his brain, that controlled him.  We all know that the CIA, was working with mind control, the Manchurian Candidate, anyone, JFK Jr., the Egyptian plane, controls forced to the ground, sending both planes in a straight decent to hell!  Tristan, would get agitated, and after telling me stuff, he would say, they are here, they come in stealth, through my brain, the chip and they whisper stuff to me!  He claimed to have helped broker the treaty, between the two underbelly of American gangs, bit time gangs, run the prisons, and that he was now being thrown under the bus by the government!  I believed everything he said, and tried to connect the dots, and prove he was right.

I am jumping all over the place, but more facts showed that they were concerned about Tristan knowing too much, they were trying to kill two birds with one stone, the wife that slept with their man, and the husband, she may have told too much to . . . kill her, frame him and take care of both!  I was second chair on Tristan's case, he wanted me to be #1, as his mother instructed him to do, to trust me, but I was afraid to take a murder case, but would help the public pretender, who blew off every theory I had, dismissed it summarily . . . so why such effort, anger and work on a punk ass kid?  

Blocked at the Jail, Tires Flatten the Morning of the Sentencing, Tristan Moved to 1st on the Docket, rather than 23rd as Scheduled, So I Couldn't Make it to Court!

I hadn't seen Tristan in about 10 months, until January, the following year, that is how long it took to decide competency, or where they hoping I would go away, or die, even better.  But, I was banned from the jail, how is that for killing Tristan's 6th amendment rights, and a few more, plus mine as an attorney.  Tristan was jumped in court, it appeared to be a staged event, because four sheriff's deputies were surrounding Tristan, who was calm as a summer's day, see KSL, Cedar Court Room Brawl, making it look like he was the bad guy, and then the brother jumped him as planned, after the testimony, about how angry he was about his sister, who had been pimped out, and abused, since she was 4 years old, with the brothers, telling Tristan if he didn't kill her, the treaty between the factions would not happen, and there would be war . . . so kill her, he wouldn't, they did, and framed him!  

To make a long story shorter, I appealed the case, with the families request, because they wouldn't let me near Tristan, and somehow, I was able to pull it off, won the assistant attorney general . . . I think the court of appeals, judges, were curious, and saw that there were far too many questions, and I also pointed out the fact that Tristan always maintained his innocence, and he pleaded to second degree murder, at the insistence of this attorney, I was blocked and would, now, after that long and better prepared, I would have taken it to trial, and they knew that.  But anyway, I got him and new trial, but the 5th Judicial District would not pay me, after hanging in there with my client for a year and a fucking half, without a dime, going to the prison, meeting with everyone I could, getting jumped by unmarked van, and deputies, you name it, and I haven't proven a loyalty to my client?  ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!  Whatever . ..

But, I think I convinced one of the guards at the prison, that they were stupid, not to use Tristan's knowledge to figure out a better way to run the prison, placing people in safer populations, and protecting, especially those who were at threat of gang violence, like he was, stabbed 13 times. And if I were to guess, Tristan was given witness protection, they knew he was innocent, after all the circumstantial evidence proving the cops were doing everything to take me down, stop me, block me, threaten me . . . I saw Tristan after he was stabbed, 4 deputy sheriffs told me he had been stabbed, and I was going to see him that day . . . how did they know?  On the news?  I don't think so.  But he showed me his wounds, and they were surface wounds and missed all vital organs.  I asked Tristan if he wanted me to stop fighting for him, because it was my brief that got him in trouble with the white racist gangs . . . no.

Evidence Would Suggest that He is Safe, And Working Undercover!

After my truck got stolen, and my next car blown up with a pipe bomb, I called the Cedar City, Naaken Ford Dealership, one night, and asked about a particular, Ford Transport, and happened to get Tristan's uncle, the last name is pretty rare, so I figured that he was related.  We talked about the case, he thanked me so much for the family, then told me that they, the family, had gotten a bag of Tristan's clothes mailed to them and they figured he was dead after the stabbing.  I assured him, that I had seen Tristan's healed wounds and he was doing fine, still a fighter, and that I had encouraged the prison to use his knowledge, promising that he was innocent.  Perhaps, that guard, who really listen, thank God, did go to the administration, I had made a big enough deal, went to meet with attorneys at the National Guard, and talked to about everyone I could, but I was hoping that after reviewing the case, the evidence, that Tristan was taken into the witness protection program and is now working for the government . . . some punk ass kid!  A month later, Tristan's uncle, no longer worked there?  Paid off, to say, someone besides me, did Tristan's case, someone else was the family hero, if not the one that fought for Tristan's life, the government can't recognize the real me, they just can't stomach, that a fat, smart chick beat their sorry asses, all of them, get the dumb chicks, who will spread their fucking legs for you . . . Frank the fuck who killed Allan, so he could take his place!

What Tristan Taught Me About World Gangs 

He said, that the Muslims, while black or dark skinned, actually were big time followers of Hitler, and were big on racial cleansing . . . only in the reverse.  The jihadist movement was their hatred for the west and America, we were too liberal, and they wanted to destroy all of us.  That Muslim's wanted a global, genocide, getting rid of those who were or appeared to be against Islam.  Hello, Isis!  He told me to look at old wars, old allies and enemies, those wounds haven't healed, and, if world leaders would look back in history, they would see who their enemies are now, go underneath the covers, and politics makes strange bedfellows!  Any enemy of yours that is an enemy of mine, makes you a friend of mine!

When Johnson, said to his mistress, that Irish son of a bitch, referring to Kennedy, hit me particularly hard, was this a religious tension, why would he use the words, Irish, it was a well known fact that the Kennedy's were Catholic.  Does the Bush, English, I would guess, go way back across the waters to Britain and their enemies.  What is Johnson's background an lineage, Lady Bird's?  It might not be a bad idea to check out, some of the old feuds from the old country?  Yale's, Skull & Bones are known to be loyalists to Britain, and sided with the southern states, the Civil War, went far beyond slavery, to state's rights . . . look what the Republican Party is fighting for now, in the Bundy Ranch, failing to recognize the federal government, that while Lincoln was for a strong federal government, and against slavery, the Republicans campaign both him and Reagan, in their Lincoln/Reagan Dinners, yet seem totally against anything they did, because, they are big government folks!  It is as if, the traditional Republican, has switched places with the Democrats, fighting for the very issues their men fought for, they are now against . . . all about the money!

Bush Gang (War & Money) vs. Kennedy Gang (People, Rights, Poor)

Eisenhower, clearly saw the military complex as our biggest enemy!  I think we need to take a true look at the world in terms of gangs, figure out what their game is, and fight fire with fire, knowing what the hell is going on around the world.  Thanks God, we have a President, who is slow to respond, Bush would have had us in Syria, Libya, Nigeria, the Ukraine, Israel, and whatever the hell war he could get us in to help his big business buddies, like Halliburton and the world bankers, in London!  Don't the Isis idiots, cutting off our journalists heads, have British accents . .. what is up with that, the top Islamic religious leader is saying that Isis is an embarrassment to Islam and they are promoting violence and that is not, what Islam is all about!

We need to look at what lays beneath, what motives, who benefits, and start there . . . we don't need another fucking war, another peacekeeping mission, we don't need to support murderers like Bush and Cheney, and we sure as hell, don't need to accommodate the world banker gang of blood thirsty thugs, willing to risk human lives, to fatten your coffers, I would rather flatten your coffins!

That About Sums Up World Gangs--Think!  We Are Where We Are . . . Honor President John F. Kennedy, Who Dared Fight for a Beautiful New World!  One of PEACE not war!



American Cities Are Melting Pots

I was shocked the other day, reading some statistics, on either Spokane, in two their neighborhoods, or about Pasco, Washington . . . just reading, not noting much, other than getting some information about the make up of the City, when I ran across the statistics on the school districts, and there were two if I recall, that had Russian children, as the second most represented nationality, after English . . . are you kidding?  I guess that 90 miles between Russia and Sarah Palins, backyard, is getting smaller and smaller, and this is the area of the nation, that emigrants, might come to first, so it made sense.  Along with all the great things that come with a diverse population in a city, is the old politics they bring with them from their Mother Country.

I remember standing out at Olive Park, looking in at the skyline and cityscape of Chicago, and getting into a conversation with someone out at the Park, who opened my eyes, to just how complicated, the political and electoral process in large cities like Chicago are . . . he said, you, in Utah, you have Mormons, who are all Republicans, and a few Democrats; us, we have the Italian burro, the Chinese, Russian, Yugoslavian, Irish, Philippine, and on and on . . . he said there were like 13 different layers of political differences, separate and aside from just Republican and Democrat, Mormon and Non, Mormon!  That really is complicated, and as complicated as their politics, their streets are just as much so.  There used to be horror stories of New York, now it is Chicago, but in the last few years, from Giuliani, to Cuomo, the mayors have gotten a handle on the gang situation.  What worked, and what didn't . . . separate and aside from another gang ruling the streets, the cops, with police brutality, that I guess law suit are handling . . .  

American Cities, Microcosms of the World Stage 

Many have said, everything good, comes from the bottom up, so how is it that cities like Spokane, make things work, have relative peace on their streets, as far as I can see, have great events, without terrorist plots and bombing, and people seem to be blind to race . . . just this morning, I was walking at the new water plant park, amazingly beautiful, and the Indian, on a horse, holding a salmon in sacrifice to the Gods, celebrating life, food, and sustenance, made out of rusted iron, is off the charts, awesome, but there was an inter-racial couple, walking hand in hand, which brings me back to the first time I came to Spokane, was to surprise, a Black, sort of love interest at the time, he was in Stanton, VA, and coming to Spokane, I had other clients, and he needed some legal help, I came, and he didn't for about another month or two . . . jokes on me, but there are tons of inter-racial couples, and all is well, accepted, and just in the normal course of the day; however, some really cute woman at the shelter, when I asked her about her boyfriend of 6 years, who are getting an apartment together, and I asked if they were getting married, she, kind of whispered, my parents are really prejudice.

She had exposed me to her past life with two abusive white, husbands, that brought her to the place she was now . . . and I said, now if your parents know that you were abused, and your children taken, because your husbands, had money for attorneys, and you didn't, and this man treats you nice, why wouldn't they want you to be happy?  I dig what Ellen DeGeneres said . . . You should marry who you love!  She was referring to her own, gay relationship, later marriage, and that was in reference to a remark, of course, Sarah Palin, or some other Republican made, and after dating two very wonderful black men, dig them both, totally, I encouraged her to be brave and just do it!  It is that content of the character that counts, not the color of your skin, your nationality, but your soul, if you marry the soul, you will always love that person!  Last night, I watched the movie, Death Becomes Her, with Goldie Hawn and Meryle Streep, two friends that competed for looks and men, in the end, going after looks, they ended up with neither, while there smarter, neurosurgeon, shared love interest, Bruce Willis, went on to marry, have 6 children and grandchildren, and a great life, after he left them!

So, it is possible to overcome issues of racism, culture, custom, religion, and other difference, and focus on the joint goals of humans, to be loved, respected, treated equally, given your rights, and basically to live in peace, one with another.  We all bleed red, we all lover our children, and want a better world for them, so what in the hell is the problem?

Evidence that the Warrant, Used as an Excuse to Taser/Kill Dave was Bogus

  • Dave was first, a gentleman, totally unselfish and giving . . . people who prey on children are selfish
  • Dave told me that his wife denied him sex, because he would not have a child, divorce fodder
  • People who dig children tend to have their own to molest and abuse, or they gravitate to organizations that give the predator and perp access to children . . . Dave didn't like children, and like with Miles, the guy I came to Spokane to see, I strongly encouraged him to have a baby . . . he now is, and is totally digging going to the prenatal classes, has already named the baby, and is genuinely excited to have this child; Dave was having none of it, and he never will now
  • People are accuse of crimes everyday, but that doesn't mean there is any merit to anything--one time, while I was at the height of the Pick's Disease, I was reading a little girls shirt, while going to the bathroom, with permission from the elementary school, secretary near our house, with 64 oz. of Diet Coke in my bladder, and the principle stopped me, with my hands on the bar, leaving the school, which I frequently asked for permission, in this public building to use the restroom, not wanting to go home, and with the restrooms closed at the park, that surrounded the school, with the bus stop, I usually got off at, and convenience . . . but she put the school on lock down, and called the cops!  Are you kidding me, I believe, that sister, Shelley, at the beginning of the identity theft, was working with the cops, whom I had killed their legislation and I was hated beyond belief, had orchestrated this action against me, she said she wanted to put signs on all the telephone poles, stating that I was a danger to children . . . what!  I gave my children who were aged 5 to 13 to my husband, when we divorce, and they were great kids, but I got accepted to law school, so he was the more logical choice, so what in the hell would I ever want someone else's kid for?  Dave is an intellectual, much like myself, he is busy and self-contained, he sees no reason to have children, nor would he want his world having much to do with them!  I love people I can have an intelligent conversation with, that is why I like Dave . . . that is why Dave like me; he never once made reference to children, kids, oh, his sister's kids, who just wanted to use him to get one of his computers, and he referred to them as brats!  Sorry, not your profile of a pedophile!
  • But, if you want to discredit someone, do a character assassination on them . . . there is no better way, than to blame some child related crime, or allegations, on that person . . . to smear their reputation!  The cops, in my situation, would call Shelley, all the time, to report to her . . . why, they were in on the identity switch, and were aiding and abetting her in tarnishing me, burying me, so she could steal, my stellar career record, my name, my license, and even claim my children, money, money, money.  She had warrants out for her, she was ditching all the time, she had judgments out against her too, bill collectors, and a ton of reasons, she would like my spotless ID, and the cops, threw me in the Cache County Jail for 30 days, for going to the bathroom, with permission, and she and my parents said they were going to leave me their for life!  How does that fit in this whole conspiracy thing.  And when Shelley found out that one of her boyfriends, who liked me better, thought it was cruel, and bailed me out, she went fucking ape shit on him!
  • bad people do bad things to good people!  Shelley and her crew, were lying in wait for me, eager to make a criminal record, and get rid of me all together!  I believe, that Dave, knew full well, and was in a position to be believed, and was going to validate everything I had told him happened to me, he knew my character, and I knew his, at a soul, gut, very basic level . . . Dave was good to the core!

The Tasing Incident Reminded Me of Another Death by Taser

You can kill a person, simply by tasing a man in his balls, scrotum area . . . I heard this in connection with a similar incident that happened in Utah, several years ago, news anchor man, Keith McCord, I think, had a son, who was in his 30's, with his wife and child, and allegedly took off all his clothes, it was winter, and ran naked, like a mad man running down the street, just like Dave, he became combatant, so the cops, tased him, in the testicles, or scrotum, and either a doctor or nurse who was testifying or commenting on the case, that was quickly settled out of court, said that, if a man is tased in that area, and I don't know if this is the case, but, the electric shock will go straight up to his heart and kill him!

For all intents and purposes, you would never, never, ever, have guessed that Dave had anything wrong with him, either by looking at him, or talking to him, he was a  joy to be with, polite, a wonderful human being, in all respects.  The only possible situation I can see, is, he got a bit out of control, when he was drinking, but usually, he didn't drive drunk, and this was a traffic stop, for hell sake!  Not having a license, and he thought he was going to die, long before he did, in fact, he gave away all his stuff, car, etc., and had so many good-bye, cry the eyes out dinner with friends and family, that he simply went to Beaver Dam to die . . . Edward and I, kind of revived him, and got him to take a second look at life, relationships, when I told him about my prognosis of death, in 2000, death by 2002, no chance of ever working again, no cure, etc., and here I am, have gone to the Supreme Court, and love life . . . dancing helped, meeting a cute girl, he was interested in helped, and I told him, that none of us, can guarantee our partners, we will be around by tonight!

There are not guarantees in life that we won't get hit by a car, so live, enjoy, laugh, love, while you can, for tomorrow, you may die.  I expected Dave to be not only a buddy to hang out with in Beaver Dam, even a reason for staying in the heat for me, knowing full well, I always come back down, and I was even willing to go up to Beaver Dam and give him company, until he got a roommate, but never did I expect that he would be dead soon, nor in this way . . . what a tragedy, of monumental proportions, a beautiful, smart, articulate, man!  He will be sorely missed, loved, and remembered!  And God damn the people who put the cops up to this, and damn them for tasing him . . . we are innocent, until proven guilty in this country!  You are just trying to justify your lies, cover-up, and abuse of power, and your brutality! Dave, as was, the news anchor's son, as meek as a lamb!  This was a set up, a frame job, and a mob hit!  I think I only saw the tip of the ice berg with Dave, he knew too much, and I believe would have hurt my enemies and exposed them, if given a chance!  This was cold blooded murder and the cops were in on it!

JFK Jr., Another American Prince Murdered . . . Egyptian Pilot, Same Place, Same Manner, Plunged into the Ocean at Martha's Vineyard?

When evil gangs do something, often, they repeat their actions, almost taunting concerned parties, trying, as terrorists to make a statement.  I believe that JFK Jr. was a threat to the Bushes gang, with George W. Bush, nowhere to be found for about 3 days, around the time John, Carolyn and her sister, Laura, in a play, nosed dived, straight into the ocean, with no searches conducted, as usual, until 15 hours after the incident, with even, Senator Ted Kennedy calling to get help, with the Air Force, taking over the search and rescue efforts that were a joke, and wild goose chase, and with evidence, that John, was a very cautious pilot, overly cautious, always filed a flight plan, most likely had an instructor with him, finding the other pilot control chair missing from the wreckage, and the fuel pump on off.  Bush, didn't attend JFK Jr.'s funeral, like Clinton and other living presidents did . . . why?

I watched a video, of a the woman President Johnson was having an affair with at the time President Kennedy was shot, she clearly said, or heard Johnson say, in a group of men, with her leaving to get her hair done, for a dinner or something later on . . . That Irish, Son of a Bitch or SOB will never make a fool of me again . . . He called her and was the one to tell her that Kennedy had been shot, and Gov. McConnell was still alive.  He was connected to E.J. Hunt, a CIA assassin, who on his death bed confessed to his son, bragging that he had killed Kennedy!

I heard someone say, the other day, that the Bushes were American royalty!  Over my dead body . . . but you had the Kennedy family of Joe & Rose Kennedy, with the large family and many sons, Joe, John, Bobby and Ted . . . all expected to serve their country, and serve they did!  They were all Democrats, and did all in their power to help the poor, fight for social, racial, and equal justice.  The Bushes on the other hand, were born with a silver, if not golden spoon, in their mouths, with W. not having a real job until he was elected governor of Texas . . . might want to look at that Texas connection; Johnson, Bush, McConnell, the parade in Texas, that Kennedy was shot, the body being whisk off to the Navel Hospital, rather than jurisdictional handling in Texas, with local authorities on the scene, the desecration of the body, while Johnson was being sworn in . . . Kennedy was on warring gang turf!  Think about it!

The Kennedy Curse, or an Orchestrated Plot by the Bushes!

Joe, the oldest brother can be explained by war; John, gang violence, Bobby, gang violence, Ted, was in a plane wreck, that killed every one but him, and he barely lived, and his political career was ruined with Chappaquiddick, and John, doing a nose dive, with his wife, who he had just made up with, and who might have been pregnant, his sister-in-law, and going to the wedding of a cousin, Rory?  With his belongings washed up on Martha's Vineyard, up to the shores of his mother's home!  Was he that cruel, stupid, or was this a gang style killing, meant to hurt, Jackie Kennedy, who had groomed and protected her children, to serve the public . . . John, voted the sexiest man alive, and I will vote for that . . . who would have won any election, including one against the Bushes, Mother prepping her son to take daddy's place, acting would not do, John had to go to law school . . . with his mother dying of cancer, he stepped in a became a new man, confident, secure and ready to take up the Kennedy mantle, just as Ted was going into old age . . . come on!  THINK, THINK, THINK!

This was Beyond the Hatfield's & McCoys . . . it was the Bushes & the Kennedy's!  One Side Didn't Fight Fair, Nor Does My Family!


Does Anyone Know This Man?

Dave, Jeff, Michael, came into my life, just a short time ago, as an acquaintance of my cousin's, actually he was a renter, in Beaver Dam, Arizona.  I had never heard cuz mention that he had a new renter, previously, he had a female renter, as far as I knew, a long time renter.  So, I was a bit taken back, as we drove up to Beaver Dam, the first time, I met Dave, when my cousin told me he had a new renter, really cool guy, had a doctorate degree from Stanford, but he was dying of cancer . . . possibly, a reason he tied so quickly, but the story from the start was strange . . . and my first reaction to meeting Dave, was, here we go another undercover federal cop!  But he is handsome, great teeth, smart, fun loving, he had just gotten back from riding his motorcycle or dirt bike, and was wearing, what I referred to as his, Iron Man suit, because it beefed his average to thin body up a bit, making him look muscular, and strong.  Dave was wearing this crazy, funny wig, but at the time, I thought it was his wild ass hair, sticking out from under a funny hat; he had locks of tumbled, curly hair . . . giving me the impression he was a crazy fun guy, rather than an alleged cancer ridden guy, just waiting to die.  He just seemed too damned healthy for that, and a tragedy, by any stretch for the world to lose the good ones, but as the song and folklore go, only the good die young!

I liked Dave right off the bad, and I am a pretty good judge of character, generally speaking, like is attracted to like, we were both, totally nerds, in good looking faces, with average bodies, but he immediately started to teach me about the deep web or dark internet; he is Jeff, the name he told me to write in the article, to protect his identity.  He seemed to need little introduction, and seemed aware of my blog, the issues I had with theft, numbers changing, blog getting split . . . 125,000,000 results this morning, not bad, and as Ernie, the bus driver in Kalispell, would say, some blogger you are, while he throws his head back laughing! Yeah, I am some blogger!  I think he throws me in the category, or stereotype chicks who ride the bus and have crushes on him, and doesn't realize that when he drops me off at the hospital, I am going to blog, or at Target, McDonald's, or the library, I am going to blog, and my computer is in my purse at all times, but for the time I took off and left Kalispell, leaving my computer at John's house, for DJ to try and break all security codes!

Cozy From the Start--Snuggled Around the Computer and Geek Talked

Where did I get my knowledge of the computer, a suspicion of the deep, dark recesses of the Internet, from fighting with the NSA for the last 7 fucking years, with Google and CIA, one size fits all, the fight has been horrendous, at times, just to publish, I have had to hit the publish, save, publish, save, as they are sticking text boxes in my way, going back and forth up to 30 times in one blog!  Not to mention, fighting over emails, emails addresses, theft of briefs, cases, computers, phones, and everything else!  Scream, but, people read my stuff, because, many recognize my name, or have heard of me, and know I was in Montana, for the last 2 and a half years, basically, with a few, blogs in Spokane, Seattle, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, but for the most part, in Montana, regardless of the IP numbers, that appeared after the NSA scanned, or allowed my enemies to scan the articles, doctor them, change names, dates, times and places of the writing, to make you think I don't exist, and their T&A girls, were actually smart enough to write even on of my blogs.

I fucking dig smart guys, and Dave was smart.  One time after I got picked up at the Blue Martini in Vegas, by first the Palestinian, then the Pakistani guy, and told Dave, that I needed to get serious about figuring out what in the hell is going on with Hama, Israel, and Palestine, before, I consider dating the Poker King . . . . cute, is not enough, I can't stand being the ugly American, thinking the whole world revolves around us, and that every person on the face of the planet want to be an American!  I realized that after hearing a song by England's, New Order, singing, We Do It For England, the theme song for the World Cup Soccer Games a few years ago, and during the Sochi, Olympic Games in Russia, when the gay issue was on the hot topic list, and several gays, said they would never want to live in America, which is much harder on gays, regardless of the propaganda out of world news sources . . . and it dawned on me, that the citizens of other countries, love their countries as much as I love MINE!  Holy shit, I never thought, knew . . . really, news flash to earth, JoAnn, hell yes!  My egocentric view of the world expanded . . . thank God!

But, after I told Dave, that I had been reading on the Internet, and watching the news, after originally assuming that Wally, the Poker King, was an Israeli Jew, just because he had an accent, and said he was from Israel, and I asked him, what he thought of Hamas, the tunnels, and Israel, blowing up the tunnels?  He said he didn't want to talk about it . . . he told me he was Christian, because I wanted to know where he went to church, because I just simply, am a church goer, and didn't know where to go around Vegas.  Later in the evening, a fun one, two of his cousins, came up to us, one pissed as hell, that Americans, didn't have a clue about Palestine . . . oh, if cousin, is Palestinian, than he must be too, and it made sense why he did't want to talk about the issue, given my ignorance, and he decided to leave it that way.  But, Dave, after we went to McDonald's to breakfast, as we had on several occasions, while cuz was doing his thing with his girlfriends, on a revolving door bases, opened up and went off on this total discourse, on exactly what was happening over in the Mideast, and substantiated what I had been reading the last few days, and it was so fun, to have someone that could add to my knowledge base and clarify some of the history and issues . . . like I said, I dig smart men, and I can't understand, smart men, going for T&A!

When Dave Was With One of the Guys--He Was One of the Guys--Yuck!

The last weekend I saw Dave alive, it was a three to one, battle of the sexes!  The boys will be boys were just raging, to piss me off . . . girls, girls, girls, fuck, fuck, fuck, was their motto!  I was disgusted and left them to their alcohol, and girl chasing, for more the more scholarly and satisfying activity of dancing, and left them to their, juvenile antics, that i would say were not much above a 9th grade level, at the start of puberty! Dave was hanging with Ed, and not holding his alcohol well, which meant, he was trying to hold every female Ed introduced him to . . . Edward, was disgusted too, and not going to bring competition to the club anymore!  LOL!

The next morning, after I got up at 6, and Ed was asleep, for the marathon, until 2 p.m., and Dave asleep on the front room floor, I started reading one of the books, my Aunt Ali had given Ed, on male psychology, I think the title, was Speak Up & Live, published in 1978, but really good information.  What makes good literature, or psychology, is universal appeal, and the battle of the sexes, in not over yet.  But with these clowns I was going to try . . . both, allegedly, smart men, after the night before, I wasn't sure!  But there was this chapter, on men, lacking understanding of female psychology, and used the example we had all been discussing and fighting over, the night before . . . men think that women are like them, sexually, psychologically, mentally, and this guy heard many of his female clients complain that just because a guy buys a woman dinner, or even a drink, the next line is, you place or mine?  Women don't fill up with testosterone and need a release every 20 minutes like men do!  And these women had referred to men like this as pigs!

So, armed for intellectual battle, with support from one of  their own kind, a man making these statements about men, that they are pigs . . . seems to be a common theme in the last two blogs, I am going to have a Come to Jesus meeting with my two male nemeses, who just simply, don't have a clue, and don't seem to be getting what I am saying, so this will make them think.  Dave woke up first, I wanted to handle both at the same time, I am an efficiency expert, and I didn't want to have two fights on the same issue.  So Dave and I went to Burger King for breakfast, and I didn't order anything, so I could have my mouth free to shoot bullets all over the arguments I had heard from the boyz club last night.  Like, I said, Dave is smart, when with the girl's club, he admitted to his shame, guilt, and agreed with me on all counts, and admitted, it was love he really was looking for, in a mature, smart relationship!  Okay, well that was easy . . . Ed was suspect, and asked me if a woman wrote this . . . no, a man!

Dave Was No Pedophile, Child Molester--But He Was Scared Shitless of the NSA & CIA!

From what I could infer, from Dave's sketchy description of his career and life, he had some workings with the NSA and the CIA, he always talked in hushed tons with me, even seemed scared to talk about these government agencies, and encouraged me to be careful, they will . . . I know.  He was either a government contractor working with them, or something like that, somewhere between Colorado and California, but now he was dying, wearing wigs, using at least one fake name, and now, I know what his real name is . . . but what is the real story.  Like I said, I knew he like me, and I liked him, but in a kind of teenage nerdy type way, with both of us, afraid to make any moves, nor really wanting to ruin what we had, there were other girls and guys for that stuff, but I liked him, was attracted to him, but, I am not going for a piece of ass, I want a real relationship!  So, caution is the name of the game with me . . . don't need another, You Were My Favorite Mistake Guy!

Every time we, me, Ed and Dave, we both enjoyed his company, loved the guy, and wanted him around, but after dancing, and staying a day or so, he would take off to California, on his dirt bike, scaring the hell out of both of us, hearing he had run out of gas, had to walk 8 miles in his condition, cancer, going to die on the road.  He got blown off the road in a rain storm, one night, getting to the club, not long before closing.  So, his vehicle or bike was a health hazard as we saw it. Perhaps, he didn't have plates on his bike, so that license plate scanning couldn't reveal his true name, and he was like me, not on the run for doing something wrong, but for doing something RIGHT!  Maybe he was a whistle blower.  

I remember just a few, very brief conversations with Dave, and him mentioning unspeakable crimes our government, NSA, CIA had done oversees, that he couldn't tell me, but innocent people, testing technology on these victims who had done nothing wrong . . . and he wouldn't go there, much more.  He was very afraid of even talking about anything related, and seemed to suggest, that I had no idea, what I was getting myself into, by writing about them and no fearing them.  I could only postulate, about where he had been and what he had seen, but I surmised that he had been some type of government contractor, but had top security clearance, and was privy to secret stuff, he wanted to tell me, but he couldn't.  I assured him, that he would have different requirements, of secrecy or whatever, in his positions, either with the government, or working with them, than I would as a private citizen, and I was free to write or say whatever I wanted to say, and that was my first amendment right!  So fuck 'em!

Only The Good Die Young . . . Rest in Peace Dave!  Luv YOU!  SOB!

Believe it or not, I cried, on several occasions about the cancer thing, which I didn't believe any more than I believed me having, Pick's Disease, and just like me, you would be alive, 14 years beyond your diagnosis, just like me . . . I never dreamed in a million years, that you would die of anything but natural causes.  But, I will admit, that you struck me as the type of guy, that the government would have to worry about, telling the truth about me . . . I saw signs of recollection, acknowledgement, understanding, agreement, recollection, that led me to believe, I only knew the tip of the iceberg, of what you knew, not only about the government, but me . . . and you gave me hope in humanity!  I firmly believe, I will see you again, and hopefully with the wide circulation of this blog, someone, somewhere, will see what happened, and dig in and find out what happened to you, hold them accountable . . . it sounds like total bull shit to me, and I don't believe a word of it!

THIS WAS A GANG LAND KILLING!  I WAS WORRIED EVERY TIME DAVE WENT TO CALIFORNIA, THAT HE WOULD BE KILLED . . . I don't deal with terrorist either!  This makes 24 of my friends, clients, associates, who have been murdered, and that is the short list.

In Honor of Dave, I am Going to Just Stop Here, There is Another Time & Place for the Rest

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Winners Write History--When Are We Going to Stop Killing Our Prophets?

As I walked from the Hope House, up on, I don't even know what street the shelter is actually on, I will say, 1st Street here in Spokane, at about 7:30 a.m., I dig being booted out the door, well actually, I am an early riser--you know, that old adage, early to bed, early to rise, makes a girl, health, wealthy and wise--worked in the passed, but that will play into my story, so that is really late for me, but as I walked down to the River Front Park, to haul my ass, down the stairs, of the now Vista Corporation, Washington Water Power Plant Park . . . way cool, way city, architectural achievement, and a great hike for someone with a butt to die for, but, planning on narrowing the spread, and climbing the stairs for the rest of my duration in this fun city, I happened to notice a brown or tan, Crown Victoria, detective's car, geared up, so only a somewhat savvy cop watcher like me might notice, cruise past me, not once, but twice, within about a block of the mall, so well noted, that would not be what a person going to work, would do . . . although, I was walking in the direction, at least near the Spokane Police Department, or in the proximity, but the slowing down, the side ward glances, and another drive by, would indicate that I am being watched, and not by your average beat cop, who did a horrendous double take the other day after the Pig Out in the Park . . . pig has been a derogatory term, often used for cops, by people like the 70's Black Panthers, rappers, and other cop haters; however, with me, it has a special meaning, because, all of my doubles have been supported by the cops, whether they, the cops, actually know they are dealing with doubles or not, they have been promoted, protected and premiered by cops, as if they were myself, and there are many cops, who have been in compliance with their superiors, even though they know the truth of my identity and the truth of the fraud, at least by now, but I can guarantee that sises, friends, and attorneys, have been trained to be, pigs and that is said, as degrading as I can say it . . . by the very people, who should be investigating the fraud, with myself, having written about it from day one, of coming back to my senses after being poisoned, as attested to my by 3 former cops, now retired, to the top cop in the state of Utah, with 2 former AGs, both know me, who are under indictment for corruption--wonder why, the attorney general, who both know me personally, one worked with me, asked me to run his campaign, met with me prior to my recent lawsuits against the state, securities divisions, and county cops, and their associates, in none other than the civil and criminal justice systems, not to mention investigators in the AGs office, FBI, CIA, and U.S. attorneys, and their local and state players in both systems!  So, hell yes, hopefully the Pig(s) is OUT!

Sorry, nothing like a 600 word sentence, but I bet it is grammatically correct!  So, back to my morning.  I decided against hiking the stairs, because it was a bit cold, wet, gray, and I know, that this afternoon, will be much nicer, so I went to the mall, to watch a few videos, that will be suggested by the YouTube Gods, being powered by my own writings, and the previous nights likes . . . and as luck would have it, there is a ton of stuff on the JFK assassination . . . I wrote a short, blurb, the day I left, Missoula, MT.  So, all morning, I watched video after video of very insightful information, only fueling my fire for exposing to as many people as possible, what actually happened, and get them in the mindset to question authority, especially, if the EVIDENCE, doesn't support their version of things, or the EVIDENCE leads you somewhere you don't want to go . . . like in assassinations, 9/11, and with me personally!

In Crime Investigations, Both Science & Justice Demand You Have the Best Theory, Supported by the Evidence, You Have Better Answers!

This morning several Kennedy assassination books, titles, programs caught my eye, but two in particularly, made an impact, in the amount of evidence they are presenting.  The first one I watched was a book called, Blood, Money & Power: JFK Killed by Johnson, written by his personal attorney, Johnson's that is, Barr McClellan, but the issue, I have with that book, and McClellan's theory, is that it is not expansive enough, and catches the dealings of the man, he knew, but the dirty players in the assassination were so much broader, deeper, darker, and start, actually back with Samuel Bush, the grand-daddy of HW, and father of Prescott Bush, who funded, Hitler, and Nazi Germany!  The really telling video, was entitled, JFK II--The Bush Connection (2003), followed by Four Generations of Bush Treason . . .

Both Jack and Bobby, the Kennedy brothers, were smart beyond their years, cut the issue on terms of corruption vs. anti-corruption, no matter who got in their way.  The prime movers in the assassination, having motives, opportunities, powers, influences, secret societies, orders, that transcended American borders and interests, with loyalties, reaching back decades, generations, centuries, and even back to ancient orders, with specific goals, missions, allegiances, and alliances.  Three months after President Kennedy was elected, with President Johnson, being the defacto president, even before that, the CIA, with a secret CIA army, launched a war, against Cuba, in the Cuban Missile Crisis, alleging, claiming that Russia had nuclear missile sites, just 90 miles off the coast of Florida.  And against President Kennedy's orders, sent a CIA plane over Cuba, over air space that was a war zone to stay out of, almost putting the world on the brink of war!

President John F. Kennedy, fired the CIA director, and ordered J. Edgar Hoover, the then director of the FBI, to find out where the CIA's secret training camps were, and shut them down!  Lee Harvey Oswald, was on the FBI payroll at the time of Kennedy's death, and an informant for Hoover, and the FBI, he also had connections with the CIA, and they knew he was the rat, telling Hoover where the training camps were. Hoover had dirt on everyone, including HW Bush, who J. Edgar in a memo, said that George, had been in the CIA, in 1963 . . . with Bush denying it.  But, how do you explain, Bush in 1972, I believe, being appointed CIA director, with absolutely no experience.  Prescott Bush, was the power behind, Nixon, who was well acquainted with Hunt, as CIA assassin, also a personal friend of Johnson, and dragged to the White House by Bush, under Nixon, along with Gov. McConnell, who was in the car with Kennedy when he was shot, and was key to the cover-up, saying that Kennedy slumped forward, rather than what the evidence and the Zappoter film showed, with Kennedy being thrown backward, rather than forward, making it impossible for the lone gunman theory.

Kennedy Wanted Peace, Not a Build Up of the Military Complex

Kennedy recognized the accomplishments of Russia, in space, industry, science, etc., he wanted the world to focus on a world of peace, not a world of war.  He fully believed in the mission of the UN, in its purest form, with all nations getting together, to work out their differences, put away nuclear missiles, and weapons of mass destruction, genocide, and annihilation of the world . . . but that is not what the Bushes, Yale's, Skull & Bones, the Dulles's, the Rockefellers, the Herrimans and others wanted, the world bankers in London, who funded both sides of wars.  Samuel Bush, was a member of the United States War Board, along with Remington Arms, founder, Dillion, Pryor and others, who got us into WWI, with the huge loss of American lives, but with their respective families making fortunes, in 1918, worth $200 million, which in today's money conversions, would amount to roughly $3.3 trillion!  That is a lot of power, influence, ability to control, judges, senators, business, war, and built up the military complex!

They, basically had a death wish for America, if not the world.  The CIA, the Bushes, all knew, if they got Russia close enough to American borders, the people would be for the war, protecting us against foreign invasion . . . Kennedy stopped them, in their tracks, with Bush, owning Zapata Oil, right in the middle between Florida and Cuba, naming a secret CIA ship, illegally giving arms to anti-Castro militants, going under the radar of the President, but carrying out the goals and missions of nuclear armaments and continuing to follow CIA leaders, with this secret CIA army, even after Kennedy fired the director, with loyalties still to the former aims of getting us into a war with Russia, at who's benefit, what cost, to whom, and with what outcome? Remember, many in the Yale, Skull & Bones, were loyal to the Brits, never wanted independence!  Check out George W. Bush, and the Patriot Act, the militarization of the cops, going to war with Iraq and Afghanistan!  

And we still have Jed Bush to worry about!  Get a gripe, everything these families did, are doing, is contrary to American values, against the U.S. Constitution, and will bring this country to its knees, like Bush almost did, in bailing out Wall Street, the criminals behind the whole mortgage bankruptcy, with a goal, of taking away private property rights, one of the hallmarks of the distinction between capitalism, socialism, communism, and tyranny!  Check out Ferguson, Missouri, and see how peaceful protesters are being treated . . . what they are being called, Animals!  Not law abiding citizens, expressing their issues with the government of their town, their state, and the nation, pointing out policy flaws in law enforcement, shooting innocent victims, claiming they are nothing but thugs, disregarding all due process, equal protection and other constitutional rights, that we even afford to murderers!  Cops are not to be, judge, jury and executioners!  Standing armies on our streets, started under Bush and carried forward with Obama, are not what AMERICA IS ABOUT!

So, How Do I, JoAnn, Constitutional Law Attorney Fit In This Bigger Picture?

Given the goals, the mission, the money, power, blood . . . you cannot, have the U.S. Constitution, standing in the way!  We need the Patriot Act, we need to rid the country of the protections of rights, inalienable, and inseparable from the people, to pull this bull shit off!  Unchecked police powers, can't be burdened with the fucking ball and chain the Constitution puts, and keeps on law enforcement!  We can't have protracted military complexes involved in endless wars, if appropriations must go through a war weary America, with their representatives in Congress.  The Constitution, only gives Congress the power to fund wars, for 2 years!  PERIOD!  So, what have we done, we have engagements, undeclared wars, but wars we have . . . and to President Obama's credit, he pulled us out of Iraq, and we will be out of Afghanistan by 2014.  However, the world is a hot bed of conflict right now!  Why, because, we have a President, who is doing all he can, as did Kennedy to keep us out of every battle around the globe . . . and power, engineered, and created by who?

Normally, terrorists, love to take credit for their actions, so it is inconsistent with terrorists, or even Pro-Russian insurgents, to not take credit for the air plane shot over the Ukraine, or the first shot disrupting Isreal and Palestine, and who in the fuck is Isis or Isil . . . a bunch of spoiled kids, bored with like, world bankers kids, savvy in social media . . . come on, and begging us into war with the State of Islam . . . when Islamic religious leaders are disassociating with them, and calling Isis the biggest threat to Islam!  And allegedly these idiots, in black rags, riding on tanks, cutting off heads, have $2 billion backing them . . . who buys their tanks, their guns, their outfits, matching and dumb ass?  Who is behind, Boko Harem?  Look at the history of the Bushes, the world bankers, funding wars, wars, and more wars, even rumors of wars!

We Met the Enemy, And the Enemy Was Us . . . U.S., Our Own!

Go back to the opening three words of my title, or the words I stole from McClellan's book, but are too ordinary for him to claim copyright, but that nonetheless, tell us what this is all about, but are very much the goals of those behind, the conspiracy against me, also, not to put myself in the same arena and even in the same ball park as President Kennedy, but as I looked at that intricate maze of players involved in the assassination, and the reasons, the connections, the dots, the heights of power, come on Mormon, Mitt Romney was running for president . . . and if you will recall, he wanted to spend $2 trillion on building up America's MILITARY COMPLEX!  Same game, different faces . . . or is it?

With 70% or higher, of the CIA, FBI, and now, the NSA, at least in the Lehi/Alpine office, being Mormon . . . had their been a Mormon President . . . some would say, that just as in Kennedy's day, the CIA was loyal to the director that Kennedy fired, due to the Bay of Pigs . . . symbolic . . . incident, and continued to follow him, rather than the President, some would say, that the real director of the CIA, who was behind Benghazi, is Mitt Romney, and he might be looking for another run at the presidency, with President Obama out of the way!  Think about this folks. 

My brother-in-law, Kevin Schmidt, wife Sue, was a Mormon bishop, in Mass., it is that close to me.  With the vision of the power, the Bushes were able to get, through a large sum of wealth, and as a model, with my father, Richard G. Southwick, not only having a similar hatred for the U.S. Constitution, seeing no need, except to protect criminals, a piece of paper if you will . . . had a picture of George and Laura Bush, on his wall, in his office, long after he was out of office, in fact, maybe for the whole first term of President Obama . . . the mantra for the Skull & Bones, is murder, power and racism!  Remember, the Mormon Church, and only under duress, allowed blacks to hold the priesthood, as late as 1978, with many members taking their names off the records of the church, when there was a revelation that blacks could now hold the priesthood, meaning temple attendance and authoritative positions within the church, although, I declare, I haven't seen a black in the Quorum of Seventies, or the General Authorities, in the 12 Apostles!

Mormon Version of Blood, Money & Power

It is entirely necessary, for this side, the opposite of me, to have me, on their side, as a propaganda agent, to lead the masses astray . . . for 20 years, my name has been associated with the fight to protect the U.S. Constitution, taking down the Bush doctrines in the process, under asset forfeiture . . . the taking of private property, without due process of law, and equal protection!  And, that, my dear, is exactly why, I did what I did, that put me on the map, in law enforcement . . . and 27 states, followed asset forfeiture reforms, taking away cop incentives to steal your property, without allowing you constitutional protections!  That happened in 1997, just three years before, 9/11, with plans long in the workings for this type of legislation . . . President Clinton, refused to sign the fucking bill and act!  Thank God, we have a few Democrats in this country . . . the fucking Republican members of Congress . . . now you better fucking take credit for this, voted, on the detention without constitutional protections, like no charges, no crimes, no hearing, denial of all rights, just because the government doesn't like what you are saying . . . stayed law, because of the majority in the House of Representatives!

Utah is the reddest state . . . back in the day, Prophet Joseph Smith, had to walk down the streets of Navoou, Illinois, and assign member of the church, to be different political parties, because they were block voting!  And what in the hell do you think they are doing now!  Thank God, they are only 1% of the U.S. population, but, they are, through infiltration, 70% of our intelligence community, if not higher, and they are in every area of the military, the Pentagon . . . and all other agencies of the government . . . this is by far, over-representation!  Recruiters, would have a hard time denying young people who have spent 2 years in a foreign country, with the language skills, connections within the country, clean living, and compliant as hell . . . they are trained, that when the prophet speaks, the debate is over, and they carry that on to the government as well!  In other words, they are useful idiots!

Me & My Family, Have Been Indentured Slaves for 17 Years!

You see, many of the Skull & Bones, plus, many of these men, involved in the Kennedy assassination, were also, partial to the South, and slave ownership, so against the Civil War, and also, the Civil Rights Movement . . . that started in the 60's with Kennedy!  These assholes are every bit as much for slavery as they were in the early days of the country, southern plantation owners!  The most red of the reddest state, is the county of Washington County, with Dixie State College, now University, having to change their name or their mascot, from the Dixie State Rebels, with a statue in the mall of the college, that alludes to the old South, Dixie . . . with southern Utah, Mormon saints, growing cotton as a means of commerce and survival . . . connections?

The twin relics of barbarism are slavery and polygamy!  I hate polygamy with a passion, while every Mormon male, and many of the alleged, righteous, females, are very much in favor, and truly believe that it should be restored, brought back, and that is fulfillment of commandment or the restoration of all things.  I am an impediment to both polygamy and slavery!  Due to my efforts against both of these barbaric activities, that make me fucking sick to death, and have almost killed me, in the Mormon Mafia's sick fashion, have shackled and chained me, and my family, doing service without pay for 17 years, starting with offending the Bushies . . . men in black, members of the CIA, FBI, and NSA, using all means, methods, technology against me and mine, to further their global aspirations, using blood, money & power, to steal, kill and destroy, with a collusion and common goal with the Bush administration and family!

Throw in the mix of money: (1) my son's bands, Parallax, God's Revolver, and Maraloka . . . millions if not billions! (2) the Brock, Cheek, Vail cases of mine, all multi-million dollar cases; and (3) now my blog, at one cent per hit, with a constant number of recorded results, anywhere up to 155,000,000 or $150,000 per day, if not in the billions, if properly monitored, and most of it shoved into the dark web or deep Internet! Controlled by, none other than, the NSA . . . at the direction, protection and collusion with the CIA, FBI and others!  THEY FUCKING NEED ME, MY SON, AND HIS BAND . . . ANY OF THE COP DOUBLES WILL DO, SHELLEY, KAY, RACHEL, SUE, MARCIE, TIFFANY, KELLEY OR GOD ONLY KNOWS WHO ELSE!

Don't think for one, fucking second, that because I decide to kiss and make up with cops, by applying to work with them, means, that I am willing to forgive and forget, what has been done to me, stolen from me and my family, and continues on a continual basis, to be not only unconstitutional, illegal, unlawful, but fucking corrupt and criminal as hell . . . the Bushes, the Dulles's, the Southwicks, the Romneys, the Schmidts, etc., need to be brought to justice . . . these are all crimes, not only against me, but against YOU, AMERICA, and the world!

Stop the Blood, Money & Power--Bring JUSTICE!

P.S., in one of the videos, it was suggested, that if the people of Texas, had any idea what President Bush, senior had done, to President Kennedy, they would fry his ass in the electric chair!  And I would recommend they do that before he dies, and take his fucking son out with him!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Arnold Schwarzenegger--In the Raw Deal Movie Takes Revenge Against Old Enemies, Like I Would Do

Schwarzenegger starts out the movie, as a local sheriff, who was trashed for beating up a child-molester, he caught, and lost his job over it, by a U.S. attorney, who works closely with the FBI and other federal agencies.  At the start of the movie, an FBI agent's son gets killed, while guarding an informant for the government, when the mob, gets the scoop of where they are hiding the witness, and they show up to the cabin and blow away about 7 FBI agents and the witness.  The senior FBI agent, hires Arnold to go after the guys who killed his son, paying him out of his own money, seeking revenge outside the system against the mob bosses in Chicago.  And we all know how the story ends, Schwarzenegger, infiltrates the mob, not only takes out the 7 as revenge for his old boss, but about 20 more during the movie . . . and eventually, his is restored to his former position, gets the prosecutors, who was really dirty (hint, hint), gets back with his wife who hates small town life, and finds out she is pregnant . . . only in Hollywood!

The only revenge I get, is to write about what happens to me, hoping that there is actually just one clean cop, FBI, CIA, U.S. Attorney, or someone who has been reading all this that I have been writing from the inception, when I started to practice law again in 2009; however, to get the full story, you have to go back to my previous life, before the poisoning, and it is a very similar situation to the GOV, and there were dirty insiders, teaming with and protecting the mob, and it included both cops and prosecutors . . . you will see this in the move, during the bomb squad raid, rather than rescue, and Arnold was taken out of the game, because he was one of the rare good guys . . . I am sure that will not win points with my new employer and the department!  Oh, well, it is not over, until it is over . . . I am offering a garland branch of goodwill here, so take it or leave it.  I think I would be a benefit to any department!  And, I really have been doing law enforcement work, while not against the typical bad guys, but the bad guys like in the movie.

Anyway, a fun thought, and the applications is in the mail . . . we shall see?  Oh, I almost forgot to mention why I even considered a job in law enforcement, if you watch the old movie, there is a scene in the police department, and the camera focuses on a sign that says: You should consider a career in law enforcement, or something along those lines.  As the camera beamed on the sign, I thought, as I usually do, is that a sign, divine manifestation, a gift from providence, because I have been trying to figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.  Then the camera focused on it a second time, REALLY?  But that was not the end of the inspiration, because, I thought, now exactly how would I go about working in the law enforcement field?  So, as usual, I read the newspaper, here in Spokane, and low and behold there was an ad for a crime specialist in evidence!  WOW, can you believe that, so I filled out an application and mailed it!

Compliance--Horrific Crimes--70 in 30 Cities in U.S.

Yesterday, while I was doing my political Internet surfing, looking and laughing at old presidential videos, from the 2012 elections, and relishing in President Obama's re-election, I ran, accidentally, into a non-political, well, I guess not, but a video that caught my attention . . . talk about crimes!  The caption on the video was Compliance, which is what I fear happened with friends, family, clients, roommates, judges, cops, etc., they complied with alleged authorities, claiming to be something they were not, and I was a victim of crimes.  You can search under the movie compliance, or check this stuff out on wikipedia, if you are not familiar with this site, you should be, and nice starting point for any research project, or even case for that matter, but there was a movie, that came out in 2012, that took many of the facts from true cases around the country, and complied them into a movie that gives a startling view of the power apparent, authority figures have!

Facts From the Movie, Compliance

In this movie, a cop calls a fast food restaurant, and tells the assistant manager, that a lady witnessed one of the girls at the cash register, steal money out of the register, and he describes one of the young teen age employees, and tells the assistant manager that he can't come to the restaurant right now, but this employee can avoid going to jail, if she will take her in the back room and question her, search her for the money, and wait until he gets there.  So, in compliance with the officer, she takes the girl in the back room and searches her pockets, her shoes, and pants, but doesn't find any money, the girl maintains here innocence.  The assistant manager, calls the alleged cop back and tells him that she can't find any money.

He then tells here to strip search the girl, and the manager, rather than questioning the authority figure, tells the crying girl to take off her clothes that they need to search her naked.  Now, mind you that she also brings in a male witness, so she doesn't get in trouble, and she has her own back.  The girl, is very hesitant, and says she won't do it, but at the threat of jail, she also, complies, with the assistant manager, even with the guy in the room.  The cop is called at each point of the search and investigation, with him telling the manager what a great job she is doing.  She always, says, just doing my job.  He tells her that she is so good at it, that she ought to consider being a cop herself.  The restaurant gets busy, and she calls the officer, who hasn't showed up yet, to tell him that she needs to leave and get to her work.  And so does the other employee.

The caller cop, then tells her to get someone she trusts, and have him watch the now, naked girl, who only has an apron to cover her.  The assistant managers boyfriend or fiance shows up just then, and she pulls him in the back room and tells him what is going on, and that he needs to watch her until the cops get there.  But, she takes the apron as evidence leaving the girl, stark naked, and afraid.  The fiance, continues to go for the money, and tells here to do jumping jacks, to see if she has put the money inside of her.  She refuses to do that, and he comes over and spanks her, until she agrees to do what she has to do, and what she is told to do.  In one of the similar cases, the guy actually does a cavity search, putting his hand up her vagina to check for the money.  Eventually, the guy tells her to sit on his lap, and somehow, that turned into him forcing her to give him a blow job.

In the mean time, the first employee who is in the backroom, is worried that they are doing something terribly wrong, so he calls the manager, whom he finds out has been home sick all day, and has never talked to the cop!  He then calls the cops, who got get the girl, and take her to the police station . . . charges are made, and they find out that some business man from Florida, is actually the one making the phone calls, and giving the orders!  And what is even more disgusting, is he is acquitted on all charges!  Civil suits follow, McDonald's, the real restaurant is sued for large sums of money, not only by the girl, but the assistant manager, who claims they, while having No Strip Searches in the Training Manual, didn't warn her of previous cases of this type of thing happening.  The guy who did go to jail, for 5 years, was the fiance, for the sexual assault!  Stop complying with bull shit orders, that shock the senses!  Regardless of who gives them, if they don't feel right, they probably are not right, training manual or nothing!

Always Use the Reasonable Man Standard!

If what is being asked of you, is totally off the wall, illegal, wrong, stupid, out of the ordinary, just bizarre, never, never, never, comply, no matter who is asking you to do it, cop, judge, president, boss, parent, family members, friends . . . protect yourself, you have no immunity, unless your actions are clearly protected in an employee manual, policy or well established laws!  There have been many studies conducted by social scientists about compliance, relationships with authority figures, and what people will do. Think of Nazi Germany, killing 6 million Jews . . . how does this happen . . . just doing my job!

In this one study, they had a woman in a room, with people on the other side of a two way mirror, holding buttons, that if pushed would shock the woman in the other room, and the shocks were obviously hurting her.  When the subjects were told to push the button, they did, without question, even after seeing it hurt her. Now, she was just faking being hurt, but the people with the buttons didn't know that she wasn't being hurt. And even when she begged for them to stop, and way crying and saying that she was being hurt, they continued to push the button as the alleged conductor of the experiment told them to do so!

In another study, those conducting the experiment, found that in 75% of the cases, the subject would follow the authority figure without ever stopping to ask them why, or what they were doing this for, just did what they were told.  People who viewed the movie, were even shocked at their reactions to the movie, and thinking about whether they would do it, strip search her or not . . . an many of them said, they would be afraid not to do it!  Screeeeeaaaammmmm!  You cannot be just stupid sheeple!  Humans are given a brain, a large and fully developed one, and what separates us from the animal world is our ability to think, reason, challenge, use critical thinking, so . . . .?  Why would you just comply?

I Would Wear A Ring Through My Nose if the Prophet Told Me To

While I was at Weber State University in Ogden, and a questioning, thinking, critical thinker, who didn't do anything I was told unless it passed the smell test, used to have a conversation with a fellow English major, communications minor, both of us Honored Humanities Students, and Top English Majors, he being .044% points above me, now both of us attorneys, so not dummies by any stretch of the imagination, but with one exception for him, his blind obedience to the Mormon Church!  I had already smartened up by this time.  But as we would debate various religious topics and issues, or hypothetical situations, I would always, always, always, use my brain, think, reason, challenge, and do what I eventually thought I should or should not do. He, on the other hand, would continually state, that he would wear a ring through his nose if the prophet told him to!  Are you fucking kidding me!?! 

Just recently, in the last 6 months, I had three dreams with this attorney friend in it, strange, insightful, and telling dreams, of what I would consider deep dark secrets, of this man, and what some of his earliest challenges in life were . . . and while I was in Vegas, I thought of dropping and seeing him . . . but here was one thing that would stop me, and that is his total and blind allegiance to the Mormon Church, if fact, I even write emails, asking him, if he was still a MO, short for Mormon.  One night, while pondering whether or not I should visit him after more than 20 years, I was so bothered by that perfect compliance, that even if we saw each other again, and there was an emotional connection, love interest, for sure, but that stance, to me was a deal breaker!  Now, I have seen him with a goatee mustache, a light one, that gave me hope that, perhaps he had changed a bit, matured a bit, I was 8 years older than he was, so, maybe with time . . . but, I just can't tolerate, stupid . . . not that he, himself is stupid, but no human being is infallible, perfect, all knowing . . . that is why we turn to God and God alone, he warns us to not put our trust in the arm of flesh!

My Oldest Son, Used to Have a T-Shirt that Said: THINK, THINK, THINK

The poor girl in the movie, and in real life, did go on to college, had years of therapy and treatment . . . all of this could have been avoided, if one person, even at the risk of the cops, a job, a manager, would have stopped to think!  When we just comply with authority figures, we risk losing ourselves, hurting others, with the blind leading the blind.  I remember my mother, wisely saying, when I wanted to do something she didn't think was wise and in my best interest or a bit risky . . . if your friends all jump off a roof, are you going to?  Well, no.

No Authority Figure Should Be Able to Separate You From Your Senses . . . THINK!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Lady is a Tramp

The first band that played, yesterday, of the hundred bands that performed over the 4 day event in Spokane, had two amazing singers, Frank Sinatra, and the Rat Pack had nothing on the guys singer, fun to watch dancing around on the stage, and the female singer, Ella Fitzgerald couldn't beat her voice, and she was way cuter . . . but she sang the song Lady is a Tramp, and the label of a tramp in the song is not what you think, she can't wait for dinner until 8:00 p.m., and the theater, you have to be on time, and California, is either too cold, or too crowded . . . and she loves the freedom and the wind blowing in her hair!  Did she know I was there?  I loved it!  That would pretty well describe me, minus the cops element, that more than encourages me to move on down the road, about ever week or so, or I guess I could give up my blog, but I couldn't make law enforcement and other enemies that happy, nor hurt the innocent readers, who just dig knowing what is going on playing in the fast lane of society, with corruption, injustice, secrecy, conspiracies, and what not.  So, I continue to write for my loyal readers, and possible fans, that find my life too bizarre to be true, yet somewhat funny, as do I . . . if it wasn't true, it might be funny all the time, for I am the female version of the Dukes of Hazard, kind of Daisy Duke like, but more so . . . with Boss Hoggs after me all the time 24/7!

The great thing about the way I am forced to live, or I guess I could opt out for life in a prison, detention camp, or death . . . not a viable option to me yet.  I am sure that after the event in Ferguson, Missouri, you are seeing the post-Patriot Act cops, in a different light than you have ever seen before, I, however, have know all of this for years, have been fighting this escalation in police powers, militarization, and unlimited powers, without constitutional boundaries, or protections, not only for foreigners, but anyone they fucking want to fuck with, like someone pointing out their follies and errors, constitutionally speaking, which are shockingly unconstitutional, by any standard, stretch, or imagination, as vivid as you know mine is!  Just as in the case of Edward Snowden, I was screaming about the interference with my phones, computers, emails, years before, someone actually brought it out in the open . . . the first thing my father said, was Oh, Jo was right, she told us that was happening a long time ago!

But, in spite of my challenges, I dig all the events and cool happenings, that I just happen to run into, as I hop from one city or state to another, and yesterday was one of those amazingly serendipitous days, where the weather, the park, the people, the music, the smell of foods from all nationalities, all culminate into a perfect day; I even met a great lady, a woman who was raised in Montana, born in Sand Point, Idaho, and raised her children and taught school, in Spokane.  She was able to tell me the history behind the bands, and fill in little details of Spokane folklore, stories, murders referred to in the songs of the Trailer Park Girls, a band composed of a local political satirist, two other guys and two female back up singer, great beats, to original music, with lyrics, revealing insider jokes, stories, and landmark historical crimes that shaped color and flavor of this great city . . . gypsies, raided by cops without a warrant, putting a curse on the city, with one brother pulling the coffin of his brother, now dead, up the back of the city hall!  LOL!  And this tenacious and caustic man, took credit for every poisonous event from fires, to floods, in the city for years, until he died in the dentist's chair of a heart attack . . . an you believe that?

Next was the Men in the Making . . . nothing but fun, music that is the throw back to the 60's, 70's, and 80's, song after song, with costumes and wigs, imitating various singers, from Sony and Cher to Johnny Cash . . . so much fun . . . singing along to ever word, with a walk down memory lane, on stinkin every song!  Thanks to all the city officials, the sponsors, those who have been in on the planning of this since its inception, back 35 years ago, could not have been more fun, unless, I had been their for the first three days, but I am always grateful for what I get . . . the glass is half full, rather than half-empty. It took about 400,000 to pull this event off, with 100 band, are you kidding, with several stages, going from morning to night, it takes all of us to make a great community . . . sponsors, know how to make the money, the creative know how to make the days fun and cool, the restaurants, cooks, face painters, and balloon tiers, every person, from information, to park cops . . . what a wonderful showcase of your city, just amazing.  And the River Front Park, is absolutely the perfect place, cool, trees, awesome flowers, water features, ponds, ducks, geese, the Clock Tower, amusement park, the Spokane Falls . . . I can't say more!  Way cool, way fun, and all free, except the food!

Most Un-Inhibited Men!  One Guy a Mix of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards!

One of the songs the Trailer Park Girls, sings, was about a guy trying to get in touch with his sensitive side, so he ate wheat grass, made fruit smoothies, and did yoga . . . I missed the rest of the song, but something must be working, only, I don't necessarily know if it was the sensitive side at work, or that combo was working, because, there was this, I swear, 80 year old guy, actually two, who were out ripping it up, tarring it up, dancing so fun, aggressive, and male, I loved it . . . a man after my own heart, this guys just couldn't stand it, when the music moved him, he would jump up in broad daylight and boogie, with legs and arms doing a great job to the music!  LOL!  And what was funny, was to watch the kids, especially, the boys, respond to this very male example of having a great time and dancing like a fool . . . they followed suit!  The older men gave them the green-light to get up and express themselves through joy in their bodies and movement!  Wow, so crazy fun! 

Usually at these type of festivals, street fairs, or daytime concerts, women will get out with a brave husband, or boyfriend, but the men are usually under duress, or they take their small kids out and dance, or a dad will take his insistent little girl, dancing usually seems to be female driven, to the point that many of your upscale dance clubs, women are just ditching the guys all together, and just going out with the girls, dancing with each other . . . pay back for generations of men, refusing to dance, at least in America!  But, yesterday, was so male driven, it shocked me, and I am a dancer, and have danced all over the country . . . Wow, the guys are actually strutting their dance stuff!  

Mr. Sparkle!

So, through the crowd, walked a relatively good looking, 40 something year old guy, dressed in a shirt that was made of the same stuff that New Years Eve balls that drop from the ceiling, or used to, shiny, flashy, with the sleeves torn off, and pants, only a rock star would wear; locals call him the Tambourine Man, I guess that bands, will let him get into the action, and play on the sidelines, because he is a regular.  The pants were black in the back, and striped in the front . . . very rock star looking, just like he was.  He would position himself, up near the black speakers, to show off his clothes, or use the black background to put his sparkly shirt in the best light for his show . . . sexy, suggestive, fun, cool, acting out various words and phrases in the songs!  So, male, but so not the usual male . . . fucking loved watching him.  Sometimes he would walk out in the audience, and down the isles, to some friend or attractive female, but this was a solo act!  LOL!

Power of a Male Role Model--So Instantaneous!

There were little boys, up on cement blocks, in the audience, out front, with grand-parents, dancing like crazy, so free, so wild, so alive . . . dancing to me is a celebration of the body, the miracle of the way it moves, gyrates, swerves, up and down, around and around, in and out . . . a total celebration of life, portrayed in the popular dance moves, fighting for that freedom, like in the movie, Foot Loose . . .  and fancy free!  There was a young boy and girl, sitting in front of me, with their grandparents, and the little girl was dancing way, all afternoon, she kept bugging her brother, who was older and just sitting there, and as the older men couldn't sit still anymore, and danced their fool heads off . . . the little boy, jumped up and started rocking out, with total abandon, arms punching the air, powerful acting of the words, like any Super Hero would do . . . his spirit was released and he couldn't be held down!

I just read a book at my cousin's house in Vegas, called something like Stand Up Man and Live!  This psychologist is trying to break men loose from their society created rolls, with no emotions, boring, staid, and dying every second of the day, stuck in cubicles, working in mines, factories, etc., and their natural born free spirit dying daily . . . dance on the weekends, get out their and shake it up!  I think it is good for the soul, and if Bubba can go it, you can!  That is a country music song, I have only heard about once, but it sounds, like the thin good looking guy, watches his overweight friend get out on the dance floor and shake it up, without a care in the world, let a lone a care for what the other people in the room think.

Something magical happens, when you just get out and have a good time . . . everyone else, gets permission from your freedom, smile, joy, celebration of your body, that allows them, usually with a better body, to get out and do the same.  Bands love it when I come dancing, because, I don't care if there is one person on the floor, or what I look like, I get out when the music moves me and dance like crazy, and it is funny the effect it has on guys, they go from looking for the T&A girls, and start getting fascinated with the big sexy, swinging hips, mesmerizing them and captivating their attention . . . and what is funny, is I find myself being joined by people half my age, in trains dancing behind me, people wanting me up on the podium dancing, the best looking girls, actually find safety dancing over by me, and many times, there can be much younger, cuter girls on the dance floor, and the guy has a choice of 5 dancing alone already, and they come up to me, why? Because I am have a fucking good time by myself, and they want what I have!  Empower Men, DANCE!

Hope House, Pre-Emptive Strike

This is about my 4th or 5th time I have come to Spokane, the first time because a client lived here, then the bus system in Kalispell was shut down, so, I used to have to come to Spokane to get to Missoula, Montana! I started to think that is was a plot to stop me from having a quick get away, get out of town, after they took my truck and then blew up my car!  It was crazy and suspicious how I had to get to the southern part of the state! Or to Utah for that matter, or Vegas, anywhere, and costly.  I usually had to take the Amtrak, to Spokane, then to whatever my southern destination was . . . thank heavens the Indians started up a route connecting Kalispell to the rest of the state!

My friends from here, decided to move their businesses from the Public Market to Pike's Market in Seattle, wanted me to move with them, I was the legal arm of this business adventure . . . I didn't but, did come here on several occasions, and also went to Seattle to visit.  But, one time, I came unannounced, and they were in route to Seattle, and another time coming back, but leaving me without their house to stay at, and no money, which is my normal course of events . . . government chases me until I have no money left on my Walmart Money Card, they have access, then I might be easier to get!  With all the nationwide effort, like I said, they must have framed me for something, or there is a bounty, or they need me out of the way, for their cover-up and to protect the cop government double, and there is a very Kay Burningham, like looking chick at the shelter . . . how can she be me, if I keep showing up all over the country, and she is not there!  Red Flag #1.  In fact, she looks so much like her, even I thought it might be her, hair, face, body, clothes, etc.

Overly Friendly Police Officer Police Officer Type

So, we all have to be at the shelter by 7:30 p.m. to get a bed for the night, and this chick, kind of tough, wearing chains and such, short hair, but rough and tumble type girl, you might see in a shelter, comes at the last minute, or I don't know if I even remember her outside, but inside.  Now, you usually have to check in, take a shower, before you get dinner, and if I remember, she was still in street dress attire, when I got to dinner, which was late, because I had to fill out another application, since it had been a year, almost to the day, from the last time I had been to the shelter, which I left, after feeling set up, so I am always on guard, but glad that I had to fill out a new application, because without ID, after getting it stolen in Vegas, I need all the authentication I can, like I was here when my Utah driver license was still active, so . . . I am me!  But, the lady checking me in, said, you were just here, August 14 . . . I said, no I wasn't, that was August 14, 2013 . . . oh, you are right.  So, I was clearly still on their computer rolls.

But, when you fill in this application, I am not like the normal visitor to the shelter, I have to circle a doctorate for my educational level, and they wonder about your income, I have been on Social Security Disability, at the insistence of my private insurer, that I was suppose to get for life, but it magically stopped at the two year mark when I was allegedly suppose to die!  Either this was only given to me, as part of the plan, or my father told me it stopped and he collected the $3,000 per month based on my income . . . but Social Security, is the only thing keeping me alive, they stop me one ever job, after every interview, or even after I have a job! And they fucking owe me until I am 10,000 years old, from stealing my contingency fees!  So, guilty, I don't feel . . . they put me in this situation, they keep me in this situation, and they chase me, until I run out of the meager money I do get, and they, the government are the ones, who told me not to get off, thank God, because they don't know what I had . . . or they feel guilty, and this is the least they can do, but so far below what I am used to, just not living like an attorney of my calibur should be!  Not by a long shot!

Officer Friendly Follows Me Out the Door Early, Where, What, When?

Okay, this chick, cop like gal, is helpful, tries to tell me the rules and such, but she gets into some altercation or verbal exchange with this other gal, staged?  Maybe, but she said, I can't wait to get out of this place, what is the day, Tuesday?  No, it is  Monday, a Labor Day!  I asked her why she wanted it to be Tuesday, and she said, first, but corrected herself, but she said, my money comes . . . which I can fully understand, you usually, at least I do, is live like I am used for for about a week on the small amount of money, then live like dirt the rest of the month, or chased, so I can't enjoy a full month.  But, then she corrected herself, and said, I get to move upstairs tomorrow . . . there are apartments . . . or had she done her job, and she needed an out, which, just the money would not have done!

Big Red Flag!  Oh, and the in take chick, when she asked me how I got in this position, and I mentioned, that it was systemic abuse of power by cops, prosecutors, and judges, started to take notes, and asked me about my blog, because I told her what I did, and how that constantly keeps the cops pissed, especially sine the Ferguson shooting, with me clearly seeing it as murder, . . . I don't protect anyone, justice for all! But she started to take notes, on a separate piece of paper, after I said that.  

Back to yesterday morning, so this cop-like chick, chases me down, because I was out and about, before the rest of the crew, off doing what I do in Spokane, park, library, the falls, the mall, McDonalds, even though I don't have a dime in my pocket, they don't know me, so the please don't loiter, signs, haven't affected me, today, while I am typing this blog . . . but this lady, and she keeps emphasizing the fact that she is 50 years old, like I know, you can't be that old, because I look older than you do, claiming to be 59 years old . . . hey, I take care of my skin, so I can pull of up to 20 years younger!  They think I am lying about my age and being me, when I am just healthy, never smoked, don't drink, no drugs, and exercised until I got poisoned . . . and without a car, I have to hike around town, which is healthy, keep me young, on the run all the time too!

But, she catches up with me for just long enough to grill me on where I am going, what I am doing, and once she found out, she booked it on down the next street . . . cop, cop, cop!  And I stopped at the Dutch Brothers Coffee . . . two minute later, cop drives by, then several . . . Salon down the road, IDENTITY Salon!  If you tap into symbolism, it is deadly, right on!  After the concert, I was crossing the street to the mall, to hit the restrooms, and low and behold, the first officer I had seen, at least once I hit the park, other than park officers, whom didn't seem to notice me, watching the ducks, early.  But these two cops, did a big time second take!  I am cute, but, that wasn't a check you out look, but a shit, I shouldn't have stared, fuck that is her, okay, she is here, hell, cops have those secret service wire up talking systems, so it appeared to me, that someone alerted them that I was leaving my concert seat, after 8 hours of music, and going over to the mall . . . coming your way!

Check in Lady, Was There Last Fall . . . What Is Your Blog?

This woman is fun, but acted nervous all night, over-acting, if you will, dead give away, but as I sat down to check in, she asked me for the name of my blog, so I gave her the government's versions, since they make you know the whole name, bad ass con law chick blog, then you have to hit the icon!  On their version, all you have to do is, hit bad con . . . and it pulls up, even though I write, usually, on my site, knowing full well, they are identical, but there will be 57 million hits on the site I write under their name, and only 1 million on my site, same articles, same bio, same picture, they are making me their slave!  They take the hits and money . . . as usual!

So, several girls here that I am an attorney, shocked that an attorney is at the shelter, I sue cops, and they chase me from state to state, and this woman pipes up, the check in queen, and says, yeah, we are all chased by the cops, the CIA, and FBI, and I never mentioned any of those . . . like, she is just crazy!  Really, smart enough to figure out your game, chick!  And the feds, the local, state, federal cops of all levels, judges, and prosecutors . . . really, really, and you are going to dis me, and you can't even pull of a sting op, like you tried last time?  I just beat your sorry fucking asses, like I always do!  LOL!  

You see, they, the government rogues, us MY MONEY, to pay players to fuck me over . . . a big donation, and they are all over me!  Usually there is great rapport and a nice comradary when I come to a shelter, they understand, then it turns toxic after about a day or two . . . the money has rolled in, they take it, thinking the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people . . . they will lie, cheat and steal, to help the women they know better, that are more stuck than I am . . . guess they didn't factor in death, prison, detention, without charges, without a hearing, without a release date!  Fuck YOU!

Spokane Is A Cool Place, But in This Issue of the Inlander Magazine, the Cop Ombudsman Comments, And . . . But there is  Great Article, 3 People are Nominated for Awards, and All Agencies, Clubs, and Organizations in the City to Help People are Listed . . . AWESOME!