Thursday, July 17, 2014


Kalispell, I Am Calling You OUT!

In light of seeing the writing on the wall, this arrogant set of assholes, band of liars, thieves, cheaters, impersonators, fraudulent conveyors of intellectual property, murderers who started with poisoning me after I took out 9 federal agents and investigators in Utah, for statutory and constitutional violations of physicians in the state's rights, by federal and state officials acting under color of law, finding fraudulent warrants, in total violation of their own federal regulatory policies and procedures, followed by a law suit by several doctors in the state . . . went on to steal 8 years of my life, when after my son's band money, fame, rock star status, later to go after several mulit-million dollar cases, houses, cabins, law practices, vehicles . . . the the point of cutting "O" rings, taking out back up transmissions, putting incendiary explosive mechanisms on oil filter, or tires, calculated to blow at a certain heat level, loosening all the bolts and screws on the front end of my truck . . . with hit, after hit, chase after chase, attempted homicide among possible charges . . . you, the courts, the newspaper, or whomever is involved in the sudden change on Verdell's intervention in the Kerr Dam, are fools!

And just who in the fucking hell do you clowns think is going to provide the details, as I am in Utah, line by line, precept upon precept, starting the cleansing process in Utah, and it is looking like Montana is dumb enough to follow the leader--what don't you get about two attorney generals getting arrested, and Verdell and crew, are listening to the same dip shits, they did!  I will not stop until every guilty person in Utah, and or Montana, the Mormon Church--and there are a shit load in Montana, with the same MO, the government, state, local, federal, my family, in the cops, prosecutors, and in the courts, goes down, and justice is served, restoring dignity, professionalism, ethics, credibility, responsibility, to the state, and start serving the people like they are suppose to!  And guess what, I don't back down, obviously, I am up!

My Montana History . . . So, Far!

  • first stop, March, 2012, Montana State Capitol, get constitution, to see if I could abide, tour, but made statement about corrupt AGs, ironically, in the legislative house floor, after tour guide, made the statement, that Montana has term limits, therefore, less corruption, but I got locked in the elevator, just minutes later . . . surveillance anyone?
  • I saw Senator Tester's campaign add, in the window of house near Capitol and on TV, didn't know if he was Democrat or Republican . . . liked what he said, and he has proven to be good, especially, by not voting for the Patriot Act, anyone good in my book, but some at the Capitol or somewhere told me to contact Tester's office in Missoula, and encouraged me to get involved with the Citizens United Case, but Tester's office, sent me to talk to Andy, chief deputy attorney general, Governor Bullock was busy with campaign . . . turned resume into Tracey Stone-Manning, the current Director of the Montana Environmental Protection Agency . . . she stated that Tester might need me in Washington, after seeing my resume, but he had to be re-elected before he could hire me, made sense, but stopped in offices in Kalispell and Helena, so no mistake who I am, but got the sneaking suspicion, that my shadow, started working the poison, right off the bat, taking credit for my resume, and trying to pass me off as delusional, when it is Shelley and crew, that are, they just had money, my money, my son's money, to burn, to bribe, control, contribute to, or get in with the elected politicians in Montana, right off the bat . . . and the Capitol Garment Cleansing started!  I also dropped a resume to the AGs office . . . got to be good friends with the staff at the Montana State Law Library, where I typed all  my emails, briefs, many constitutional analysis, as I did, with the Salish-Kootenai Water Compact, the written testimony, requested of me, by Krayton Kerns, the chair of the House Judiciary Committee, after oral testimony, earlier that day, I think, given, April 20, 2012, that the Mormon run NSA, tried to stop, but I hand delivered, to direct the legislative counsel, in the bottom of the state capitol building . . . pays to have worked in the Utah State Capitol Building, knowing there are many treasures in the buildings, that no one knows about, like press rooms, print shops, post service, etc . . . 
  • on my first visit, in March, I contacted Chad, the owner of the cute, yellow and white, bungalow style home, right behind the Capitol, on Broadway, as I recall, wanting to live right behind the Capitol, when I actually, was naive enough to believe that I would get my $118 million for the Brock case, rather than Mitt Romney getting it, as reflected in the Montana, Helena, Independent Record, two days after Judge Clark Waddoup terminated the case, when I obliterated his jurisdictional objections, I think I was in Helena, March 26th, and got the court notice the case was closed, March 28, 2012 . . . and, I believe Allan aka Frank of Inter Pol, who was sleeping with Shelley, or rather me, bought that house, out from under my feet, after he and Shelley hooked up, well, they hooked up earlier, trying to steal, my name, social, birthday, did take my Walmart Money Card . . . evidence boys, right after I got out of 9 days solitary confinement, left it on the dresser, go figure, I could get one, because, after it was missing, my Parowan address was taken, along with my name and social . . . so I had to use my old 3770 Sugar Leo Rd. address, to get a new one, then dropped by the vacant house, and got it, while Allan, worked with judges, letting Shelley wear a wig and pretend she was me, appearing in court in front of a cell mate, of mine, while I was falsely imprisoned, who ratted the bitch out, one rat, deserves to be ratted out . . . really, never missed a court date, hearing, timed brief, in 4 states, to the U.S. Supreme Court . . . Shelley, was prosecuted for charged by the bar, until they were bought off too, for practicing law without a license . . . boys just took care of that, I became her sorry ass, and she became me!  She was being me, all planned, hiding in the Bloomington house, for 8 months, until neighbors and everyone, thought, there was just one woman, living there, planned on bumping me off . . . and 5th District Judges, Westfall and Walton, were paid to allow it, having a year and a half of experience with me int court, I am sure the placating, modest mouse was a great relief, and she needed practice time . . . Westfall also held me in court on Allan Rex Bess's trial and jury deliberation, from 8 a.m., until 1:00 a.m., yes the following morning, to block me from attending my own Halloween Party, with Shelley stepping in my place . . . 250 guests, decorated to the tee, catered, music, and featuring two of my photo artist friends and client, date was October 29, 2010, should be on the record for evidence . . . plan had long been in place!  And, this is considered, good behavior, for constitutional purposes, under Article III and judge retention . . . it is in UTAH!  Hey, what can I say, there is no separation of church and state, they were directed to do it, probably from the boys up north, Shurtleff and Swallow!
  • after numerous trips back and forth between Utah and Montana, and at the recommendation of many, I was told to come to Kalispell and Whitefish, where I was promptly chased and followed by police . . . but successfully alluded them, as I have for two years, this fall . . . but in October, or November, I got up to Glacier National Park . . . in the fall, are you kidding me, gorgeous, lovely, amazing . . . I cruised down to Polson, where I was willing to work at Subway . . . evidence of authenticity, written application with signature if managers still have application, but I heard on the radio, that Code of the West docementary of FBI raids of marijuana growers, legislative issues, and related issues . . . ALCU monitoring session!  I signed the roster, but my email addresses, were stolen shortly after that, to cover up the fact that it was ME, again, doing the work here in Montana, that Glacier Country, who hated the feds like I did, dug my work and my stories about getting cops in southern Utah fired . . . Brett Tolman, U.S. Attorney, securities defense, now . . . sent in the troops, undercover . . . typed at the State Law Library, followed by cops ever since, for awhile . . . enemies thought cool and wanted to take credit, that is where twins come in . . . pathetic excuse for twins!  Oh, well, the worn out old boys, like tapping the easy chick's that rely on them for help, dig tapping their likewise, saggy, worn out old asses . . . LOL!  I avoided passing myself around, being used and abused, even refused sex with Allan aka Frank . . . Mr. 007, hey, it was a business deal, he just thought he could convince me . . . didn't want to touch his dirty ass and other disgusting parts!  Shelley is a different animal, altogether . . . but, she is sweeter than I am!  Tony, Verdell, and Carolyn, lying will agree!
  • I was the one, who was allegedly killed, right after I wrote about the medical marijuana raids, and told about Utah . . . Are You Mac Enough . . . better wrap this up, McD's is going to kick me out!
  • testified at Montana Legislative sessions, water compact, wild horses and burros, parental notification of abortion . . . hey, Rach, take credit for that one, LOL!  You won't be speaking for Republicans or me again!  And attended the session, in the Supreme Court, by the Senate Judiciary, I believe, but didn't testify . . . just watching the session, to see where the law was going, but I did, do a constitutional analysis and comment, via email, to concern parties, writing that November 5th or 6th, trying to get it in before the People voted on the referendum . . . law promoted by feds! Terrible law!  By the way . . .
  • wrote comments on the Zimmerman trial . . . most reads that Ed Berry ever got on his PolyMontana website and newsletter . . . those are the highlights, worked at the NW Fairground and Fair, with Jerry O'Neill and others, to help stop the Forest Service Road Closures . . . oh, sorry, putting the roads in storage is the preferred term . . . used to confuse you! 

I Swear, They Murder!  A Refresher Course, For Those With Terminal Brain Atrophy!  If These is One Thing the Lord Hates . . . Ingratitude!

Do you think for one second, a former assistant attorney general, with honors, award, accolade, trophies up to an including killing asset forfeiture, single handed, with one piece of paper, testifying in front of 1,000 cops and refusing to bend an inch, nor compromise . . . the Constitution is not an area I bend on, and then spreading the gospel of curtailing cop incentives and slush funds, to 27 other states, taking down doctor's legislation, again with a single letter to the health committee, putting it on the consensus calendar, meaning, no further debate, beating the state's largest law firm on a patent case, 6 months out of law school, in a specialty area of law, and on and on . . . and Kalispell of all places, from the mayor, old and new, to leaders, to statewide Federation of Republican Women, in Helena, to Code of the West presentations, on legislative issues on medical marijuana . . . to saving the state $55,000,000 on the water compact!

Wake up!  I can take my legal skills, that I am sure your bull shit, JoAnn, in whatever the 31 flavor of the day is, for whatever occasion, from fake attorneys, to history lessons on the water compact or Kerr Dam . . . you are letting the blind lead the blind . . . do you think for one second, I can't produce my U.S. Supreme Court certificate?  I love Montana, and believe, that are basically, at the most elementary level better than Utah, in the legislature, the courts, in law enforcement, prosecutor offices, just because they are not so arrogant, to think, that they know it all, have connections in Washington, D.C. through the FBI, CIA, and NSA . . . you know the 30,000 spies they just parked in Lehi, or across from Thanksgiving Pointe . . . and do you realize, who blasted that piece of information to the nation, as well as the 70% Mormon rate in the intelligence community, or wrote the preliminary briefs, AG Shurtleff under investigation, took credit for . . . the constitutional challenge to Obamacare . . . former general counsel, and someone who actually eats, sleeps, and drinks the U.S. Constitution, might be a better guess for the originator, that the guy, a friend, whom I thought might want to keep abreast of the issues!  And the list goes on and on . . . enough to provide, 20 women with great credentials!

Hell, You Got 49 Shots at Being Better Than Utah!

If this set of idiots, who think they are getting away with anything, think for one second, the feds, under the Department of Justice, are not watching everything I write, connecting the dots, with me under surveillance on computers, cell phone, email, the one great thing about the PRISM spy system, is they can also use if for good, and I don't mind, even without a warrant, if they take down my totally criminal enemies, or the domestic and foreign enemies of the state, through something I say or write . . . just yesterday, while I was writing for 12 fucking hours, at the Kalispell, Medical Center, first on the patio outside the Cafe', then later, upstairs in the Sunnyview Cafe, because in needed power . . . as I tried to publish, there were at least 5 various, entities, that were jacking my work!

I am trying to document every move I make, due to liars, like Verdell, who knows damn well who I am, who read, edited and critiqued his articles for the newspaper, who wrote the analysis of the Hellgate Treaty of 1855, following at least 5 or 6 other versions, starting with the request from Carolyn Solomon, who first asked me to get involved by writing a constitutional analysis, to help with the effort to get the Montana Legislature to first, table the water compact for two weeks, then, later, I just happened to be passing though Helena, the very day, all the Indians and Ranchers . . . not the 44DDD bra, sister, who is 3 inches taller, with size 11 feet, you and the liars, want to be the one, who testified . . . she was down in Cove, being a sex slave to her steroid pumped, mini mouse husband!  LOL!

I am sure Tony, Verdell and Carolyn, are pissed that I wrote about them in MY blog, Rachel, your preferred flight attendant version of me . . . gag, is goofy as hell, but, like I said, like is attracted to like.  Hell, Carolyn is about her speed, just so cute, wearing high heels, in the parade, to commemorate the victims of domestic violence and sexual assault . . . heals over head for sure!  From a professional standpoint, disgustingly stupid, an insult to the realities of crimes against women, and that is coming from, me, who just happened to apply for the grant, under VOWA, receiving an award for my, Domestic Violence 101, manual, that served as a national model, with the Department of Justice adapting it for Human Trafficking . . . if you know what they means, I am sure Rachel, had to be told, or may not even know now, since, using my resume to get elected to the town council, a stretch, believe me, to even consider, someone of her lacking intellect, could have my credentials, didn't even know what an ordinance was after 2 years!

Rachel, Shelley, Kay, Sue, or whomever, surely are your type of woman, and that is not a flattering statement!  As I presented to the Republican Women, roughly one September 27, 2012, sure that date has been replaced or was the real constitutional law training, after the feel good, Constitutional Law Day training, Rachel, most likely showed up in her couffed hair, nice attorney looking suit, and of course, those heels, can't for get those now ladies!  Seems to me, Carolyn, that you had your head bowed in reverence to the Alpha teacher and constitutional law trainer, that day at the Capitol, when I said, now, we are going to have the participatory part of the training, on the 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendments to the U.S. Constitution, and every head on your distinguished panel of women leaders throughout the state of Montana, bowed their heads!  And you, Carolyn, were among the humbled!

Careers that Fit, Clothes that Fit--They Stole Everything!  Knowledge that Fits!  Don't be a Victim of Their Truthiness!

I can guarantee, that this attorney, who had slept in her clothes, from the night before, as she often does, with the broken glasses on her nose, like I have sitting right her in McDonald's, doesn't give a rat's ass about the clothes I am wearing . . . I don't need to, the second I open my mouth, there is reverence!  I may have not taken the party line, one abortion, or whatever probably offended, the one sided, whiners of the Republican Party, who want to extricate, if you know what that word means, take out half of the U.S. Constitution, they don't agree with, and over emphasize the parts they do, rather than realizing that this is a complex country, a melting pot with tons of differences, that need to work together to get along with each other, agreeing the a set of rules, that give us an ordered society!

The law, is the law, is the law . . . regardless of what you, him, they, or the collective set of heels marching on the streets of Kalispell in a parade think it is!  I presented the law on abortion, from the rulings of the United States Supreme Court, with their 40 law clerks, per justice, do their best, especially on a hot topic like abortion, where doctors were getting shot and clinics blown up, made a political ruling, with a third of the pregnancy, choice, and 2/3rds pro-life . . . the climate in the nation, in 1973, when Roe v. Wade and later, Casey v. Planned Parenthood, were decided, and I was working for Americans United for Life, in Chicago, Rachel, just lived in the suburbs, was much like the situation, we had several months ago, here in Kalispell, where the family center or clinic, the only active clinic performing legal abortions, was vandalized, got pipes cut and electrical boxes, messed with, or broken into, allegedly by a kid, who's parents are big in the Republic Party . . . apparently, you prefer crime over the rule of law!  

A Touch of Utah History . . . Some is Not Worthy of Repeating!

And listening to the crowd of liars you are listening to, will fuck you up, just like Mark and John, former collegues and associates of mine, either from the AGs office or the Legisalture, with Mark a personal friend, whom, asked me to run his campaign, but only after, asking me if I was running, because he knew, that race would have been no contest, I would have won, . . . why in the hell, do you think I got poisoned?  I never died, like ever victim of PIX disease has, within two years of being diagnosed . . . it was a man-made potion, maybe made by my sister, Shelley, who is a biology major, turned alleged, attorney, CIA attorney/actress, who was trying to steal my identity, has been, since I was poisoned, and state sanctioned, just like the crew is trying to now!

Maybe all the women, claiming to be me, would be willing to submit themselves to an independent physicians examination, and see who was punished by the surgical removal, or female circumcision . . . for doing not only my job, but my oath of office, to preserve, protect and defend the U.S. Constitution, so who in their right would support, my enemies?  There is something we call, in the law, self-authenticating evidence, investigators, my want to check my medical records, that, amazingly, Shelley was able to get from, Dr. Foote, who is guilty with Leon Sorenson and Val Bateman, and participated in the take down, and lies, while I was general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, and just saved their doctors from prosecutions and investigations, but perhaps the feds didn't like me taking out their agents!

Self-Authenticating Records

  • dental--I have an extracted tooth, after neglecting a tooth, that I got a root canal on, or was suppose to get something else done, but didn't, second to the last molar, on the right side, threw the bridge I got away, that was on the back 3 teeth away, when I thought I didn't need them, what does a dead woman need a bridge for?  Check mouth, now, very consistent with lack of medical attention for 14 years . . . going to die!
  • medical--I broke my left leg or ankle in 5 places, after a bike incident up near the water treatment center, on River Road in Logan, on the way to First Dam!  I shattered my ankle bones, when my foot remained on the pavement, and my body went down, when the front wheel, turned and trapped me, while standing, and I fell . . . I got the bones set at the emergency room, and was referred to a plastic surgeon, a week later, to see of I needed screws and pins to hold the bones together, luckily I didn't.  I also broke my leg skiing in about 1967, at Brian Head Ski Resort, so records should be in Cedar City, split my head open skiing up at Alta, treated at the University of Utah Medical Center, I believe, baby, Nicole born in Tuscon, babies Christian and Elliot, born in Ogden, McKay Dee, daughter, Greta, born in Salt Lake City, at LDS Hospital, I think . . . that will make the non-denominational Christian hurl!  LOL!  Like mother, like daughter, next generation of amazing attorneys, Meggie is shit, nanny fodder, so was her namesake, Meg Southwick Nesbitt, classmate with Kay Burningham, and friend of Reed Richards, going to rub it into the Bad Grandpa, who facilitated the theft of Elliot's music, wanted to be an attorney, the daughter he has hated, not only excelled, but kicked the shit ouf to his nemisis . . . the Utah Securities Division . . . the right way, not through ratting out people, I always did it the right way!  Shelley always wanted something for nothing!  Same with Isaac and Jesse, and the rest of the Southwick crew, play with the mob, pay the cost!
  • mental health--after I was poisoned, I went from general counsel of the Utah Medical Association, professor of family law, with my own, anger management company, making $500 per hour for a minimum of 2 hour presentations, in high demand, and writing for Quicknowlege, an online educational program, helping the elderly, and family, learn about guardianships and conservatorships, a natural extension, of being staff attorney, for the Utah Division of Aging, to being diagnosed at the mental level of a 5 year old.  I only went to Dr. Foote, a few time, I hated the guy, and he didn't like me, because, while I was an assistant attorney general, I killed docs legislation, on medical reporting of domestic violence . . . Foote was President of the Psychiatric Association, and there was a huge objection by the docs, and I didn't go lightly on them, statute said they could get jail time, and fines, was also, the one that kicked their asses at the legislature . . . they had me come speak to the association . . . I don't reverence doctors, like others, and when they said, well, the attorneys always get a continuance, I just said, guess what, it is pay back time . . . we have to wait in your offices . . . just now, it struck me, that Foote, may have carried that grudge, into my treatment, teamed with Shelley, and fabricated tons of documents, because, I tried to get my records from Foots, and had a hard time, he said, there was about 2' of paperwork . . . what, I only saw you a couple of time!  Many of the doctors, had a heart attack, when, the UMA, actually, hired me as their general counsel, and thank God, they did . . . there was not another attorney, in the state, who knew the players, the Constitution, had the name and reputation, to back down the fraud units . . . 15 docs got targeted for up coding on medical bills, neurologist, Taj Becker, shared an office with Dr. Jones, and she called me daily, crying, begging, and asking for help . . . finally, I did, and asked her to send her warrant to me, that led or started the battle, in which she ended up suing, we took out investigators and attorneys, one former, nice, collegue from the AGs office, which didn't help.  Here is another in-grate . . . Taj Becker, whom ended up a national hero for docs, nationwide, a far cry from the babbling sop, that I had call me daily, met Rachel, through daughters, Stephanie, and I can't remember, Taj's daughter . . . but, I am sure, she is part of this sting op, to steal my great works, and they are numerous!  This is just one, but I would venture a guess, that the psychiatrists, went ape shit, and worked poison, for payback, on pushing physicians around, during my assistant AG days . . . if you look at every enemy now, there is bad blood, because I did my job, too well!  Or envious females! And jilted males!  LOL! Not a great reason for this bull shit!  So, for the record, Shelley could get my records, but I could not!  The fraud, was orchestrated, sanctioned, planned, purposeful, and intended, which should ratchet up crimes to felony level crimes . . . high crimes and misdemeanors!
  • medical records for abortion . . . it is the law, so grow the fuck up, my life, my body, my decision, and my consequences.  At the time, I started at the Utah Prosecution Council, AGs Office, I had an abortion, within the first month, so, no, GOD, did not punish me, men and women, did!  But, nobody but Jerry Owen, may boyfriend I was dumping to start fresh, when I moved from Provo to Salt Lake City, is the fucker, who told my family, who didn't know for 7 years of total, unbelievable success, that was his explanation for the down turn in my health . . . really, what happened to the last 7 years?  But, three of my sisters, were pregnant at the same time, now, this colors, the whole last 14 years, in this, Mormon, Republican, only, stupid state . . . it is funny, in the news, yesterday, AG, Mark Shurtleff's opponent, and my former boss, Reed Richards, was just put in the Ogden Mormon Temple Presidency . . . scream, a Democrat!  Oh, my God?  What has this Church come to?  So, there were questions, as to whether Mark and John were going to get excommunicated, especially, in light of the recent excommunication of the founder and leader of a group pushing for the ordination of women, allowing them to have the priesthood, and work as clergy . . . why, the women in the Church, do everything already, but the men, still get credit!  LOL!  But I can guarantee, they will get the preferential treatment, due to the fact, that Utah has created a society of kings and queens . . . these two were part of the anointed!  I would can their asses so fast, to send a message to the rest of the Church, crimes will not be tolerated, but, arguments of due process and equal protection are coming forth . . . hey, news flash, there is a separation of church and state!  Churches can excommunicate whom they will, at will, without due process, although the church does have a process, but equal protection . . . a woman, who just speaks in favor of female priests, and two fucking crooks, but then, you may, have to indict the whole hierarchy of the Mormon Church, including President MONSON, this is dirty up to the Governor and that is not Herbert, but Monson!  Hey, Utah, Prez. Monson, looks a hell of a lot like, mafia or former mafia boss, in Tuscon, Arizona, crime syndicate, and god-father, Joe Banano!  LOL!  Only, Mormon Mafia Don, has a gigantic, worldwide, mob organization, the Mormon Church!  Reed Richards, former Deputy AG, director of the Sheriffs Association, was totally involved in everything that happened to me, lost the elections to Shurtleff, Boy Scout, Duty to Godder at the time, but Christ said, you are like, whited sepulchres on the outside, and full of dead man's bones on the inside! TRUE!  I believe, like Leon Sorenson, who was immediately retired, to go on a Mormon Mission, right after I was poisoned and offered as a sacrifice on the alter of the egos of the Psychiatric Association, for repentence of Leon, for hiring me . . . Reed is hiding behind the whited sephlicures of the temple walls . . . but, as you will remember from scriptures, Christ threw the money changers, God's Revolver, Brock, Cheek cases and millions more, OUT OF THE TEMPLE . . . UTAH!  Val Bateman is a snake, and was pissed that I killed the doctor's legislature, because he was the lobbyist or over legislation for the UMA, go figure, he said that Kay was me, or maybe Rachel, now . . . really, you were an ass when I worked their, and you stayed that way, some of the 7 deadly sins . . . envy, jealousy, pride, false witness, etc.  And ingratitude!
  •   medical records for the female circumcision, another price I paid for saving the docs, putting Utah and our doctors on the map for fighting the feds . . . well, it wasn't the docs who paid, I DID . . . but, no good deed goes unpunished . . . can you believe this shit hole we call Utah?  Just like Verdell, Tony and Carolyn, the very ones you save, are the most venous against you . . . even to their own determent, sounds like Christ and the Jews . . . and look what happened to them, and that is not to minimize, but . . .  I wrote an article, that was published in the BYU Law Journal, on Female Circumcision in Africa, Ethiopia to be exact, for an international law class, with Professor Goldsmith, that I am sure came to the attention of the feds where were pissed their new method of making money, going after the docs, and later the securities dealers, was ratted out and challenged by me, with victims!  So, my doce' gave enemies wicked ideas of how to pay this little female attorney back, who was fighting for the right of women, and still is, let's cut her clitoris off!  Yeh!  Good Idea!  If they were ever recorded and included in the medical records from my attempted suicide, being admitted to the Heber City, or Wasatch Medical Center, under, none other than IHC, or Intermountain Health Care System, I helped doctors from the Ogden area, set up an emergency clinic or group, who hated the IHC system, so another payback, I also helped the docs with contract negotiations against them, so . . . and they are in close contact with the UMA!  But, I would check the McDonald Brothers . . . one a family physician in Heber, and the father of Nicole, my second daughter, who dumped their son, to go in the Air Force, but they always assumed my daughter corrupted their son, quite contrar!  He is not a boring, bald, MO . . . she wouldn't look twice at him now days, his is now, as ugly as his dad, who is likely the doc who performed the circumcision, while I was out for 3 days, with plenty of time to perform it, and that was also done to punish me for aborting, Jerry Owens baby, in the abortion, I made him pay for it, and go with me, or he wanted to, and daddy Southwick, was, I am sure in on the punishment, or the honor cutting!  His three alleged righteous daughters, had their children, Shelley/Ty, Marcie/Tipper, and Rachel/Emily . . . I ditched the zygote in favor of my four, more than amazing children, who will carry on their mother's tradition of kicking the Southwick brood's asses, in looks, talent, style, cool, education, and prowess!  DNA runs deep, and you can lose fat . . . Bad Grandpa!  Fuck YOU!  I always was head over heels type gal, the brain is the largest sex organ . . . but you pussy, dumb asses will go to your graves, never understanding that!  Now, Jerry, told me that he never left the room, so he is complicit in the serious bodily injury, a felony, prison time darlin . . . failure to protect, more like participated, then turned abusive after . . . payback for abortion . . . your baby would have been a freak, and you, sir, are an insect!  Jerry could very likely be a cop, working undercover, he smoked pot and cocaine for years, and never got caught, so what is up with that, it was always, common knowledge, an old long haired hippie! Doing the companies business, tried to trap me, by getting me pregnant, didn't work . . . tried to get me to drop out of law school, didn't work, tried to get me to stop fighting for the U.S. Constitution, the subject of many fights . . . one world order double . . . 20 years ago, I said, I would go down with the ship, no white flag of surrender here . . . hey, militia and constitutional groups, he, Jerry, like Tony, and possibly Stuart Rhodes, are government infiltrators!  But, after Shelley, worked with Jerry to get me to St. George, my father took, me to Kent McDonald . . . an internal medicine doc, and I wondered, why he checked my lower extremities for a brain disease morphed into alleged depression when I failed to die on time . . . making sure bro did the deed, with mafia don, Southwick in the waiting room, playing the concerned father . . . oh, hell, no, this dad puts out hits, favors, I think co-crime boss, daughter Shelley, by ratting out hubby Dave and boss, Wolfson, to securities division, also got the heat off daddy, getting them both out of hot water, Shelley being me, getting to play attorney, be me, stealing Elliot's music, giving it to Isaac, taking me car, and giving it to Jesse, not Chris . . . sending my social security card and driver license to Shelley, who use, abuse, and got the cops to suspend my license . . . no, just told me it was, and allowed her and others to use, my stellar driving record!  And you think the prison system in Utah is crowded now?  Make room!

Arrests of AGs in Utah--Righteous Victory for the People!

Why do they, the chicks you are dealing with, and their male mentors, need to steal, because they are too goddamn stupid to do anything themselves, they just follow me around, event to event, state to state, politician to politician, case to case, meeting to meeting, analysis to analysis, court to court, and bring everyone into the CLUBHOUSE . . . with $$$$, gifts, bribes, perks, vacations--same things Shurtleff and Swallow are being charged with, and they were key players with the crew you are dealing with, and maybe Mark, even called former AG, Governor Bullock, on Verdell's behalf, and called in a political favor, accompanied by gifts, vacations, bribes, tampering with witnesses, evidence, courts too--I sure as hell, hope not! . . . who in the hell do you think Shurtleff and Swallow got theirs favors from . . . same dip shits, CIA within the CIA, or REDS, you are listening to!  Wise UP!  These guys are going down!

Warning, warning, warning . . . the feds work, incognito, undercover, stealth . . . you may be taking a bribe from an undercover agent . . . one of the good guys!  What just happened, in the intervention situation, dealing with Senator Jackson, and the Kerr Dam Project, is a prime example, of just how these guys roll!  Back door deals, secret meetings, false court rulings, reversals, protecting the club members, covering their asses, for a while, or as far as they can . . . however, I would say, things have changed, and old style corruption is heading out the door, this rogue nation is getting their asses kicked by this fucked up group of fools, paid to fund both sides of the water compact, both political parties, and campaigns, think, think, think . . . and I would say, there are possibly 3 undercover agents, right here, right in McDonald's, right next to Costco . . . and guess what, I ordered my food on my credit card, why? So, the feds could match my trail this morning, from the bus, to McD's, with evidence of purchase . . . because, rogue former agents, scan my blogs and claim that my work is coming from one of the girl's computers. 

Willey, Waylan & the Boys, are Singing a Song about Corruption--You Got to Draw a Hard Line . . . We Raise UP Our Glasses Against Evil Forces!

You have a new sheriff in town . . . it's hip to be square!  Modern cops are not of the old breed, of tits and asses, they were raised by smart, tough, women, working in the trenches in the battlefields, on the streets, in the courts, in the work place, and at the top of corporate ladders . . . rogue agents with UN-American activities are passe', double agents, CIA actors, trading intelligence secrets for money, not cool, not in style, put the old style, James Bond to rest, and the new sexy, is smart!  Corruption, the mob, capital cronies, the good ol' boys club, womanizers, users and abusers, are going out of style . . . we are fucking sick and tired of them!  The bad to the bone, is replaced with the new terminology of phat, bad, sick to the bone, with an entirely different meaning, cool, trendy, and we dig them!

It is time to get our shit together as a nation, a world, a government, as elected officials, and world citizens, and give credit where credit it do, the one who does the work, the case, the music, gets the reward  . . . we are sick and tired, in the old school sense of the words, of drones, living off worker bees!  Life is too good, to short, to beautiful, and wonderful, to do anything but, the good!  Hopefully, Utah, will go through growing pains, that it should have done, over a hundred years ago . . . the United States in no place for a theocracy, a monarchy, kings and queens, but citizens, united in an effort to provide the greatest of human experiences of life, or ourselves, and our posterity, free from threat of theft, lies, coercion, intimidation, terror, and death!

We Are Better Than This Montana, Utah!

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